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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I wish I could enjoy horror games. Maybe then I could play rese4 without forcing myself to 

    1. CodeCass


      Only in the recent years have I started to get a taste for horror titles. I played all of Until Dawn in one sitting with my wife and it was a blast. Alien Isolation was also great. I loved it due to my love of the movie franchise. I'd LIKE to try Resident Evil 7, but it looks terrifying to me as I'm terrified of jumpscares haha. 

  2. Walmart has removed violent game adds in store while still selling guns... It's too early for this shit 

  3. Alright so in about 2 or 3 weeks I'm getting a switch, but should I get the regular one or go for the Pro version? If I go for one that comes with 35 euro eshop money it it's about 1 euro cheaper (and surprisingly, not 35 more expensive than the regular without that 35 money) 

  4. Inevitable, but awesome 

  5. I wonder if anyone would ever be "intimidated" by me on the forums. Highly doubt it tbh

    1. Wolfox


      I meant intimidated in a sense of "What, that's one of the top people in likes here? Why would they be talking to me?" btw, not any other way

    2. CodeCass


      You intimidate the hell out of me....Jokes of course. People are just people. No reason to be intimidated by folks on the net. It is fun to see someone as highly liked and/or popular as you talking to us commoners though, haha. 

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l dunno if just likes would cause such frankly lol. The reaction probably certainly happens to mods and the likes though l'm sure. Though l can't say any cases made themselves apparent to me during my mod stint so *shrugs* lol

  6. quick question. what exactly is the apeal of a Douche rival if the character of said rival might be as one note as blue? I mean et's face it asside from Silver there has not been a good "douchbag" rival yet in terms of them actually being a fucking character over a single trait

    1. Maqqy


      Because Blue and Silver offered a challenge. It's not necessarily the idea of a "jerky rival" but more of an "Imma be clear with you okay I'm not your friend, I'm here to wreck you" type of rival. Blue and Silver actually gave motivation for us to beat them, rather than having friendly fights with the recent rivals we've had. 

    2. JoStarNight


      The "douchbag" rival archetype has more appeal than a friendly rival, since said archetype gives more tension and satisfaction for each encounter; i.e if the player character loses, then the rival will have a lot more smack talk to give towards the player, thus giving the player more reason to beat him/her which makes the conflict more exciting since it is no longer a one-sided rivalry as both characters will be putting their pride and prestige on the line. Then, when the player wins the next encounter, it will be more satisfying to see that the rival can't backup his/her top dog status anymore.

  7. 1: Gallade, Lucario, Lycanroc, Chandelure, Scizor 2: My nephew send me a link to it way back when, funny enough he could not get past Julia and I got past her the first day I played. 3: in no particular order: Castlevania, Code Geass, 5d's 4: I have not, but if it was possible I 100% would. 5: 100% in the "Don't go, they CAN stop all of you" spot. 6: Most achievable one: Currently game designer. I wish I knew that 3 years ago tho. Pipedream: Singer. Never actually thought of this... I guess I'll go with Lelouch. for all the shit he went through he still stuck to his original plan.
  8. 1. Having a family. I'm simple what can I say. 2. Dying alone. 3. Probably the Netherlands as I live there and would understand those politics best. 4. Probably a insectile based one, based on butterflies. Overall peaceful and friendly, but they have their limits. Favorite: fairy. I love most fairy types, love the way they play and really like how they were made go take Dragons down a peg as they were a bit too broken in Gen 5. Least favorite: Water. Most water types are just fish, not exactly the most interesting. Also a lot of water types are a lot more defensive and "stally", which I both dislike (defensive) and absolutely hate (stally).
  9. So who ever gave anyone the idea I might have had common sense migth have been lying. I mean who would start an AmA at night,,, before almost going to bed... When he has work tomorrow morning...


    I can be smart guys I swear

  10. First of all, her design. the Brand being on her left eye reminds me of heterochromatic eyes (which is something I absolutely love) and her Blue hair and overall quite a modest figure simply appeal to me while making her look badass. Secondly, and mostly, personality. Lucina feels like a person who would try to get along with everyone, protect everyone and would look silly doing so (she has no sense of fashion). this makes her supports some of my favorite in the FE series and learning about her past with the others and, eventually, showing her full admiration for her Father is just really heartwarming. And lastly, she just resonates with me. I can see parts of myself back in Lucina and her despair to not be able to fix the future mixes with my 2017 despair about my own future, both wanting to fix it as soon and well as possible.
  11. I did, I could even link to the post (this was before even field effects I believe, if anything the last episode of the game before the circus)
  12. Wolfox. also known as Roar (fo those who know me from way way back) and my IRL name. Been a long-timer on the forums after wanting to know how to get a Cacnea. Generally friendly.
  13. not sure where else I should have put it, but I thought about it and I decided to open an AmA. SO ask ahead. And before it gets asked, Best Girl is, and will probably always be, Lucina
  14. This seems really accurate 

  15. I'm extremely happy I decided to do a Re-watch of Bakugan Battle Brawlers, as it made me remember one thing. I. LOVE, Masquarade. From his design, to the Mystery behind him, to his overwhelming force as an antagonist. Definitly the reason I played Darkus as a Kid (and still do in the DS Game).

    And as cool as Spectra from New Vestroia is, you can't tell me he trumps the Original Masked Menacing Bakugan Player,




    Lie to my face right now and tell me this isn;t an amazing design for an Antagonist.


  16. I don't usually like getting into things like this too much, and I'm gonna put a warning here as this question will potentially be something some people aren't comfortable with. I'll put it in a spoiler tab just in case. 


    So, as an "outsider" I really want to know. Does anyone here, who're from America, actually feel save? With the ever present threat of a shooting looming over one's head I honestly would be terrified and feel unsafe 



    1. andracass


      it's become increasingly rare.

  17. True that. I remember my first save. It surprised me greatly
  18. I feel like Dan from Bakugan a d Judai from GX would be best friends 

  19. so, I think I found my "most wanted" for smash: Gunvolt from, well, the Gunvolt series. 


    being more Range based with his atatcks could make him a faster Megaman. the "tagging" could give his Neutral B some "homing" (but losing said tag after the neutral B has hit the target). and Need I even mention the Final Smash? Drawn in with Astral Sphere, Activate the Muse, Killshot with Voltcaliber.

  20. Decided to watch the AH thief simulator series. A d my goodness does Ryan scare me with it at times 

    1. LeoYT


      He watched an episode of his own lets play just to nuke Matt's horse we already know how mad he is

    2. Wolfox


      When you call the Wrath of the Mad King upon yourself, you might as well surrender 

  21. I'll still give him till Serra or Shade. Those drive Reborn difficulty home more than the other early game gl's
  22. 3am Wolfy thoughts: just because the story of one game is better doesn't mean the game is instantly better. Gameplay is at lease as important, if not even more important. However, this doesn't mean you can't prefer another game

  23. 15647635278525777060787497818354.thumb.jpg.dbda8ae2de34ed864ca123962e09ad87.jpg

    New necklace 

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