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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Remember when Verlisify was stupid enough to start shit with shofu? Well you could almost call the cops on shofu. Calling that dog Verlisify is animal abuse

    1. seki108


      Not quite as damaging as a Content Cop, but maybe this will make Versify shut up a bit.......or it will just escalate it further.  This is the longest of Versify's little hate-crushes (for views) from what I remember (since Hoodlum Scrafty and another Poketuber I followed mostly ignored his comments against them, outside of a video or two).

    2. Wolfox


      I'm just waiting for him to start shit with TheKingNAPPY. suddenly he'll be up against some people he had already started shit with in the past and lost while trying to take down NAPPY (example is shady)

  2. @Azeria either I read the rules wrong or you did. if I'm correct you can only do one hurt and one heal each day, and you can't tell me that in 14 hours 2 days have passed
  3. from what I know there are some major and some minor trainers with new teams
  4. I tribute you monster to Special Summon Santa Claws to your field!


    Now as my turn ends you get to draw a Card (grab a Christmas Present). Have a merry Christmas everyone.


    Also, since I own this card there will be a picture of me holding the card either today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (Cuz we dutchman have 2 days of xmas starting tomorrow). So yeah, see that as the card you're allowed to draw.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Not sure if that is genius or just weird


      Merry Christmas to you Wolfox! ^^

    2. Wolfox


      Also, a fun fact here:

      this cards stats are kind of a pun on 12/25, the date of xmas

  5. Yu-Gi-Oh!.ZEXAL.full.1879781.jpg




    Still the best rival v rival duel that should have happened

  6. You ever have those moments where your own mind decides to say "FUCK YOU!". Well I had that tonight... "You've been on a positive streak without too much depressing moments huh? Let's replay all times you were in love with someone you can remember!"


    I'd rather take a god damn nightmare over that a second time

  7. Wolfox


    Why would you trade away a Ralts for that hellspawn in the first place?
  8. Heal fairy. Hurt water Water : 18 Grass : 24 Dragon : 14 Electric : 20 Steel : 13 Fire : 18 Ground : 21 Ice : 21 Fight : 21 Normal : 18 Ghost : 18 Dark : 18 Bug : 23 Flying : 20 Fairy : 12 Rock : 18 Poison : 18 Psychic : 20 If they're not the reason you hate the type, then why use them as an example in the first place? And Azu being a bit bulky while having a high attack isn't something I would call "Toxic". When I think of a Toxic mon I think of those annoying as stall mons or the ones who are only good for bulk (nice example are toxapex, chansey, bronzong... there are enough on that list to keep me going for ages), and I hate to be that guy but there are not a lot of pure stall mons that are fairy type. in fact outside of Clef and maybe whimsi I don't see too any true stall mons at all.
  9. @RedAlert I greatly disagree. Because why would you care if you're better than some dumbass who thinks he's the best? Put it in a real-life scenario. Let's say you play tennis. Would you rather call a friend your rival or some douchebag who even if you beat him fair and square will just say "You just got lucky." or "The sun was in my eyes." because he still believes to be superior. That's not a rival, that a douchebag who doesn't deserve to even be in the competition. If you're facing your friend, you're genuinely happy and excited and give it all you got, PUSHING YOUR LIMITS. But when you face some douche who will still say he's better than you, then you don't have as much motivation because even if you completely stomp him he will never acknowledge it.
  10. Toxic Azu? That's not a common find tbh since it's usually huge power wallbreakerthingy. Clef I can understand. Mega Maw not really but that's cuz I never faced it. The Tapu's I can understand and magearna I can get behind. And toge was toxic before Fairies were even a thing (it doesn't even use fairy stab that often) so can't call fairies toxic for that bird
  11. "toxic af mons" Now outside of Klefki I don't see many overly toxic mons. in fact there's a ton more toxic water types
  12. Redemption Badges: 9

    It's been a while but I've finally beaten Fabian. And I can't lie, some of the battls with him were the most fun I've had in a battle for a long time


    1. Dreamy



      we're halfway there

    2. Wolfox


      types that will royally fuck me up: 3

      number of those I've beaten: 0

      Poison steel and fire are gonna be fun...

  13. Delphox. It was my first starter in reborn and it did the work. Now it's replaced by Gardevoir and Chandelure
  14. You know what really grinds my gears? When people say "It used to be much better when [blank]". Nice example is how there are people in the RWBY fandom who will always bitch about "the series not being as good without Monty". Yes, you're allowed to think that RWBY was at it's prime when Monty was still alive, but what exactly will bitching about it do you? And if you really don't like the series anymore just because one person is dead then STOP WATCHING. Like, seriously. what's the point in watching the series if every time you watch it you just end up saying "It was much better when Monty was still around."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean literally. Bitching about a real guy who died but "when he was around it was much better". can't change much about that, can we?

    3. Jess


      Oh, is Monty a real person? Thought it was an anime/manga hero, I'm sorry. Well, no, you can't do anything about it, and I guess that hearing about how much better everything was when he was alive can be "boring" after some time. 

    4. Wolfox


      Monty Oum. Creator of RWBY and from what I heard a master of 3d animated fight scenes.

  15. What did fairies do to you people? Being to cute?
  16. Kiryu.Kyosuke.full.1831195.jpg

    Kiryu Kyosuke... arguably one of, if not the best, characters to have come out of 5d's. without a doubt one of the best villains. Heck, he's the only character to have beaten Yusei on screen. (I know, "Yusei didn't lose, his D-wheel gave out before the attack connected.". well tell me this, had his D-wheel not went belly up durring that duel would Yusei have been able to do anything to stop the attack? The D-wheel saved his live, not the duel.)




    But yeah, Kiryu. Easilly one of the best characters from 5d's and probably one of the best antagonists from the entire franchise.

  17. welp. I just bought Ultimate Chicken Horse. now only one of my friends needs that game before we will on longer be friends...

  18. One the one hand I agree, on the other, I don't. Yes, it would make catching mons easier. but what exactly is stopping you from coming back later?
  19. hurt water, Heal fairy Water : 19 Grass : 22 Dragon : 16 Electric : 20 Steel : 16 Fire : 20 Ground : 21 Ice : 20 Fighting : 20 Normal : 20 Ghost : 20 Dark : 20 Bug : 21 Flying : 20 Fairy : 21 Rock : 18 Poison : 20 Psychic : 20 btw if I'm allowed to spam hurt a single type you should already know what type I'm gonna spam to death
  20. So, I went to see The Last Jedi with two friends. I liked the movie.

    Also, in my head R2D2 is a heavy curser. Like that would be why he sounds like beeps.


    And it was confirmed by Luke, R2D2 likes to curse at times.


  21. Cardgames on Motorcycles!

    1. seki108


      But what about dueling while standing completely still on the ground?

    2. Wolfox
  22. What do you get when you cobine Flamvell Loreman and Flamvell fiend but you make it pretty useful?



  23. msg-14175472525415.jpg

    need I even say anything?

    1. Dreamy


      hey its me ur mouth

      hand it over

    2. SilverAngelus


      *Buys ticket to the Netherlands*

      *Runs to that place*

      *Grabs the yet to be eaten delicacy and runs the hell out of wherever that place is.*

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