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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. and even with the knowledge of that Bulba got beaten by one of the big Underdogs
  2. then Flareon isn't an eeveelution. cuz it's not
  3. does anyone here know the Megaman ZX series? you know, the spin-off series of the spin-off series?

  4. I said it a few times and I'll say it again. this song and video clip hit me right in the feels

  5. Dragonite: 20 Tyranitar: 20 Salamence: 18 Metagross: 20 Garchomp: 21 Hydreigon: 20 Goodra: 20 Kommo-o: 20 You didn't need a mega Salamence. So I hope you brought your wallet because the rent in hell get's PAID IN ADVANCE!
  6. "Be able to get all legendaries in your game without transferring between generations" Nah, not big enough of a boom to end it.
  7. I don't recall the exact trailer, but I do remember that it was said (How else do numerous people believe that it was said in a trailer)
  8. @Chim I feel like this is how he feels
  9. ... yes, it was said that it's an alternate story... Multiple times even I think And I get your point, but in general, USUM is a better game than Sun and Moon if you don't look at the story.
  10. Watch a moron try to fix a bad story

  11. By that logic Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum are just as much of "DLC". Also, it has literally been stated that it was an alternate story in alola. no continuation. I see your points. But I do want to ask: does it make the game worse than Sun and Moon?
  12. Good morning guys. as I went to bed last night I somehow thought of some things that can potentially change the plot of FE Fates for the better. Please let me know if you like my changes or if they are even worse than what we have now (And just forget that I went to bed thinking about the plot of fates...). I will generally be focusing on Revelation because most of the bigger changes there could probably salvage Conquest and Birthright, as those are not too terrible if you don't think about it. First of all, the elephant in the room: Anankos. He can stay, but he no longer controls Garon or anyone outside of Vahl. He's still crazy with power and still wants to take control of Hoshido and Nohr. But this time he and his army are waiting for a big battle. When the armies are at their weakest they will strike. With that settled, the way Corrin finds out about this is also changed. Azura wants to take him/her to a place that's save, and she assumes Vahl is save because her necklace protects her from being found by any soldiers. Corrin and Jakob/Felicia are not as lucky. This, in turn, leads them to finding out about the curse (That can actually stay, would make it an even bigger uphill struggle) and the plans of Anankos. Also, Gunter returns like he does in revelation. He will be a green unit and not be playable, though, When they return to Nohr/Hoshido they know that they have to find some way to stop Anankos. This leads to them going to Nohr first because Felicia/Jakob says that they know a quick and easy way to the castle. On the way, they are halted by some people who end up joining you which after you try to explain what's going on. When you reach the Nohrian castle where your family there lives, you are greeted with a couple of knights (Among those is Silas) and escorted to the King's quarters. As you try to explain what's going on to him, he tells you that he wants to see if you are lying in battle. Because old Garon believes that "If you are lying you don't have enough resolve to proof your right" (Remember Garon isn't controlled by Anankos and it's 100% evil). This would be a good time to explain how the war between Hoshido and Nohr started. So a few Generation back (before Garo's dad was even born) Nohr suffered through some terrible famine. The Hoshidans were begged for help, yet they refused. The King of Hoshido at that moment in time had little care for anything but Hoshido's welfare. Nohr eventually got back on its feet (if barely) and this is how the feud began. Later this turned into an all-out War. Garon is mainly driven by spite of the Hoshidens, but still has most of his wits. We good? Good. After the battle, Garon knows your resolve is pure and that you are not lying. Telling his Children to aid you when needed and that he will join you personally when you go to the third kingdom (he won't be playable though). After that, you go to Hoshido, accompanied by some of you Nohrian siblings and their retainers. This makes walking up to the Castle a hard task, so they decide to go through the Wind and Fire tribes, leading to that Revelations battle where Rinkha joins you, but this time with your Nohrian allies. When they reach the castle something similar happens to what happened with Garon, but Ryoma is willing to simply hear Corrin out after his sisters nagged his ears off about it (just seems like a bit of humor in there. Ryoma is a reasonable guy and just seeing Sakura telling him what's what would just be hilarious). He agree's to join, though he's reluctant to trust the Nohians (and they are of the Hoshidans). Skip to the parts where they are in Vahl, they instantly get attacked and all of that fun stuff. There's not too much story to go between reaching Vahl and reaching the castle so... more skips. (I'm gonna lightning round this for a sec because I already wrote it but when I pressed enter to make a "What do you think?" end it deleted that part. Thanks, forums. love you too.) Nohrians and Hoshidans learn to trust and like each other. Garon and Ryoma apologize for that happened in the past and wish to build peace from this experience. Right as they are gonna shake hands Gunter kills Garon as revenge for something. The battle with Gunter kills him, the Nohrians cry for their father and the big bad battle with Anankos happens. Also Corrin gains the Vahlian Noble class and the Omega Yato.
  13. at least my third favorite is the winner. @Anstane will be proud. And bibs... is going to flip some shit
  14. Chespin learns Pin Missle. the Pins can be seen as Knives to a certain extent. Who liked throwing knives?
  15. Espeon: 6 Glaceon : 3 Sylveon: 6 all tied up
  16. Mew: 11 Jirachi: 3 Manaphy: 9 it's almost done
  17. Bulbasaur: 0 Cyndaquil: 2 Totodile: 9 Piplup: 13 Chespin: 13 It's 3 minutes till date change. close enough IMO
  18. SON OF A! I just hit my damn hahd on my desk.

    1. J-Awesome_One


      What part of the body is that? Never heard of that before. :o

    2. Wolfox
  19. not exactly true. for all you know they could have found it themselves or others would have upvoted espeon. And if nothing else this has thought me something: if I make another Hurt and heal, I'm gonna make a no collution rule in the same spirit as the coloring rule. if nothing else to keep it as genuine as possible
  20. I gotta point this out now: Espeon aint a cat. It's a carbuncle Like this
  21. In other news: I ask 2 of my best friends if we could try playing through BL 1 together. It's gonna be a shitstorm and a half

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