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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. whne you wanna play some Borderlands but your sister is playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 via steam on the shared pc... and you know that if I ask if she could cut it a bit short because I would like to play a game to unwind her answer is going to be "You have more time to play, so let me.". In other words, I'm probably waiting till around 7:30 pm till I can play. At it's earliest

  2. I'not gonna stop hurting mudkip tho :/ I don't like it nor the line so why would I?
  3. So, with Borderlands 2 in my library, there is one thing I question: Why did I decide playing Gaige was the best idea? or better yet, why the f*ck did I decide to go with the Anarchy skill path?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Magus


      Oh anarchy, I remember when it was stupid broken. You could solo the raid bosses, pre patched Bee with a Conference call and a decent amount of anarchy basically was a one shot on everything.

    3. Josef


      For beginners, Salvador is probably the best character. 

    4. Wolfox


      Why take the easiest character for beginners when Anna R. Key is such a convincing person? She could probably convince Ame that Budew is not that bad

  4. Jolteon: 11 Vaporeon: 15 Umbreon: 12 Espeon: 17 Leafeon: 14 Glaceon: 15 Sylveon: 16 the power of Pix compels you!
  5. Mew: 16 Celebi: 14 Jirachi: 13 Manaphy: 13 Shaymin: 4 Victini: 15 I really like how Azeri talked about how annoying Togekiss is but he's healing the only non-ubers mon that is better at being a paraflinching A-hole.
  6. Bulbasaur: 16 Cyndaquil: 15 Totodile: 15 Mudkip: 12 Turtwig: 9 Chimchar: 5 Piplup: 20 Chespin: 19 Rowlet: 15 Popplio: 15
  7. I just noticed the date you noted for your birthday, may 16th 1991. it so happens to be exactly 7 years before my own birthday. pretty coincidental

    1. Dreamy


      We should have a big forum party on that day since you're both such big members of this community

  8. I don't usually put too much spatk on it, cuz I generally use it to get a few pod hits in and generally just for the Forteresspeople use it
  9. nah, it's balanced clef for me, offensive means Fire Blast. and guess why those two moves. (I'll give you a hint, it starts with an S and it's red)
  10. that moment you need a new hairbrush

  11. To everyone following this, please let me know about this: Would it be an issue if I wrote in my favorite mon into the story decently soon? no teammate will be replaced as of yet, so don't worry about that. please let me know about this. I'll try to not make it feel shoehorned if you don't mind.
  12. If Yusaku would be stuck in SAO, how fast would he be able to hack into it with Kusanagi in the real world helping him?

  13. I won't. I can't force people to agree with my opinions nor should I try to. I can get pretty vocal about it when I can't wrap my head around things
  14. I actually dislike Torracar. it just doesn't look nice to me. Incineroar looks awsome to me tho
  15. Unless I know the reason someone hates a certain mon I do group them there because I don't know their not. An example is @Jess. Xe hates Incineroar because it's too edgy. But others I've spoken to just say "because it's not a quadruped".
  16. Oichi Senpai!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dreamy


      Ranger, Conquest and Mystery Dungeon are all amazing spinoffs that need to be continued

    3. SilverAngelus


      Dreamblitz, multiply that upvote by 1000000000000!

    4. Dreamy


      It's a shame that the switch isn't really ideal for ranger in its current form.  

      EoS is best spinoff though

  17. When I use a wall (which is already rare in itself) I generally use either a support mon or one that can hit back one way or another. never have I resulted to stall or anything like it and I never will. The most "stally" thing I've used is flamethrower Clefable.
  18. I'm not 100% sure if you all know this, but the Manga/Anime/Name of Tiger Mask carries a lot of weight in Japan. To the point where real live wrestlers have taken up the mask and name like the character in the Manga. With that said, don't you think that if the creator of Incineroar let his fandom of that speak a little. I mean he was finally allowed to create a Tiger Pokémon and Tiger Mask was the first thing that came to mind. And, seeing as it carries so much in Japan, the people behind gen 7's acceptances accepted it, as it allowed them to mix their culture and WWE in a mon. so what if it looks like a fighter, it does look cool and Menacing but Friendly, right? I've talked about people hating Incineroar just because it resembles a fighter in the past, as well, and I'm still baffled that that's another reason people shoot themselves in the foot with. if you don't like it, fine. I can't force you to agree with me. but at least try to understand the reasons Gamefreak has for their choices instead of just saying "It's wrong, it should have been this and that and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" because that get's old really fast.
  19. that's fine, but don't use the Bipedal quadruped as an excuse, because, as I've said in the past, just disliking a mon over that is just a waste of time.
  20. I can not respect stall. At all. to me, someone playing to have fun and hoping the opponent has fun as well, seeing someone play stall just makes me feel like that person is a dick. I see 0 skill in playing it because literally all you do is sit on 2 or 3 fat mons while the opponent wants to punch you in the face. mons like Toxapex, Chansey, Porygon2 and many more are just so bitchmade that I seriously can't respect it when people put all stall mons they can use on a team.
  21. That's honestly an answer I hate coming from the people saying Incineroar should have stayed a quadruped. "Because it's a tiger and tigers are supposed to walk on 4 legs!". so are foxes, pigs, and lizards, but it's not a problem for them? The big reason (I belives, don't quote me on this) that we've had 3 fire fighting starters is that it's the easiest to combine those two. Fire is usually a badass and offensive type, and so is fighting. they're the two most offensive types in the entire game and combine they do a lot of shit right. You show me a gen where the fire starter was the bulky one if the trio. I can tell you that the only one coming close is Emboar, but Serpirior is actually the Bulkier starter in gen 5. If you don't like a mon it's fine, but just don't say "It should have been this because of this and this" because GameFreak did what they did for a reason. Just trust that they made the right one and try to like a mon despite your first impression. I used to hate the Popplio line but now it's my favorite starter line in general. Just look beyond the cover.
  22. I won't even need to say anything

  23. Not sure if I showed you this already, but I think you'll like this

    1. Zarc


      You already did it :) 

    2. Zarc


      And yeah i liked it ofc ! 

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