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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. four_dimensional_dragons_by_yu_gidenseim


    1. SilverAngelus


      *wide sparkly eyes* So epic.....

  2. Hurt WATER (Worst type in the game) heal bug Water: 5 Grass: 28 Dragon: 11 Electric: 15 Steel: 11 Fire: 15 Ground: 21 Ice: 24 Fight: 19 Normal: 16 Ghost: 18 Dark: 19 Bug: 24 Flying: 15 Rock: 20 Poison: 19 Psychic: 14 As for hurting the best type, that ship sailed when fairy was knocked out day 2... Edit: So I just looked at the time and date and surprise surprise, it's 40 minutes until a new day. So if it's not too much of an issue I would make the compromise that (because it's only 40 minutes) this will count as my add for December 27. However, if this happens to me again it should nullify all heals and hurts I've done the last two days IMO
  3. on the one hand yes. but on the other, if they don't they will get people saying "The legends in this game SUCK. This game sucks" and no1 wants that
  4. Just got home from a Family gathering (my dad's entire side of the family went for a Christmas lunch). I won't need more food today

  5. @Jess Lele was banned I think one or two weeks into Sun and Moon because it was OP in combination with Mega Meta (which got banned I think a month later). And magearna I think halfway through sun and moon, right after Marshadow got quickbanned. And I don't doubt for a second that Naganadel is getting banned (if it's not already).
  6. WIN_20171226_09_02_14_Pro.jpg.1d31f12fe145f5de3a613d726cdb4d4b.jpg

    I said I'd do it. I Special Summoned Santa Claws.

    1. SilverAngelus


      I take it that's the real you.

    2. Wolfox
  7. Heal bug. Hurt Water Water: 9 Grass : 26 Dragon : 11 Electric : 17 Steel: 13 Fire : 18 Ground : 21 Ice : 22 Fight : 20 Normal : 18 Ghost : 18 Dark : 19 Bug : 24 Flying : 15 Rock : 19 Poison : 20 Psychic : 18
  8. While I agree with Bug being a good type in monotype (mid-tier and slightly above dragon I believe), it can not deal with flying. At all. Flying is one of the high-tier types and oh boy does it show when facing bug. It's not quite as unfair as facing Ice with steel (Ice really just has to play perfectly and hope and pray your opponent fucks up enough times. and even then Ice loses 90% of the time), but it's still a great uphill struggle. Flying being extremely balanced in defense, offense, and even some stall blows bug out of the water, with bug being mostly focused on offense (like fire, which fire still wins most of the time, but bug can win that with more ease than flying).
  9. @Hycrox First off, the "I don't give a flying fuck" was meant to calling me a biased bitch. Opinions and arguments I will always respect even if I disagree with them. However, I will try to get my point across and hopefully give someone a newer outlook on the situation. It's no secret fairy is my favorite type and thus I will defend it. Also, giving ice a resistance to the stab and make Electric neutral would not nerf Dragon one bit. I mean it's not like many dragons get EQ or Iron Head or something right? Oh, wait... They do... Second: Koko is generally special because of the movepool, Bulu gets walled by Starapter because it's usually banded, and Mega Mawile really helps a fairy mono a lot while being banned, really killing all those special walls from behind the bars. I've faced that MU more times than I can count and every time it comes down to "how long till the porsey core stalls the fairy team out?". So again, Azu is the only thing Fairy can really use against Chansey and even then it's not a certain shot. I can almost tell you the exact outcome of the scenario and as you might guess, it's not looking nice for the fairies. And yet again (because I feel like me saying this keeps falling on deaf ears...) I know how strong fairies are. I will never say they aren't extremely strong. But they are more balanced than you're thinking. If you don't believe me give them a try and see for yourself.
  10. It actually really is. while it only has 2 weaknesses, it's not really too great for offense and defense either. strong to fighting, dark and dragon while resister fighting, dark dragon and bug (not the best line) and being resisted by steel, poison, and fire (some pretty common types for pretty obvious reasons other than fairy resistance) and weak to poison and steel. but that's only base fairy. and most fairies can easily be beaten by exploiting the weaknesses of their secondary types (like dragons, but actually kinda easy). Examples: Koko(eq, nothing else needs to be said). bulu, poison, flying, fire, steel... not that great. Lele, I'll give you this one, lele was made a bit too strong. granted most of its overpowering side comes from Psychic. Fini: same weaknesses as Azu, but with more def but less HP. Also a bit of a contradicting mon since it would be good for stall but its ability keeps it from doing so. Magrearna: Yeah, I'll give you this one too. It's really fucking strong (like a certain 8 legged steel type). Now, before you note all that I say of as pure bias for Fairy type, don't. I will never say fairy is not an extremely strong type. But to say that it's "OP" is far from the truth. It's generally a good type to support teams, but on its own... not too much. Yes, it was top tier in Monotype (and might still be), but most of that came from 3/4 mons: Bulu, Koko, Magearna and Mega Diancie. add Klefki and Azu to that and boom, full monotype fairy mono before the Magearna ban. But most of the power fairies have comes from their synergy with the secondary types. But that's also a weakness of theirs, as they have to rely on that a lot. Examples: there are barely any offensive fairy moves; fairy wind, draining kiss, disarming voice, dazzling gleam, moonblast and play rough. See a connection here? almost all of them are special. Ths coupled with the fact that play rough is (for some reason) 90 acc makes a special wall instantly put a blockade on many fairies. So saying it's "not okay" as it is now is really not that accurate. Yes, it's a strong type, extremely so. But it's balanced. The boons it has are balanced out by the weaknesses it has. be it movepool, stats, MU's or secondary types. Yes, there are some that are extremely OP, but literally, every type has at least one of those. And most of the one's fairy has, have another type, allowing that other type to also have that same power. I've said it many times and I will keep saying it: Fairy is strong but balanced. If you can't see it I urge you to, for example, pick up a fairy team and play some monotype with it. You'll see where it lacks soon enough as the types that mess it up, one way or another (be it a weakness, mon availability or whatever), they actually completely blow fairy out of the damn water. My favorite example is the fairy vs normal MU. Normal has a big advantage there. WHy is that you ask? because the walls Normal has can completely block all fairy types. Chansey, in particular, is the biggest reason fairy can't really do anything. Because Fairy only has one mon for dealing with it: Azu. And you know what is really predictable in that MU? Azu. It will try to knock the eviolite so fairy at least has a chance of killing it. but that usually results in Azu knocking on the mega and having to swap back out. And here ends my rant. If you wanna call me a biased bitch for liking this type, please do. But remember: I don't give a flying fuck. I know most, if not all, of the weaknesses fairy has. And trust me, those balance it out most of the time, if not almost all the time (unless your name is Tapu Lele. That thing is actually busted).
  11. Volcarona? A Pokemon -literally- only kept in check by stealth rocks. OH NO! A mon blocked by the most common entry hazard that almost every team runs! It should be outlawed! Now, I know how strong volcarona is, but calling it "the best sweeper in the game" is a big overstatement. base 100 speed is high, especially with a quiver up. But then there's the fact that getting it out to get that quiver up isn't always a done deal. because the earlier mentiond rocks and there still being counters/checks to it regardless of the quiver. Most bugs (as I said earlier) have one or more glaring weaknesses. Araquanid's ability, for example, only works for one of it's stab types, and it's attack stats are nothing to write home about (also it's not the best sticky web user because of low speed). Heracross is an extremely strong mon, but suffers from the same issue Buzzwhole suffers from: speed. include to that a pretty fact type that blows it out of the water before it's even taking a bath and well, done. mega beedrill I won't say shit about because I've been on the bad end of that thing enough times. Scolipede as well, but I'll mention that without the set up it really doesn't do that much. Scizor, again I can;t say many bad things about it. hell it's the best fairy hunter in the damn game. but the issues it has are pretty glaring when he's faced with them. low speed and a huge weakness to any special fire type kinda blows it out of the water, or into the water? Now here's an issue I personally have with dragons: they got out of control. They were meant to be an extremely strong type from the get go, but GF just decided to not control it for a while by giving them extremely good secondary types (example is Kingdra, only weak to Dragon pre fairies and only weak to dragon and fairies from gen 6. You can not say that is not a bit too much) and only one type that actually resisted it in steel (which in turn did need a nerf, which thankfully it kinda got by letting ghost and dark of all things hit it neutral), so dragons needed a nerf badly. And while yes some types getting buffed to be stronger against dragons might have also been one way to do it, Fairies were the better Option IMO. And naming some bug types "OP" while not naming dragons who are at least equally strong is kinda unfair (looking at you chomp, looking at you)
  12. A few weeks ago (maybe even amonth or so) my sister had the idea to have a family diner with xmas, including her BF. And today she said she wouldn't come home for diner... Maybe I'm old fasioned and boneheaded, but when you plan something like that you actually show the f*ck up. If nothing else I gotta credit her for not canceling last minute cuz then I would have blown my top...

    1. Jess


      Also, it is nice to spend Xmas with family. Attending to a dinner isn't a huge deal time-wise and it makes your relatives feel that you actually care. Cancelling something like this is a bit insensitive, especially if you're the very one who suggested organising it... Unless there is some important reason (e.g. health issue) that makes it impossible for her to come...

    2. Wolfox


      the reason is because her bf's dad would be alone other wise. And they are the duo to fix it because they're the youngest... I mean, it's not like he cuold have also joined diner (there's always too much food, plus he an old pal of my dad). but nope...

    3. Jess


      That's what I'd suggest. Why doesn't he pop round too, to have dinner all together? One more plate isn't a big deal... 

  13. I wouldn't call Haxorus one of the weakest, as it's pretty damn strong. Maybe Drudigon?
  14. And here's where the balance between Dragons and Bugs stops tho. Dragons have enough strong mons, bugs have a lot of strong mons. Where dragons outshine bugs is balance tho. Where things Like volc and sciz or amazingly strong, they all have some glaring weaknesses that greatly balance them out. like Scizor having an 8x weakness combined with decently low spdef and low speed (while it's also it's only weakness...) and volc is pretty fast and have a great set up move, rocks kinda send it home... Dragons really only fear one of their weaknesses, being fairy, while being able to deal with the other two with relevant ease. Ice is an extremely frail type, dragon beats itself and even fairy can be dealt with by the secondary types usually being good against the secondary types of the common fairies) @Jess you forgot to even count their mega's
  15. Does bug have good mons? Hell yes. On the level of Dragon? Far from it. Some bugs are amazing but dragons have much more of that amazing. and can I just say that if Game Freak just kept control over how strong they made dragons Fairy never even had to have been a thing in the first place?
  16. Well... Konami just anounced "Vampire Sucker". a link 2 Vampire... Will this make Vampires more playable? Will we get a Shapesnatch Link monster next year? these are thw questions people!

    1. FairFamily


      Vampires playable? Look vampires could have been playable 10 years ago when milling was still dangerous. Also a zombie deck based around tribute summoning what were they smoking ?


      This card could have been usable in the zombie engine if it weren't for omega.


      Also vampire sucker? I smell tcg censorship.

    2. Wolfox


      The vampire archetype hurts me in a way that's not even funny. When Konami holds the rights to one of the best Vampire based gaming franchises and the archetype literally based on them is that shit... granted some of the cards are extremely old, but that doesn't mean a complete redo of the archetype is not an option! I mean instead of milling you could force them to banish a certain number of cards facedown, give them better revival effects, some protection and all of that fun stuff. If nothing else the art for some of them is actually amazing tho

  17. Why heal Water tho? It's the most toxic type in the game (most stall mons of any type, most badly designed mons, most annoying weather condition. It has it all)
  18. Yeah... without a doubt. but all in all I'm almost 100% certain that Aya is gonna be the hardest of the bunch. Grass has some options for poison, but poison has enough option for those options. And while that is Meta talking, poison doesn't exactly have that many legends and ubers mons (I think only Naganadel even, not counting Arceus that is), so most strong poison mons are available for aya
  19. Water: 16 Grass : 24 Dragon : 15 Electric : 19 Steel : 13 Fire : 18 Ground : 21 Ice : 21 Fight : 21 Normal : 18 Ghost : 18 Dark : 19 Bug : 22 Flying : 18 Fairy: 4 Rock : 18 Poison : 20 Psychic : 20 Hurt Water (take a wild guess what my least favorite type is guys. I bet you'll never guess). Heal Dark (gave up on keeping fairy alive, so might as well focus on my second favorite type)
  20. ah, I've missed that
  21. I'm gonna kick in an open door here: Ludicolo and Cradilly
  22. I think... that Chespin is probably one of the best grass starters for Reborn
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