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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats
    Lining 'em up like ass cracks
    Ladies, ponies at the track
    It's my chocolate attack
    Shoot, I'm steppin' in heart of this here (yeah)
    Care Bear rappin' in heart of this here (yeah)
    Watch me as I gravitate, hahahahaha
    Yo, we gon' ghost town this Motown
    With yo' sound, you in the blink
    Gon' bite the dust, can't fight with us
    With yo' sound you kill the inc
    So don't stop, get it, get it (get it)
    Until you're cheddar heavy
    You watch the way I navigate, hahahahaha~

  2. If I need to explain why this is cute...
  3. Oak: 17 Elm: 15 Birch: 8 Rowan: 22 Juniper: 17 Sycamore: 18 Kukui: 21 Alolan Oak: 5
  4. I don't care how you feel about the game. this music is just amazing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      How can people hate Shovel Knight? lt's bloody brilliant lol. Not one of my more favourites in the game, l tend to prefer the level themes... think Pridemoor Keep's is still my favourite.

    3. Dreamy


      definitely something I need to play in the future.

    4. Wolfox


      I've heard people compare it to Oldschool Megaman due to how hard it can get. I personally believe it's more like Old School Castlevania

  5. Why did I only just realize that I can name my gardevoir and Gallade after Fi and Ghirahim...

  6. So, here's an unpopular opinion.

    I like Fi. Yes, Fi is annoying. But if nothing else she's better thn Navi. most of the Info Fi gave me on my first time through Skyward Sword was more useful than any info Navi game me in OoT3ds. And as much as it can piss you off, her letting you know yout Wii mote is almost of out batteries can be really usefull. And the Lore of her and Ghirahim pretty much being w sides of the same coin (Making Ghirahim her Brother?) is simply amazing

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      Fi is okay, I guess. I actually like Navi tho...

  7. silly people: give me one redeamable thing about Skyward Sword that has nothing to do with "getting used to the motion controls"!






    Silly People: shut up...

    1. BandorKitty


      Oh Ghirahim, even though you were my enemy, I long to see you again.

    2. Wolfox


      we need a spin-off where you play as Ghirahim. not like you can do in Hyrule Warriors, but a legit spin-off focused on him

  8. people seem th think they're Yusaku. cuz they're spamming Links


  9. once uppon a time I could take anything~

  10. Better idea! Drayden (dragon gl of gen 5). he wrestles with his dragons as training.
  11. I'll just ask Crasher Wake to curb stomp him.
  12. Playing through Soul Silver again. Starter:


    Nickname: Lavernius. Named after the best of the RvB Sim Troopers, f*cker! Wait... replace the F with a t and... Tucker! that's it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sayia


      Totodile and Cyndaquil are the best gen 2 starters :)

    3. Alistair


      *quietly waits for Zarc to see this blasphemy*

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      but chikorita is the best johto starter

  13. so, I'm replaying Megaman ZX. really good game if you ask me. funny thingy. I managed to find a little cheat that gave me the CX form. Which is basically Zero from the Megaman X franchise (to which ZX is a spin-off). And holy shit is that form Broken. From a burning sword upperecut(literally cut) to a sword beam to multiple sword beam... that form is too OP... and I love it

  14. What? I'm not trying to hide the fact I'm the Dutch Jack Atlas. What you on about?

  15. here's something interesting/ The first Zelda game I played was Skyward Sword. I like the game wuite a bit. when I bought it I got the 25 year special edition that includes a cd. Reason for this: it was 1 euro more. I got a cd with Zelda music with my game for 1 euro more. Clearly Nintendo doesn;t know that special editions must at least be 10 euro's/dollars more and add something that only a true collector would want!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BandorKitty


      Haven't played that one yet haha XD sorry

    3. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      I got the version with that sweet golden WiiMote+.
      Skyward Sword had some really good dungeons and bosses. And Ghirahim, easily the most entertaining villain in the series so far.

    4. Wolfox


      Skyward Sword doesn't do everything right. Not a single Zelda game does. But the things it does right... few to no Zelda games can beat the things it does right (example: the pumpkin house sidequest line. not amazing depending on what you gotta do. but just that there's such a long sidequest in the game all for a heart piece... it's good)

  16. going back to bl1 for a bit just to play Lilith. I can see how drastically the plkaystyles between ym Lilith and my Gaige are. with Lilith i tend to tag everyone with some elemental damage and watch how shit goes. with gaige i just shoot till shit stops moving. and that's before we look at the reloading policy

  17. Samuel Oak: 19 Elm: 16 Birch: 8 Rowan: 24 Juniper: 19 Sycamore: 18 Kukui: 19 Samson Oak: 13
  18. So... I had a weird dream... I dreamed about the first couple of RWBY Episodes ending in the Forrest where the teams got decided. The weord part was that I dreamed I was a character... I remember most of the traits so I decided to share them (I also somehow remember the one I was partnered with...)




    Semblance: Dust Mastery

    Dust Mastery allows the wielder... user... owner? what ever. Allows Wolfox to tap into the Energy of Dust that's in his clothing and wield it without using Dust itself and without the Dust in the cloths running out of power. The more Dust of a certain kind he has on a clothing article (the bigger the clothing, the more posdible Dust), the more he can do with the power of said Dust. Does tire him out as regular movement would.


    Gunblade based on the Gunblade from Final Fantasy

    Single glove (Gravity Dust)

    Long sleeved shirt (Fire Dust)

    Sleeveless jacket (No Dust)

    Regular jeans (Electricity Dust)

    Pumpkin Pete socks (No Dust)

    Sneakers (No Dust)

    Combat ability: Knows his way around a fight but not as strong as let's say Yang. While he is a pretty good fighter and his semblance allows for some incredible options, he never had too much time to train (more on that later) and thus has about Basic Training levels of combat ability.

    Semblance Use:

    Wolfox generally uses his Semblance Dust Powers (as Ruby called them. He's an old friend of Ruby and Yang BTW) to keep control of the fight and not let things get out of hand. With his Fist Dust Shirt he is able to wield fire about as well as Cinder before she was a complete Fall Maider (or at least that's what people say). With his Electricity pants it's pretty much the same. His glove, though, allows him to manipulate the gravity of one target. be it himself, another person, a grim an object. but only one at a time (gloves don't store much Dust you know).


    Wolfox grew up with a family of Dust Tailors. Dust Tailors are people who instead of fighting create clothing enhanced with Dust (no shit). Wolfox his family is one of the best, easily being able to mix 3 types of Dust in a single article without creating an overlap of one of them. Wolfox is the worst at this of his family. This is mainly because he also focused on general combat training at school. When he heared he was accepted into Beacon his little sister gave him a glove she had made. It was made with Gravity Dust (and that's were that comes from).


    Jenn (partner)


    Semblance: Quick Wit.

    Jenn is able to think at least twice as fast as Dr Oobleck can move. Mind you this doesn't make her smarter, only makes her think of ways to deal with things faster. Pair well with her being a technical girl and a huge gear head.

    Gear: Cybernetic Arm (right), lower legs and eye. Regular clothing.

    Combat Ability: Jenn likes to be in the back of the fight. More so planning than actually fighting. When she does fight she does so using her Arm and Legs are her "Weapons". She charges them with Dust (this is theis Gimmick BTW. The two work extremely well with Dust) to do things that work with the situation. Her favorite move being First Dust Explosive Punch.


    Jenn Grew up in Atlas missing her Right arm. She was born without it. One day she entered a contest that could potentially allow her new limbs. The winner (Anounced by Weiss Schnee) was Jenn. Jenn, thinking Weiss had chosen her (remember, she's just a little kid when this happened), was extremely happy and started idolizing Weiss. The next week when she lay there on a hispital bed (it had to be atached like that becayse there never was anything), she asked a strange question. "Is it a problem if I also ask for a new Eye and lower legs?" The doctors didn;t know what to say and just gave her those, seeing as the contest never specifically said it could be one limb (needless to say. that was the end of that contest). Since that day Jenn has become a huge Gear Head, always tampering with her arm and legs to improof them where possible. This lead to her finding a way to inster her scroll into her arm and see it with her Cybernetic Eye. And she can display things with a projector she added into the palm of her hand. being a technical mind and a fast thinker allowed her to easily find impoovements to her equipment when needed. Timid girl over all.

    yeah, that's pretty much it

  19. Hey chicka bum bum

  20. remember when people said Nintendo should get with the times? Well would that mean they should stop making games to entertain the people who buy said games?

  21. downvoting you second favorite because he's loved? That's like saying "This game deserves a 7.5 IMO. but because it's at a 9.0 I'm gonna give it a 1".
  22. He may be a wrestler, but Rowan roasted some team galactic grunts that were robbing him right after he decided to talk to the player (while still being robbed). This old dude has the guts to not only talk back to people mugging him but to fucking disrespect them by just talking to someone else like nothing is wrong while he's at it.
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