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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I knew I forgot at least one... let me add Revolver real quick
  2. Lucina for Shiny Gardevoir (which I would call my signature mon over regular gardevoir, but I only have one shiny gardevoir ) Airalyn for regular Gardevoir. See, it's a reference to the Airalin comics by RakkuGuy. Yugo for Gallade, be it shiny or not. Scarlight for Haxorus Evangelion for Togekiss Heather for Yanmega (take a guess why) And probably my favorite: Key Resonator for Klefki (try figuring that one out) there are more signature nicknames, but this should be good for now
  3. Title speaks for itself really. I added some character who could be considered secodary rivals (such as Shark and Kaiser) to the list because some people like to consider them as rivals and while I don't myself, I wouldn't wanna shoot those people's opinions down. Now for mine... Do I even need to say it? It's Jack Atlas.
  4. you know what's prettyn ironic? Yanma evolves into Yanmega by learnign a move that usually ohko's it

  5. I feel like Rooster Teeth would be the company that would make a plot point as obvious as possible to poke fun at it being so obvious that others wouldn't do it

  6. one quirky fangame I kinda like is Fusion Generation. It's not top tier but it functions in all the ways it should function and has generational coverage till gen 4 or 5
  7. How you could desrcibe my favorite types in Pokémon

  8. So... I know dragon got beaten pretty early on. but I forgot to post this song at that point in time. Just pretend I posted it at the right time
  9. @ArcherEric Funny way of spelling butterfree
  10. Time to re-ambrace who I really am

    1. GenEric


      A Yugioh master

    2. Wolfox


      The Dutch master of faster!

  11. I think you're skipping a certain event where he hops on a train going into the desert
  12. I think this might be in the wrong section? And with that said, I would start with an easier game instead of Reborn
  13. Or, let Flygon keep its ground typing and make Yanmega part dragon
  14. Here's a little fun fact: in ep 3 of Arc-V, Sawatari tosses a bunch of cards to Yuya as "trade fodder" for the Pendulum cards he took. Among those were: Hungry Burger, Block Spider and The Siz Samurai - Nariza.

  15. Grass: 20 Steel: 12 Ground: 11 Ice: 18 Ghost: 19 Dark: 7 Bug: 20 Poison: 12 Hurt Ghost Heal Bug
  16. there's also https://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/. which allows for everything but Links and Pendulum cards so you can make things like this: Or this:
  17. a quick sumary of the duel between Lonely Brave and a Knight of Hanoi:


  18. I gotta give a shout-out to my favorite Trishula engine: Genex. All jokes aside, I know how bad the archetype is, but I can't help but love it. You can at least see that each of the three tries they were going for a bit of a theme and that some of those themes did have potential but generally lacked in support (in the words of Rank10YGO about pretty much every Archetype he reviews: Just give them a field spell). Also, for those who don't know why I said "Trishula Engine", enjoy:
  19. do you have a theory on why Konami bans/limits certain cards that have to do with OTK's or FTK's while keeping the cards that the OTK/FTK is based on at 3? (example: blaze fenix and Genex Ally Birbman)
  20. Luck Insence is obtained by giving back the igglybuff you can obtain early on in the game. Litwik is found in the place where El tries to "cleanse" Luna, just bring a soul candle over there edit: Oh, litten. I read Litwik... ignore that part (unless you want Litwik as well)
  21. I'm sorry if you feel offended by this, but did you by any chance read any of the text? Because if you did you would most likely know all of this already
  22. Akaba.Reiji.full.1819569.jpg

    Akaba Reiji. The reason I kinda wanna learn to play D/D's/D/D/D's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      still better than Kaibe relying on his Ultimate Dragon without having anything to search it out

    3. Zarc


      DDD deck is op but hard sometime

    4. Zarc


      You can do 50000 things with it 

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