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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Isn;t alolan Ninetales the embodiment of Ame?
  2. I'm probably jumpi g on a bandwagon here, but I was pretty damn shocked and sad when Jack killed Bloodwing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ZEL


      Oh man, same Huk.
      Mordecai was my original BL1 playthrough character, so I was like, you can't DO THIS TO ME.

      It does, however, do a good job of setting a new milestone for how much of an ass Jack is.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol @ZEL, l was playin' with my little bro at the time cause we played the original together alot and like...he was like sitting next to me while l was mad as hell jsut like "l feel you man. Bloodwing was family. We gotta get revenge."

    4. Wolfox


      If nothing else he didn't kill Butt Stallion tho. That counts for something? Speaking off... How does that horse even work?

  3. I guess when a fairy type get's killed all is fair, but when a fairy is about to win fair and square things need to change :/
  4. Exactly. They got a few people healing them sometimes. but usually, Bulba and Cynda are killing each other.
  5. Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil: We have an Army! the rest: We got a Hulk
  6. "It's predictable, so it's okay." You know what else is predictable? MEGA MAWILE. I mean that mon only has one common set. And Hoops U had quite a bit more
  7. Didn't you say you dislike what you're doing now Alistair? You know, colluding to make a certain one win from outside planning
  8. *sniffs* smells like bias covered up with a pile of salt
  9. @Jess They once banned Mega Gallade because that with Knock Off was scary for psychic. I think I've said enough
  10. Let's also remember that they allowed another council of another meta to be biased to a certain thing and not care about balance as much there (gen 6 psychic. the mono council mained it and tried keeping it on top. This got noticed and they said they wouldn't do it in gen 7 anymore). So yeah, when that happened expect some other meta's to also have a bit of a "corrupt" council if you wanna call it that
  11. Remember a few days ago where I didn't play via steam because my sister way playing and that would close her game? Well either she didn't care or she didn;t read it and right durring a Boss Fight in BL2 Ithe game closed...

    1. Dreamy


      RIP. at least it autosaves reasonably often but still, that sucks

    2. Wolfox


      yeah... If nothing else I finished it later on the day

  12. Someone once tried telling me that that wasn't a stall based set. If your main way of removing your opponents HP is through something like will-o or Toxic and you generally click a move like recover, it's a stall based set.
  13. Speaking of BL 2. Remember when I said I dislike part that are too focused on multiplayer? Well guess what quests I will actually never do! The Timed quests. 2 minutes to go to 4 pretty far away parts of the map and pick up a fucking arm. And let's not forget that at one point there's a god damn EXP Loader that will fuck you up. you don;t have time to kill it and you can;t run away fast enough before it will explode, most likely taking your shield and sometimes you life.


    That, people, is bad game design. I don't care that your focus is on playing it with friends. you, NEVER, make something impossible for single player. Fully Healing Any enemies in an area once the player dies? Fine, adds some challenge to your approach. Making Vehicular Combat decently hard for sngle player? Again, fine, Making impossible quests unless you play with someone else? That is plain bad game design.


    I, for one, have no friends who also own BL2. So how am I suposed to do those missions now 2K? Huh? By fucking waiting untill one of my friends purchases the game on steam, waiting till their character reaches a good level and doing it with them. Maybe I'm a bit harsh but this one aspect makes BL 1 a better game for me so far.

    1. Wolfox


      And for those saying "it can't be that bad"


      note that I picked one up and half of my time was gone. See where that care is? that where it was. And a bit north is the place where the quests starts.

  14. I personally don't dislike Mew. But I do kinda dislike how people use it. Before it got a Z-move, it was generally a will-o defensive stally set... And then there's me, thinking that of literally everything you can do, you choose that...
  15. So, I'm a little disapointed about one certain part of BL2: The Clan Wars sidequest storm. over all I really like them, but there's just one part of it that made me feel a bit disapointed. For those who don't know, there's a part there where yo have to get drunk to enter what's pretty much an irish pub (Disregard the fact that the character I'm playing as is 16 and in most countries not even old enough to drink). All this drunkness gives you is some visual effects, but no drunk physics. It doesn;t need to be too much, just make the camera wonky, make walking a bit harder and make it seem like you just create some walls out of nowhere

    1. ZEL


      Honestly, same. When I first played that part, I anticipated that it'd perhaps give me bad aim, at the very least. Would've had potential to make everything a little more difficult.
      Still a fun questline though!

  16. Vaporeon: 6 Espeon: 9 Leafeon: 4 Glaceon: 8 Sylveon: 13 Yeah... I like Vaporeon but compared to the other eeveelutions still alive...
  17. Mew: 12 Jirachi: 6 Manaphy: 11 Victini: 6
  18. Bulbasaur: 12 Cyndaquil: 13 Totodile: 12 Mudkip: 3 Piplup: 14 Chespin: 13 New heal target. same hurt target
  19. Simple question really. Can you truly say USUM is not a great game for being a lot like Sun and Moon? Before you say "Yes, of course.", please take in mind that I'm talking about USUM on its own. I, personally, would say no. Of course, if you want you are allowed to. But I won't say it's justified. Sun and Moon, with all their issues, are amazing games. USUM fixes quite a bit of the issues Sun and Moon had. A nice example being the Intro and tutorial. USUM are great games, even if they are similar to Sun and Moon, be it in the best or worst parts. But that's just my 2 cents on it. Please let me know what you think
  20. I think I found my favorite enemie in BL2. the Crystalids (if I spelled that right). No, it's not because those are pretty good money farms, but the way you fight them. For those who don't know, they have 3 weakspots. Those are the only spots you can hurt them. and once you destroyed one of those spots you gotta focus on the other two or the last one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dreamy


      crystalisks are pretty cool, though it can be annoying trying to fight them as a sniper because there's generally one leg always facing away from you and they dont turn much.

    3. Wolfox


      DT Doesn't care about that. He focusses one leg while I pop the other two with anything between a revolver, a shotgun, and an assault rifle.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Doesn't Bore get around that though? l don't remember havin' any issues and l only played Zer0 LOL

  21. someone please explain how I managed to surpass ICSW in rep. it's only by one point so it could change any minute, but still...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *need to be creative to get Rep... runs both the sub-forums literally all about creativity (and got one of them created by sheer force of will) and has next to none.* 

      Joking aside XD, ye it's certainly a factor but it's but one of them. There's a ot of facotrs that go into why somebody gains rep etc... cause it's a system that works that way. Rep points have no inherant meaning so people can give them out for a WlDE variety of reasonings. lt's hard to pinpoint exactly why one person would gain more than another etc... cause lt's take lot of analysis of not just one person and there's a huge uncountable number of factors at play.

    3. Jess


      I think that in order to gain rep you must offer something to the community. Now it might be advice to young community members, help with corrupted files, trading away bred 'mons to people who ask, do a custom run to entertain the community members, or just be a positive person and exchange opinions around. Or be funny.

      Whichever each person does depends on the personality of the person. I'd never be able to spend hours on my PC to fulfill the most absurd trade requests that people might have, the way @Zarc does. And I'm useless with RPGmaker and savefile editing, so I can't help with corrupt save files the way @walpurgis does. I like doing the other things though.


      All in all, I think that people only gain reputation by offering some kind of service. From entertainment to a simple chat. If you're an asshole, then nobody will give you points.

  22. Me when you wake me up in the middle of the night and tell me you beat up my friends

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      who the fuck would do that

    2. Wolfox


      silly people

  23. What Jess said. Also, a bit of reasoning for why I like nerds: They are the most colorful people you will ever meet. A stereotypical nerd may just be the guy/girl who's really smart, but get to know them and hot damn does a world open up for you. be it gamers, marching band members, sporters (sports nerds are a thing) or whatever. Nerds are just... Amazing
  24. returns to sanctuary after a pretty logn main quest: finds more than 10 side-quests ready to go.


    I think I'll be busy for a day or so with this shit...

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