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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. True. bug, Just like a fairy in that regard, generally relies on its secondary types to hit hard. granted just picture a scizor that can just Uturn with it being resisted by fairy on said fairy. it can beat fairy almost single-handedly (granted it already can)
  2. *Bug no longer resists fairy* little mix up there. And while you're correct about scizor killing fairies because of bullet punch, with just that one move it's already dubbed the best fairy killed in any meta, be it OU or mono. the only things fairy can really do to "check" it are Babiri clef with fire blast (as unreliable it tends to be, it's the best pixies have to kill the Red Menace without sacking everything and hoping Azu get's to do a drum solo) and maybe Klefki can do some damage if the scizor user is dumb enough to try and SD on it (just a tip btw, don't do that unless you're 100% sure Klefki doesn't have Foul Play) Also, @Thundermaze, calling Psychic a "lackluster" type is a little inaccurate. It was the top type in the gen 6 mono meta (granted the whole council mained it and tried keeping it on top by favoring it, leading to things like Mega Gallade being banned because that mon with Knock Off hurt psychic quite a bit). on offence, it's pretty good, but for defense, it's pretty shit, I'll give you that
  3. I mean, fairy generally get's hit neutrally by a lot of things and resists not too many things (like, had it not been immune to dragon it would probably be a terrible type by itself). Maybe a weakness to ghost and psychic resisting it (psychic resist, again, coming from @NickCrash)
  4. had the immunity been a resistance it wouldn't have made big enough an impact on Dragons. what I will say this (I think @NickCrash came with this suggestion) that the resistance to bug should have been neutral. However, I'm on the fence about that one because would that be the case fairy would have literaly 0 ways of beating the Red Menace
  5. you made a little typo there. "Walling with toxic"? that translates to "Toxic Stall"
  6. Seto Kaiba: I have 3 Ace dragon.

    Jack Atlas: I only need one.

    Kaito Tenjo: You said it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      Arc-V is fun. It's only real weaknesses (IMO) being the pacing being a bit off after the half way point and the final bunch of episodes lacking in quality. But to make up for that we get some amazing character (Yugo and Denis for example. Not to mention Shun), a pretty good and dark story and a few plot twists.

      And, ofcourse, this:

      Probably the best pun in the entire Yugioh franchise

    3. SilverAngelus


      :o It's Kaito/Kite. What's he doing in Arc V?

    4. Wolfox


      legacy characters for some characters from gx, 5d's and zexal. Kaito being the only for Zexal, jack, crow and jeager being there for 5d's and asuka and edo for GX

  7. Not sure if you've seen this already, but I feel like an Ojama fan like you will love this

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zargerth


      Thanks Ojama

    3. Wolfox


      remember, don't end up like Ojama Lime

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      tagging @Marcello in this one because the holy words have been spoken

  8. I am 100% certain Radomus is the father of Anna and Noel.
  9. time to make Bibs proud and unlock Ojamanjoume!

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ay yeeeeee


      ojamas are still the most fun to play for me, even though theyre really not good in the current meta. the only way in which ojamas can be viable are through cyber-stein decks, but that deck is just fucking disgusting and please dont use it.

  10. 1






  11. ah. okay (should have been able to put 2 and 2 together).
  12. upside yo being tall and chubby: there's more of you to love

  13. wait, you could get starly that early in the past? that's probably even more OP than the pre-Julia ralts. but no, it's not there anymore
  14. @Awesome_One mind if I ask why you use blue to hurt and red to heal? it can be a bit confusing to see
  15. Bulbasaur: 24 Charmander: 12 Squirtle: 8 Cyndaquil: 24 Totodile: 18 Treecko: 14 Torchic: 13 Mudkip: 26 Turtwig: 21 Chimchar: 16 Piplup: 21 Snivy: 17 Tepig: 5 Oshawott: 20 Chespin: 15 Fennekin: 19 Froakie: 20 Rowlet: 17 Litten: 16 Popplio: 23 nice going bibs, you added a space to between the : and Tepig
  16. I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known...~

  17. I think what I dislike about Neos most is that even in season 4 those cards just feel shoehorned into Judai's deck. like, he has a perrfectly fine Hero deck, and the NEOS! It also (to me at least) feels way to off in the series. Like, imagin Yusei's Stardust being a Ritual Monster. or Yusaku's a Synchro. 0 synergy with the rest but it's okay cuz it's a spiritual succesor (not like Shing Flare couldn;t have done that.)
  18. Swampert going to "monster" with it's mega isn;t really accurate. while in a team dedicated to rain it's strong, it falls flat in every other situation. and the second something with e-ball lives... well you'll be holding a funeral. as for the mons I like... based on how they play in competitive (not how strong, but if they're fun to use and stuff), design/origin and stuff.
  19. good rwby episode. If I can say one thing it will be this:


    The gang is back together! Kind of... Maybe? Likely!






  20. If you feel like playing a fun and quirky one, there is Fusion Generation (What is this? Yugioh GX?). I won't spoilt it but for what I've played of it it's good fun
  21. Today I learned that Neos was not the first idea for Judai's final Boss Monster. No, in fact, it was gonna be this guy: Honestly, I don't even know what to say about this. Yes, it's just a big beater that just gets bigger and burns your opponent, but that by itself is better than all but one Neos card (Rainbow neos btw). It also helps that Flare Wingman was Judai's favorite card (and at the end might still be). As for why they decided that this wasn't good enough... I can think of a big 0 reasons. While being outshined (pun intended) by other E-Heroes, for it's time this was a damn good Boss Monster for Judai's deck (even if it also gets outshined by its counterpart, Shining Fenix Enforcer) mainly due to the fact that you're not gonna get past this without spot removal, and that wasn't too common yet iirc. So, what do you all think? Do you know the reason for this that led to the mistake of the Neos archetype? Which do you think fits Judai's deck better as an ace?
  22. So... about re-naming Trisula and Machine Dupe and changing them to Genex support...

  23. Insurgence is still fun to play, just don't expect it to reach up to Reborn levels tho
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