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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. 17f392b7e96b65c1ddeace3d1be68c2f.jpg

    So... by this Logic Sarge is my Zodiac... Someone hand me a shotgun and an orange guy to hate

    1. Shamitako


      I'm Church. Sounds about right

    2. Wolfox


      which one? Alpha, director or Epsilon?

    3. Shamitako
  2. New Years coming up... not exactly my favorite holiday (probably my second least favorite actually). being unable to get to sleep because some people in the street decide to keep blasting fireworks till around 5 am which scares the dogs. having no one to really celebrate it with... yeah, still not as bad as valentines tho...

    1. Jess


      I feel you. Valentine has hardly ever been a holiday to me... Even though I see it as a purely commercialised holiday, made solely for the profit of companies. If you're in a loving relationship, you celebrate every day. You don't wait for 14th Feb. for that.

    2. seki108


      Aside from being a week after my birthday, Feb 14 is only notable for one to me: the few days afterward usually have chocolate lowered to a discounted price to clear out the excess (at least in my area's smaller stores).  Quite a post-birthday treat, if I have some extra spending money. 


      I guess it would be a very annoying reminder if you are into that sort of thing.

    3. Dreamy


      New years always feels a bit weird, because it doesn't feel like really has any associated imagery to me.

  3. Grass: 28 Dragon: 1 Electric: 11 Steel: 10 Ground: 17 Ice: 27 Fight: 16 Normal: 18 Ghost: 21 Dark: 19 Bug: 27 Flying: 9 Rock: 14 Poison: 19 Psychic: 6 Hurt dragon, heal bug. first, certain people tell me to kill dragon. then I focus on dragon and they decide "let's not kill dragon yet".
  4. it was. many good games came out. a few amazing ones, a few less amazing ones.
  5. Okay, it seems Scarlight also has an Animation in Legacy of the Duelist. Then again, it's the Red Dragon Archfiend animation. meaning instead of programming it based on the card it's based on the card name... not how to feel about that

  6. While this is true, it's more so Hyper Offence because bug relies on killing before being killed, like fighting. Bug just has more fallbacks when bulk is needed, still not a great idea to try and bulk out opponents tho
  7. Yeah, from a balance offensive type to a hyper offensive type is a hard switch to make. though I never had that issue with Bug.
  8. Grass: 27 Dragon: 4 Electric: 13 Steel: 8 Fire: 5 Ground: 19 Ice: 25 Fight: 18 Normal: 18 Ghost: 21 Dark: 18 Bug: 26 Flying: 13 Rock: 16 Poison: 19 Psychic: 7 My favorite types, in order, have to be Fairy>Dark>Bug=Psychic. Least favorites would be Fighting>Normal>Water The funny thing there is Fighting, a type I actually kinda like. it's there because it doesn't like me... at all. I can play a fighting mono and lose to fucking rock, getting 4 to 6-0ed in the process. It doesn't matter what I do, I just fail with that type (Maybe I'm agent Tex? ). Normal is there because of the porsey core and how annoying it is to battle. and water... I posted a status as to why I hate that type a little bit ago, so I won't repeat myself
  9. I'd still say Water has more of the stupid ones (like [inster fish based Pokémon here] or something). And if's a huge matter of opinion. I hate water types 9/10 because playstyle and design wise they just clash with what I like, while fairies are what I like by design and playstyle
  10. I'd still say Water has more of the stupid ones (like [inster fish based Pokémon here] or something). And if's a huge matter of opinion. I hate water types 9/10 because playstyle and design wise they just clash with what I like, while fairies are what I like by design and playstyle
  11. I'm disapointed. Greatly even.

    Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist is a great game from what I've played of it so far. However... There are two things I've noticed so far that are just inexcusable. We'll keep the first one simple: the duel between Kaito and Mizeal (the one on the moon) is not there. Arguably one of the best duels from all of Zexal and it's just... not in the game. Second: Galaxy Eyes doesn't have an attack animation... You know what care does? FUCKING LEVIATHAN DRAGON. Yeah, you read it correctly, The main card of the rival doesn't get an animation (I think the other rival ace cards do, outside of Reji because Arc-v came out after the game), but a fucking Number that was only used a few times does... Is it because ZeXaL gets a bad rep for its early parts? If so then why give an animation to a card only seen in the early parts? Didn't you have an idea for what the animation should be? Maybe the PHOTON STREAM OF DESTRUCTION?


    Ofcourse, the game isn;t perfect (arc-v is locked as DLC, but that is kinda understandable because the game came out before arc-v), but not giving Galaxy eyes an animation for him destroying a monster... This is part of why you get a bad rep Konami...

    1. Wolfox


      actually,  chazz his Ace didn't get an animation either. But you know what cards did? Flame Fucking Swordsman, Arcanaforce EX The Light Ruler, The ultimate timelord, red eye darkness dragon AND red eyes Black dragon, Dark Magician Girl, Thunder Giant... But over half of the rival cards are missing...

  12. tumblr_opow3wQgVe1uhoy26o1_500.png

    Need I say more?

  13. Trying to create a yugioh based club. anyone willing to join?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. seki108


      I was hoping it was general, but just wanted to point that out.

    3. SilverAngelus


      what would you have us do in the club? Talk about it?

    4. Wolfox


      that's what the club would be for, yes

  14. since I played usum mine has become Primarina. but that's probably because it's pretty much a Water type Gardevoir (also, Quote works now )
  15. I'm not a huge fan of slowking either myslf. but then again coming from me that doesn't mean much, since there's few water types I actually like
  16. tumblr_mbyqxfbF3p1rhbhdio1_500.png

    Take a guess how we found out about that one.






  17. Cardgames in Warthogs

  18. Roses are red
    And violets are blue. 
    One day we'll cruise down 
    Blood Gulch avenue 
    It's red versus red 
    And blue versus blue 
    It's I against I 
    And me against you

    Violets are blue, roses are red 
    Living like this we were already dead

    Hop in my car 
    It don't have any doors 
    It's built like a cat 
    It lands on all fours 
    My car's like a puma 
    It drives on all fours

    Red versus red 
    Blue versus blue

  19. Grass: 29 Dragon: 7 Electric: 13 Steel: 10 Fire: 12 Ground: 19 Ice: 24 Fight: 20 Normal: 16 Ghost: 20 Dark: 17 Bug: 26 Flying: 13 Rock: 20 Poison: 20 Psychic: 12 Hurt Dragon. Heal Bug. What? As a fairy type user, I gotta do my job as Dragon Hunter sometimes
  20. So, water is the best because it has about 8 good mons between all the other sh*t it has?
  21. So, after me giving my opinion on Water-types and seeing Maqqy give a minireview of USUM, I thought "Let's keep it going. Let me share an opinion of mine on a certain game I played recently."

    So here it is! The official Wolfox Game Review of Castlevania Lords of Shadows - Mirror of fate (3ds version).

    something to note: I have no idea how critical I have to be to "accurately" review a game, so I will just share my opinion on the game (isn't that the basics of reviewing?).



    score: 4/5


    The game is first of all what it's supposed to be, fun. While far from the origins of Castlevania, you can still feel the difficulty of older games (or at least the ones I played ) in this game. A change from the Metroidvania norm of focusing mostly on exploring is that this game focusses more so in Combat. and at that, the combat is Combo Based. That may or may not take some getting used to depending on the player, but it does allow for more action-packed boss fights (coming back to that later). The story, mostly displayed by cutscenes, is decent. While not being something extreme it does at least show us a little about the Belmont Family. The cutscenes are, sadly, unskippable. This can make playing the game a second or third time a bit annoying when they show up.


    The game has 3 chapters and a short tutorial. each chapter focusing on another character:

    The Tutorial shows us Gabriel Belmont, the first chapter Simon Belmont, the second chapter Alucard and the final chapter gives us Trevor Belmont. This can make some area's of the map seem to be copy and pasted, but it at least makes sense that they are (You're in the same castle, wo why would the same area be completely redesigned for each chapter?). For each character, the basic gameplay stays the same. combos and everything. each character does, however, get their own special set of projectiles and such.


    And now for the boss fights. Not easy and fun to do. there is, sadly, a pretty glaring weakness this game has: quick time events. to really finish off a boss you gotta succeed in a QuickTime event. Another thing that I would say is a bit much is the Checkpoints in the boss fights. once you reach a certain point in the battle you will return from there when you die during the rest of the boss battle, this is usually around halfway through the battle. And while I completely understand why they did this, it takes a little bit of the challenge off for me.


    And now I will give a little shout-out to something that the game did amazingly: the Eshop demo. Instead of creating something new and limiting you to that, the demo takes place during a part of the game (an early part of a certain chapter. no spoilers from me here). Is this lazy? Maybe. but it does allow you to feel the game well from just the demo.



    And that's it. Bye~

  22. So. I thought it might be time to explain a certain opinion of mine. Mainly, the big reason why Water types are my least favorite.

     We'll start it off easy: playstyle. Most water types commonly used and found rely on their bulk and stalling. Now who knows what playstyle I absolutely hate in any game? Exactly! Stalling. So that's a red flag infront of a bull (funny, cuz my zodiac is taurus). Secondly, design and origin. We get it, there are a fuckton of fish on earth. That doesn't mean we need a pokémon for each god damn species of fucking fish. And I'm not just talking about the obvious ones like goldeen, seaking and such. oh no, all fish based ones are offenders here. Each gen adds at least 2 or 3 many fish to the Pokémon world, and they have done so for every generation. but it took them 20 fucking years to think "hey, maybe a Wolf would be cool?" (I'm not counting Zoroark as a wolf btw, but even then it took them 5 gen to create a wolf based line while fish just overpopulate). Yes, that is salt talking but I hope you get my point. The worst offender of all is Seal. I don't even need to explain this one I hope.


    And now to debunk something, there are Water types I really like. Azu, primarina, Gyarados, Milotic, empoleon and some more. but when there are just so many that are just so easy to hate (almost all of the fish based ones for example) it\s just greatly off balance.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wolfox


      don't get me wrong, I wasn't twisting your words. sometimes I just like to remind myself of stupid stuff genwunners would say if you say a gen 1 mon isn't well designed in stats or design.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye, maybe... don't after l say something similar, but quite different in principle. Tends to not be a good time for that unless one is rather clear that's just a tangent or directed at the types that do. Just to keep things clear and not get your message tangled.

      ((Also, when you hear "x should be excused cause of it was the first of something" it's typically nostalgia goggles or just not a well thought out position. Not always, but quite often.))

    4. Wolfox


      true. granted there are some moments where a first for something is the best (Like the first time Caboose killed Church or the first time Washington said his worst ever of all time)

  23. This is my worst Status Update ever. Of all time.

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