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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. @Zargerth I believe Celesteela is heavier, being one of the two heaviest mons in the game (tied with Cosmoem)
  2. It's not pick. it's like a... a lightish red

  3. Even though I'm nowhere near some points in reborn with my Written run yet, I can already tell how I'm gonna write certain parts.



    Example: when hunting down the Police Wolfox will find a meteor grunt just Monologing to the officer. said grunt will be so focused on his monolog that Wolfox can just punch him in the back of the head while even calculating what the best punch would be.


    Also, is it maybe an idea to use a custom sprite for when Screenshots do happen (mostly wanna use those for Gym Battles). And if so, is there anyone tallented who could potentially make said custom sprite?

    1. Q-Jei


      You can always tell me what you need if you want!

    2. Wolfox


      thanks. I'll send you a PM with details later today then. if you don't mind

  4. Honestly, Blake and Fern couldn't be redeemed if they joined Kiki's medicham. they deserve to have a Celesteela land on their foot
  5. Grass: 24 Steel: 12 Ground: 13 Ice: 24 Fighting: 4 Ghost: 22 Dark: 9 Bug: 26 Rock: 8 Poison: 11 Kill normal, heal bug (I told you I'd see normal dead) My reasons for hating normal is really simple as I've explained it before. Try fighting a normal mono with a fairy mono and tell me how much fun it is to get stalled out by that rotten fucking egg (I don't care how much "checks" fairy has for normal, that MU is one of the worst neutral MU's in the entire Monotype format). there are quite a bit of normal types I really like. but that can't save it. 3 rights in 100 wrongs don't exactly leave the odds stacked for the rights
  6. it's pretty much a dutch amazon. and I have no clue if that's still a thing, last ygo game I bought was on steam
  7. in rewatching RvB and re-reaching the chorus trilogy I have two things to say:

    1 - Docter Grey is probably one of the best character of the entire franchise.

    2 - Caboose can read Wingdings.

    Just, let that sink in



    Caboose, the biggest moron of the entire series, can read Wingdings

  8. still got a PS2, so that's not the issue (also found the new starter deck and link strike structure deck for 13 euro's each on the same site. it's gonna be a pretty big order when the time comes for me to order it)
  9. after doing some research, I found that I can order a copy for around 16 euro's. worth?
  10. 60e.png

    how I feel when someone tells me how happy they are

    1. Sayia


      If I liked this person, I would just be happy with her happiness :P


    2. Wolfox


      being happy others are happy gets harder the longer they shove it in your face

    3. Sayia


      It will not hurt to try it.

  11. GX Is my personal least favorite. Before you hunt me down with your pitchforks, allow me to explain why this is: It starts off about as slow as Zexal starts, but then once Zexal got going it was not stopping. While GX... well the first and second season had about as much consistency as Joey's deck before learning from Grandpa Muto. Secondly, it wasted too many characters. Judai got great development (more on that later), but the rest of the characters were just shoehorned in. An example of this would be Hell Kaiser. Amazing character, but greatly wasted. Lastly, I disliked Judai until he became the Supreme King. He was too carefree and happy for me (I watched it at around the age of 16 so... I guess you can understand what I mean there). But we're talking about DM Here. and I'll say that it's not the best. Each Yugioh learned from what the others did wrong and usually improved on that. DM had filler that would make Naruto proud, so with GX they started with Filler but in later seasons there wasn't that much filler at all, but GX Started extremely slow. 5d's fixed this by instantly jumping to the action with the Fortune Cup and Dark Signers Arc's, but after the latter, they had to rework the story a bit so we ended up with a gap full of filler (though some of it was really well done). The main complaint being that Yusei was too perfect, so we got Yuma. And before Astral found Yuma there was no way Yuma could even beat Pre grandpa Muto training Joey (hey, this joke returned). However, Zexal suffered from the same as GX did. an extremely slow start. This was, again, changed in Arc-V with us again starting off pretty fast with plot and all, and outside of the earlier parts, there was barely any filler. Granted the end was a bit mediocre and the pacing was off, like way off. And now we have Vrains which as the biggest unsolved issue has the high number of recap episodes. And while that sucks, at least the director is enough of a man to excuse for them and explain why we got so many.
  12. I knew Shape was in the game. Big reason for why it's one the List
  13. I regret to say that I haven't. It is however on my list of to play's (granted that's a pretty big list)
  14. Whether its people who only watched DM as a kid and view it through nostalgia goggles or people who have not seen the others. there are always people who will argue with you till you give up on the "fact" that Duel Monsters is the best Yugioh anime and that none of the spin-offs even got close to matching its quality. but... Is it true that Duel Monsters is the best of all the 5 (not counting Vrains because it's still ongoing and it can still shit the bed) we've had so far? Let's discus this!
  15. another reason why Vrains would be excluded is (I think) that Vrain's doesn't really have a roster big enough for it to really be lengthy
  16. let's start with a simple one: What do you think of people wanting Pot of Greed to be unbanned?
  17. YuB1fJKTSd6Uqbj4lrcMQA.png

    Robo dude, back at it again kicking in doors that have never even been closed!

  18. thanks for letting the people who didn't know know
  19. Yugioh club is open!

  20. Grass: 23 Steel: 12 Ground:13 Ice: 22 Fighting: 6 Normal: 5 Ghost: 24 Dark: 11 Bug: 29 Rock: 10 Poison: 12 heal bug, hurt normal
  21. 5pIXP7fsQEe6AsHbd2uzxQ.png

    Oh realy robo dude? I thought I needed to discard them to summon SHAPESNATCH

    1. Wolfox



      Guess how many ultimate Dragon's it took.

  22. Gonna toss this into the air again because I didn;t yet have enough people. Anyone interesting in joining a Yugioh club? It will focus on everything under the name. The Anime, the manga, games, the tcg, the OCG, Duel Links (counting that aside from games because Duel Links is greatly unlike most Yugioh games).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      he knows I'm trying to get this club running already

    3. Zarc


      I’m in , you know it already :) 

    4. Wolfox


      and the club is open~

  23. I would suggest you remove one of your two topics that ask the exact same thing. If you don't get an answer "fast enough", making another topic asking the exact same thing won't speed it up. It might give the exact opposite effect, in fact.
  24. Insurgence outclassing Reborn? *looks at the sky* how many blue moons have passed?
  25. If I was in DM, I would run this card



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