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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Ahem.




  2. please use colors to show which you are hurting. also, hurt is always -2
  3. if I may, as a Fairy Type "master" I can say that there are better fairies and better Silvally types
  4. I disagree with the "[insert Extra Deck summoning here] killed yugioh". All of them improved the game IMO (also, little fun fact. In my mind all summoning methots are kinda based around tribute summoning.). Links could have been done better by allowing Links to get stronger effect per monster linked to it. but people wanted the game to slow down and Konami did that to a certain extend. as for the D/D/D situation... just make rata say something bad about D/D/D and they will get a Link Monster before long
  5. Posted 2 new threads in the duel club. one is more of a "Meme" and the other is a bit more serious

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      which one is the meme

    2. Wolfox


      the Links one

  6. Does anyone remember Darkness? or better yet, does anyone remember what he said during his duel with Judai? If not, allow me to refresh your memory. Or rather, allow Dylan to do so: You most likely know about this theory already. However, one if his predictions is missing: Strange Weather. And what do we have in Vrains? Data Storms. And I don't know about you, but that seems like pretty Strange Weather to me. I think you can understand where I'm coming from here. It's a longshot for sure, but what if it's true? I doubt it's just a coincidence that all of the predictions have happened so far. But that's just how I think about it after hearing this theory. Shout out to Dylan from Yugioh Everything for making this video and bringing this to mind for me. Please let me what you think abotu this theory
  7. How many times has it been said? "This deck is killing Yugioh!". "Synchro's killed Yugioh!". "XYZ Killed Yugioh!". "Pendulums Killed Yugioh!". Seriously, has there been a methot that hasn't 'Killed Yugioh' yet? Now, I am willing to bet that if we get another methot that will also "kill Yugioh".
  8. So, there are types that you like less still in the game but you're killing this because people who healed bug dislike your favorite type? That's even worse logic than me killing water just and normal just because those are the two most toxic types in monotype (Toxic as in stall. there are 0 types that stall as much as Water and Normal in Monotype. god knows why the council allowed Normal to use both porygon2 and Chansey with eviolite...)
  9. Silvally works like Arceus. if you give it a Memory drive of the type you want it t be it becomes that type. it has no secondary types. Edit: Son of a bitch 3 answers at the same time?
  10. Turns out there's one Dimentional Dragon that (for what I know at this moment) is 100% unobtainable in Legacy of the Duelist. Any guess as to which one it is? Here's a hint: It's the strongest one, but the second strongest one

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ProtoAlpha


      to be honest the whole speedroid archetype is nearly broken, with red eyed dice it's easy to turn any of your monsters  on your field, to level to 1-6 to summon clear wing and double yo yo is sorta of the same expect you take a level 3 or under monster from your graveyard 

    3. Wolfox


      yup. Also, I only just understood the pun in that card's name ( Follow Wing. Following. My mind = blown).


      Speedroids are good, the issue is that their best Playmaker is limited because other decks can abuse it and Speedroid kinda needs it. If only Terror Top had a restriction that only allows you to summon Wind Machine monsters from the deck/hand and only Wing Synchro monsters from the extra deck.

    4. Wolfox


      also, how Yuri reacted when he heard that his cards weren't in Legacy of the Duelist:


      Yuri: Pssh. They don't even deserve my deck

  11. let me actually get it straight, now this is an issue but when fairy was being bombarded in the same way there were no problems?
  12. Don't hold your breath for it. Clefable has been the Real Noel's ace back in gen 5 and it's not gonna change
  13. So. Can anyone tell which Barian is the only Barian you can play as in the YGO ZeXaL World Duel Carnival game for 3ds? (no, Shark doesn't count).

    It's Alito... Instead of a Dragon Tamer (who is probably the second or third strongest of the Barians, after Nasch and maybe Mirag?) who rivals the fucking rival or the main Barian Antagonist in Vector... we get a Boxer. I'm not complaining about it being Alito, he's an amazing character with his Crush on Kotori (and later on Yuma?), but of all Barians you gave us Alito...

  14. need only look at the first type to be killed for that...
  15. welp. couldn't get to order the game + decks today. let's hope next week works

  16. Grass: 6 Ice: 12 Ghost: 8 Bug: 12 Poison: 11
  17. For thos interested in my Written Run please vote:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amphibi


      I voted for Tyrunt because spamming Head Smash is fun, especially when you can't die from it. I'm not sure if you plan on switching team members but if not the only two fossil pokemon that wouldn't overlap typing with the rest of your party would be Cranidos and Lileep.

    3. Wolfox


      Type overlaps aren't the biggest deal, but I wanna refrain from doing too much team switching. also I will not be breeding them as that would take time and I don't think character Wolfox has too much time to spare in Reborn

    4. Amphibi


      You could always use the Select weather mod where egg moves are learnable via move tutor

  18. Not sure if you guys knew this already or not, but the Hell Kaiser and his Cyber Dragons have reached Duel Links. Hope those who play duel links will enjoy him~
  19. no no no. nothing like fire and Dark. those had been under attack for a bit longer. Fairy was just taken down without merci before the game even really got going
  20. it's fairy all over again. one day it's just there, the other it's getting bumrushed to death
  21. Remember when I bought a Lycanroc GX and a Holo rockruff pack last year? Well, thanks to some screen protectors for my 3ds I now have both of those sleeved :D

    sadly the "sleeves" were too big for any YGO card, but for Pokémon cards they fit just right (had to cut them a little, but now they're good)

  22. we can't leave them alone because the best type was already KO'd.
  23. Gongenzaka.Noboru.full.1798480.jpg

    Wether you love or hate Arc-V, you can't tell me you don't respect Gongenzaka even a little. I mean the guy uses a deck with only monsters and manages to make it work (granted that is the Archetype he uses, but you get my point)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wolfox


      there's a ton of "bad" decks that are fun as heck to play. Genex for example.

      Most of that comes because there is a lot of experimenting you can do to try and make it work. You can try to get the good but hard to use Boss Monster out consistently or you can just use a core and mix that with some other archetypes to see if they can work together. and then you may, most likely not but the chance is there, find that your deck can stand up to the meta like a breeze.

    3. Zarc


      I don't play competitive , so i guess it's ok.

    4. Wolfox


      Neither do I. I just like fucking around with "Degenerate" decks too much. be it Red, Galaxy Eyes or whatever (I once dueled someone using my Speedroids. Their True Draco's got stomped and I got cursed out. Best Duel Ever)

  24. I'll let Ice be. We Dutchman are born Ice Scaters after all~
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