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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Oak: 9 Elm: 10 Birch: 7 Rowan: 24 Juniper: 19 Sycamore: 19 Kukui: 19 we're cutting down trees
  2. Cain: 21 Fern: 8 Victoria: 16 Adrienn: 20 Amaria: 21 Aya: 20 Charlotte: 22 Ciel: 20 Corey: 21 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 20 Julia: 20 Kiki: 20 Luna: 21 Noel: 20 Radomus: 14 Samson: 20 Saphira: 20 Serra: 20 Shade: 21 Shelly: 22 Terra: 18 Titania: 16 Anna: 20 DJ Arclight: 18 Bennett: 16 Blake: 20 Cal: 22 El: 20 Heather: 20 Laura: 20 Dr.Sigmund: 17 Taka: 24 ZEL: 20 Sirius: 18 Solaris: 21 Lin: 20 Fren rime with Burn. What do Grass Types do when they're met with a Fire-type? they Burn. Also, I'm legit surprised Cal is still alive
  3. I have Honey Licorice. I's so good.

    1. Sayia


      Bon apetitt! :)

    2. Wolfox


      If you're ever in the Netherlands and you like Licorice, I suggest you buy honeycomb shaped licorice. it's the best

  4. mathew-valle-specter-knight-art.jpg?1506

    If I need to explain why this is awesome, play Shovel Knight

  5. I think I like Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment better than the main game. Spectre Knight is just so fun

    to play

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      It's not a huge upgrade, but you CAN grind on Spikes

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ayyyyyyyy, not bad not bad. LOL

    4. Mimikyu dayo

      Mimikyu dayo

      Currently waiting for the final release, King of Cards

  6. The sky is a Neighborhood.

    So keep it down~



  7. You know that moment when you buy a new pair of pants and they just fit? Not to tight, not to wide, they just fit. I have that right now. I love it

  8. I'm actually gonna play a bit of Devils Advocate before it's even really needed. I will argue that Victoria isn't a bad character. Is she a good one? Arguably. Is she better than Fern? Yes. Now, the reason that I say Victoria is not a bad character is because of why she does the things to "hamper your progress". The second time you battle her (right before the Slums), she attempted to go in there but instantly got attacked. She wants to see if you are perhaps strong enough to go through and if not protect you from going through. The third time (unless I'm not counting right) is right before you enter Shelly's gym. She wants to stop you from battling Shelly right then and there because while Shelly is willing to do her job as Gym Leader, she's nowhere near a good place mentally yet. She wishes to protect Shelly for a little longer till it's eased up a little. And the last time she does this is before you fight Kiki. Arguably the best or worst time you battle her, she wants to stop you from fighting Kiki because she's afraid of losing her. Kiki being on her deathbed put Victoria on edge and she wants to try and prolong her life as long as possible. And she believes that a battle with you might be too intense for Kiki (which to her credit, she was right on the money there. Kiki didn't faint for no reason). She wishes to stop you so Kiki can live even a little longer. Again, not going to say Victoria is instantly a good character. But looking at the reasons she does the things she does, you can see that she's much more than just a hurdle you gotta jump over. And that's my first controversy on this one. enjoy!
  9. hate to be the bubble burster, but beating Steel with Steel isn't always that hard. because while yes, they resist you. you resist them.
  10. yeah, sorry about using "Let that sink in" again. I just laugh a bit too much everytime I can use it. And picture yourself in Magmortar's shoes. You see a maniac with a GARCHOMP order you to toss a Medicham away. That Garchomp can kill you 3 ways to next Friday. If I was in his shoes I would probably also toss it, as much as I would regret it later
  11. 699 rep huh. is that 9 69's or 6 99's?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alextron


      This question will remain unanswered, as all mysteries do.

    3. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      are you sure it wasn't 69 9s?

    4. Alextron


      And here i thought it was  9 96's.

  12. Cal, in general, is awesome. "But he killed Kiki's medicham". He actually didn't. He only made Magmortar catch it. Solaris gave the order to "Dispose of it". Cal most likely send it out to not arouse suspicion or to save the Medicham from jumping straight into a broken machine. let that sink in for a bit And just to finish it off, his team in ep 16 was AWESOME. 5 fire starters and Magmortar. As much as they can be disliked, you can not deny that he had power
  13. I would agree. but that would mean another Steel Type gym battle because the Badge would no longer be valid. and I'm not a fan of those (3 guesses why)
  14. Cain: 20 Fern: 18 Victoria: 20 Adrienn: 20 Amaria: 20 Aya: 20 Charlotte: 20 Ciel: 20 Corey: 20 Florinia: 21 Hardy: 20 Julia: 20 Kiki: 20 Luna: 20 Noel: 20 Radomus: 18 Samson: 20 Saphira: 20 Serra: 20 Shade: 20 Shelly: 20 Terra: 18 Titania: 20 Anna: 20 DJ Arclight: 20 Bennett: 20 Blake: 20 Cal: 21 El: 20 Heather: 20 Laura: 20 Dr. Sigmund: 20 Taka: 21 ZEL: 20 Sirius: 20 Solaris: 20 Fire beats Grass. Fern is Ass. Cal Kicks Ass. Simple math
  15. Oak: 13 Elm: 13 Birch: 6 Rowan: 25 Juniper: 19 Sycamore: 19 Kukui: 21 as much as I dislike Birch as well, I still can't dislike him more than Oak. He's hyped up to be the "best" professor for making the Pokédex. But he really half-assed it at best (Insurgence is more finished than Oak's Pokédex. That's how bad it is). Not remembering the name of your own fucking grandson... at least Birch remembers May's name. Elm never knew Silver, so that's normal for him to not know his name. Rowan has never spoken to Barry or the player, so again it's normal. Juniper never spoke to Hugh but is decently acquainted in her hometown, Sycamore knows all the names without having any relation to them and Kukui never mentioned Hau so we can't judge if he knew Hau before or not. And that's only talking about the Rival naming. Rowan talks smack on team Galactic after they lose their temper after he talked to the player while mugging him. Kukui almost got to get work done on Team Skull. Juniper is invested in the story (not too much, but more than most). Sycamore...? Elm lets you know about the Radio Tower. Birtch...? But Oak never tells you SHIT outside of telling you to fuck off into Kanto after he gives you the dex (in gen 1 he doesn't even give you Pokéballs). Even Alolan Oak does more than Samuel ever did.
  16. I would argue that Victoria is one of my favorite's in the game. She goes through quite a bit and it easily shows. after Kiki dies you can already see how it affects her. then when you meet up with her again and she just knocks that grunt out cold for just mentioning Kiki's name... Development out the ass.
  17. Wolfox

    A Proposition.

    I would say sorry too, but I won't. taking out a move that is, as I said earlier, quite easy to play around is not something that will often result in good feedback. I know I was incorrect, but eh.
  18. I know Call is not gonna win a Reborn Hurt and Heal. I just have a gut feeling about it. I mean for each of the ones I've done my favorite has lost, be it the first to go or the last to fall. So seeing as Call is without a doubt my favorite character in the game... I just have a feeling that he won't last too long.
  19. I won;t say much about todays Vrains Episode. but what I will say is that Akira Zaizen is my new favorite

  20. Wolfox

    A Proposition.

    So, a move that's easier to read than a children book and easier to play around than a Slaking is a big issue? Honestly, I've never really had any issues with it because team coverage and strategizing being a big thing that makes Reborn Reborn. and as @walpurgis already stated: it's already been nerfed to base 70
  21. could have been worse luck. at least it's not Shiny
  22. I just realized how Crazy Ghirahim really is. in the first battle you have with him he catches Links Sword while you swing it. WITH HIS BARE HAND. Now, maybe I'm stupid, but that doesn;t seem like the best of idea's

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      Pay close attention to the sound that hitting him produces. That's not a cutting or slashing sound.

    2. Wolfox


      Yeah. I know most about how you fight Ghirahim. but still. what if that Sword could actually cut him. Wouldn't he feel stupid then? Then again it's Ghirahim. Arguably the best antagonist a Zelda game has had (he's like Vaas Montenegro, but without getting his thunder stolen. I mean fuck he pulls off his master plan)

  23. Alolan Oak has been taken down it seems
  24. there's only one way to play games. the way you want to!

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