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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. True, but does this instantly mean that fairy as a whole is an "unbalanced" type? The two types it's weak to may not be extremely common in offense, the moves, and mons that are commons completely send fairy into the ground, in this sense they both got a buff. Now let's take a good look at the two types that had been completely unbalanced in the past: psychic and dragon. Psychic, while only for one gen, only had one real weakness. and the only move that type could bring out to even scare them was Pin Missile. This led to it being nerfed in gen 2 with dark being introduced and ghost now hitting it (granted ghost was still physical and physical ghosts were not a thing until gen 3). Now we look at dragons, a type that has had only 2 weaknesses for 5 generations. those being Dragon and Ice. Ice is a common type of offense, but the second you look at the resists you can understand how Dragons didn't always mind seeing an Ice type. I mean for crying out loud most of them can learn fire or rock type moves (not always reliable, but reliable enough to warrant the ice weakness checked), and the dragon weakness came down to "Which Garchomp is scarfed/which chomp wins the speed tie. And then we look at fairy. And instead of seeing Fairy having only steel and poison as a weakness as fairy being "unbalanced" or "Broken", see it as a Buff for poison and steel (and to an extend fire). Two types that for offense were about as bad as Ice was for defense. And if Fairy was only strong against Dragons people would have complained because "It's was made to kill dragons and nothing more, pretty shit move.". The reason Dark, aka Evil in Japanese, might have become weak to it could be that in pop-culture fairies are usually shown as friendly and helpful pixies. for fighting... I guess they learned from poison and steel and thought 2 types to bust were too little and slapped fighting there? IDK. Maybe it resembles Magic over Brawn? In any case. My point was, and still is (yet it seems some people either just ignore what I try to say on the subject or are a bit too stubborn to try a fairy team out and see the weaknesses and the balance of the type), that fairies are nowhere near unbalanced. Gamefreak didn't add them without running some tests about it (I assume) and assuming they learned from Dragon and gen 1 psychic I don't think they would instantly break the new type. This does, however, not speak for the individual mons Fairy has at its disposal. I mean looking at just the tapu's magearna and Mega Diancie it seems really broken, but how many OP dragon legends have we had? Looking at the type as a whole will show that even with the broken ones (Tapu Lele for example) Fairy is still a completely balanced type. I will now have to mention @Hycrox, as he has never truly dubbed fairy to be Unbalanced, but simply dislikes the type because it has a lot of annoying mons (I think he didn't even mention the mon that helped ban Swagger, so I guess Klefki isn't that annoying?). Each reason for disliking a type is valid and I will not deny that. But before you call a type unbalanced, look at it from both sides. There are more MU's that fairies dislike that most of the people dubbing it unbalanced would even think. a nice example is Fairy Ground. On the surface a balanced battle with Fairy having the upper hand because of Tapu Bulu and Azu. and while this to an extent true, it also isn't. Ground has ways to block azu and the two Nido's that can OHKO every tapu bulu. Tapu Koko can only really use D-gleam and HP Ice, Klefki cannot set up screens reliable and need I even mention Exca? And before you say "But fairy has ways to deal with the checks", yes, they do. but this is a Hypothetical battle. and in that Ground can curb stomp fairy easier than many believe (the reason I used ground btw is that I spoke on normal v fairy enough times and I think you all know which type has the upper hand in that battle)
  2. Sometimes you just gotta sit on your throne and listen to Music. Or watch an angry Slav rant about a cardgame

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  3. Wow... Chikorita getting the Fairy treatment... Doesn't cuteness hold any ground anymore?


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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarc


      Cause Yugo and Yuri are fun instead of the two others ( well Yuya is but still ) 

    3. Wolfox


      Yugo is funny, Yuri is awesome, Yuto is just Amazing and Yuya... well he's Yuya

    4. Zarc


      But Zarc > everyone :D 


      Jesus they should have do a small history flashback on him and Ray

  5. New Desk Chair is constructed. I will for ever hate thr box that it came in

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  6. Conspiracy theory, Azery hates what I vote for? Before you ask, I know it's just likely to be his opinion. It's just funny how both of his first votes have gone to what voted for
  7. it's just the first day. for all we know Squirtle scould still win
  8. Bulbasaur: 21 Charmander: 20 Squirtle: 18 Chikorita: 18 Cyndaquil: 20 Totodile: 21 Treecko: 20 Torchik: 20 Mudkip: 20 Turtwig: 20 Chimchar: 20 Piplup: 20 Snivy: 19 Tepig: 20 Oshawott: 20 Chespin: 20 Fennekin: 20 Froakie: 20 Rowlet: 18 Litten: 20 Popplio: 21 But wait? Why would someone who hates water types heal one? Simple answer question in my mind, Primarina is a Fairy type. And as much as I love Infernape, playing thought Ultra Moon with a Popplio has actually made me love the thing (It's like a Water Type Gardevoir, and we all know how much I love Gardevoir). And hurt Squirtle because I never liked Blastoise, it's just so... bland to me. granted gen 7 is the first time I liked the Water starter best (and it took me till Ultra Moon for that matter) (so many instant posts... had to edit midway though multiple times...
  9. I would say Ghost is useful. Because most ghost mons as Special and thus it's a bit unique (plus amazing coverage)
  10. So here's something random: I'm likely gonna get a new Desk Chair soon~

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    1. GenEric


      but can it do this?

      bends chair

      file is too big ;-;

    2. Wolfox


      idk if it can

    3. GenEric
  11. that is, actually, not true. Fairy stands a better chance against steel than Ice (not by much, but non the less a little). Fairy can toss a fire blast clefable out (Yes, that is the most reliable thing fairy has against steel, and even that is not reliable). Ice literally has nothing to deal with steel, hence why I picked Fire as example type
  12. The Poll has Spoken, Tyrnatrum has won. The Julia Gym Battle should come either today or tomorrow, hopefully that is. And after the battle a new mon will join the adventure. Guesses as to which mon are allowed
  13. true, yet steel is one of the most commonly ran types simply because it's the most defensive off all types. And to say fairies have a reliable way of dealing with steel is like saying Ice has reliable ways of dealing with fire (spoiler alert, it doesn't).
  14. ever feel like what you say just keeps falling on deaf ears?

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    1. Sayia


      Yeah, sometimes I have such an impression..

    2. Zargerth
    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      many times. mainly because often there are multiple sides to a single story, and people like to keep to their own side of it. add opinions into the mix, and we got a magical cocktail that no one ever asked for.

  15. and the funny thing is, poison is probably only the third most stally type in the entire game (take a wild guess to numbers 1 and 2). the only stall related thing poison has over 1 and 2 is simply that they can't get poisoned (unless salazzle). other than that it's not that great for defense since most secondary types only hurt its resistance pool. And here's something nice for the fairy haters. poison is pretty much fairy, with the minor exception that it resists more and it a bit less in offense. but since most complaints about fairy have been because of how defensive it is that should not make too much of an impact. "Oh, but fairy is still unbalanced." Tell me right now, of all the types that have been unbalanced in the past, is fairy that bad? Is it as bad as gen 5 Dragons or gen 1 psychic?
  16. Bug: 5 Poison: 5 hurt Ice, heal bug. Stalemate it up
  17. Gardevoir, Ribombee, Clefable, Azumarill, Togekiss, Whimsicott (if you wanna stall a bit), Florgess, Sylveon, Primarina and Mimikyu
  18. let me just say one thing about the new Vrains episode. spoiler tagged ofcourse.

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


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    3. Zarc


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    4. Wolfox


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  19. hYN4QqCiSwqg0EMmJ2coWg.png

    If I didn't post this I would never be able to forgive myself.


    Also, this card comes from the Yuya pack. not the Yami Yugi pack. Big waste of memes

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    1. YinYang9705


      rip japanese memes

  20. Hi everyone~ So this is a topic on Legacy of the Duelist. be it for sharing deck's, deck ideas, playing experience, setting up duels with others who own the game or whatever. try to keep it as friendly as possible. And now that that's out of the way: I've been thinking of building a bit of a Pendulum deck on there (because the format seems to forever be Pendulum based without Links). Not regular Pendie Magicians or something tho (there are a lot of cards missing for that) but more of a Pendulum Synchro Enlightenment Paladin deck. any ideas are welcome
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