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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Thundermaze has gifs for every situation. Don't question it
    1. Wolfox



      Because what else would you do?

    2. Alextron


      I see you are a man of culture as well.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol tfw l knew this was coming at some point or another XD

      and l mean suplexing boulders is pretty good for your core muscles so... ~~though suplexing ghost trains is muuuuch better. They just aren't easy to find.~~

  2. dQUugNw3SeuRsW-1lUiNeA.png

    I am home

    1. Wolfox


      Scam tem to college!

    2. seki108


      Needs to be posted:




  3. _sNq9PbHQzmZq62ciwTkYg.png

    Take a wild guess

  4. 7jdSj-ptTSaI9uIU9Dcvuw.png

    Vs: Papyrus!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean... he could be dabbing while dabbing the stuff behind his ear

    3. seki108




    4. seki108


      Also, couldn't find this earlier for this occasion @Wolfox, but now I can post it:



  5. I like serperior, it was my very first after all. probably gonna do some more gen 1 hunting first (guess which one is on the hit list)
  6. One the one hand I agree, but on the other, I don't. While giving us an ep 17.5 with these changes would help some mons out, it would take Ame longer to both create that separately and still work toward ep 18, which will already hold these changes in the first place. as bitchy as it may sound, just be patient and next ep you'll be 100% sure to be able to use move tutor moves
  7. Just beat Toriel. Not ashamed to say I almost died a few times

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magus


      I died on her once, there is a little secret if you do.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      to be fair, I really didnt think toriel was easy. its just because of her unwillingness to fight after your hp runs low that your life is made easier.

    4. Wolfox


      Papy was a lot easier, granted I actually had healing items this time

  8. credit where credit is due, the insurgence devs made a good Mega Flygon. Also: Bulbasaur: 25 Charmander: 10 Squirtle: 1 Cyndaquil: 26 Totodile: 19 Treecko: 5 Torchic: 5 Mudkip: 24 Turtwig: 22 Chimchar: 16 Piplup: 21 Snivy: 16 Oshawott: 18 Chespin: 19 Fennekin: 21 Froakie: 18 Rowlet: 19 Litten: 16 Popplio: 24 In other news: my back is itching like f*ck and I got no backscratchers.
  9. move tutors for gen 7 mons are USUM content, reborn works with Sun and Moon for ep 17.
  10. nah. that's going too far, and doesn't stop the Sandstorm damage
  11. Or, or! we give Flygon Magic Guard. that could reference his Desert SPIRIT side. and while we're at it allow for free Life Orb shenanigans
  12. If nothing else they could give it Sand Force and a hidden ability?
  13. I'm gonna praise Konami here a bit (NANI?), I'm not sure if they still do this, but sometimes they do a contest where Yugioh players can send in card designs and said cards can become real cards. one card that comes to mind is Vampire Dragon
  14. I would lay off on bug flying Flygon myself. while I agree that it makes sense, it is called the "Desert Spirit". and to have the desert spirit take damage to sandstorm would not work that well.
  15. Vivillon could get Psychic, give Yanmega dragon and... new bug type for ice
  16. Uhm... doesn't dragon also miss Grass? cuz mega Sceptile is the only one iirc
  17. Paul, the Illegal Bidoof. Flying through the sky while letting out a Roar of Time
  18. Finaly time for me to play a certain game called Undertale. True Pacifist. first time going though. wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      a few. and I have a friend who really loves it

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      good luck. I didnt particularly like undertale at first sight, but its kinda grown on me. defo worth playing.

    4. Dreamy


      As annoying as much of the fandom is, Undertale was a really good game. sadly you won't quite get the experience of a blind playthrough, but I hope you enjoy it regardless =).

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