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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. So, I'm playing through Oras right now and I just faced a poison point roselia. And some how the one time I have a Poison Heal mon I can not get poisoned by either poison sting or poison point...

    1. Alistair



    2. Wolfox


      I didn't even realize that one...

  2. it shouldn't have any effect on it
  3. What TV show did Josuke Higashikata love watching when he was growing up?






  4. Replace Steely Dan by Ajit Pai and we got a deal

  5. My opinion on how important story is really simple: Don't half-ass it or leave the game unfinished while you claim it's finished. main target here is Insurgence, which has a certain amount of bugs that would actually give Ame nightmares. this gets priority over the rest cuz if you half-ass it the rest is gonna feel much weaker in general. Gameplay comes first because if that doesn't function well it can take away from everything else. Second, comes balance. A nice example I like to use is an older version of desolation. where the only thing you could get for the first gym leader was bibarrel, and even that was not a great way of beating said leader. another nice example is insurgence and the great lack of balance that game has. the story comes third. once the gameplay and balance are set up in a way that works, then the story will have to be balanced around that. if done wrong we get my earlier desolation example (Note, I know that that has been fixed. it being fixed, however, does not change the fact that it was balance done wrong). graphics: really, just make the graphics for the game. the graphics reborn uses really fit the game if you ask me for one. however, there are people who would rather see Reborn have Insurgence graphics. There is, however, one thing I really don't put too much value on. that is gimmicks. if a game has a gimmick that makes the game fun, count me in. but it doesn't mean that it has to be in everything or be essential to other games of the same series/genre. my favorite example of this is Pokémon walking behind you from HGSS. It was a fun gimmick to set that game apart from the others in the series but other than that it's really nothing. so when I see people demanding it in the new main series games or when fangames just shoehorn it in. Yes, it's a fun gimmick when used well. but that last part of it, the "used well" part is something I rarely really see in the fangames that use it.
  6. am I the only one who sometimes dreams of randomly striking a JoJo pose?

  7. Random Chibi episode. Random Caboose episode earlier. RT, you're being too kind

    1. seki108


      So they did end up releasing another Chibi episode?  Time to look that up

    2. seki108


      Mixing "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with a bit of "Peanuts"/"Charlie Brown" at the end.  Nice.

    3. Wolfox
  8. I used to run Bulldoze Azu on fairy monotype teams. The zane later changed toLO Wild Charge Tapu Koko. but the peak has to be my old MGGA (Make Granbull Great Again) Team, which was a fairy mono I used at the end of gen 6, using mega gardevoir and banded intimidate granbull. cuz it was a nice scizor check
  9. This is 100% truth. I will aid you in the battle, Pair Up successful. You know, I also like Camilla but for her personality toward Corrin. She's an overprotective big sister type and while Corrin's character is really bland, Camilla always makes me laugh in nearly all the supports. be it with Takumi in revelation, her retainers or even with Mr bland ass himself, it always put a smile on my face.
  10. here's a random fact: when I was a kid my favorite animal was the rabbit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      :o I never even realized...

      And now I kinda actually want a Pumpkin Pete hoodie xD Call me the dutch Jaune Arc

    3. Wolfox


      speaking of jaune, here's a nice pic of him one-upping Phyrra


    4. Alistair
  11. I think it's Mystery Egg exclusive. but I might be wrong
  12. I like this. Some leaders get a straight upgrade while others get a bit of a sidegrade from other mons (Buzzwhole to Heracross, as that, usually comes down to what the user like better). And with that said, I will enjoy seeing Ariel jump up many brackets with mega diancie, with or without diamond storm (allows xem to focus on special attacks over running mixed, either way, cuz Power Gem is still a thing)
  13. @Jess That's my point tho. even with such a small gap in speed you should never expect to oustpeed
  14. That's easy to do in 4Glory, choosing your opponents
  15. never said it worked on me did I? I only said that that's all they did, which is still fucking annoying as fucking fuck
  16. So, I did some thinking. And the conculsion I came to is that there is one thing that I absolutely can not stand: False Hope. Like, if you're gonna let someone down with one thing or another, why first build up the hope that you might not let them down? It only increases the hit that the letting down in the first place!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jess


      Personally, I never say "Sure, I'll help" or anything definite when someone asks for my help or relies on me for something. I always say something like "I'll do my best, but can't promise it will work perfectly" or something similar. Sometimes people are extremely optimistic about their capabilities and can't even consider of the possibility of letting someone down/hurting him/her/xem. Unfortunately, there are also people that do that on purpose just because, I guess, making someone hurt feels pleasant to them. :( 

      But not everyone does that...

    3. Jess


      By the way, the "maybe/I'll call you/I'll get in touch soon" when it comes to romantic relationship is 99.999% a rejection, so don't sweat it. I got one of these the other week! It's not putting chains around your neck to keep waiting for them. So,, getting your hopes down only depends on how you interpret the (pretty obvious) message! :) 

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Jess And when the 'Maybe' isn't a rejection it's pretty much said by someone whose over-the-top cheesy 

  17. "Bond stronger that A mega rayquaza" I have never once stated Rayquaza mega evolves by a bond, did I? I said that the bond between Amaria and Titania would be at least as strong as a mega rayquaza. not the bond you need to mega evolve it, the pokémon itself. READ BEFORE POSTING Yeah, she is WIELDING the Pokémon. So I don't think Aegislash really makes the decision on how fast she can slice you up with it. because that will really help when the woman in swinging the sword around. seeing as you most likely have to be next to her to be able to stop her. meaning that before you can get that darmanitan out, assuming every player has one that is, she can already have your head clean off.
  18. Ness and Lukas in Smash. All they do is spam PK Fire and it's just annoying as hell. I really hate them... Most of the time when I hear people talk about them in smash it's that they are fan favorites. but I really can't see it because all they fucking do is spam the same one input. It's gotten to the point where I don't even wanna play the games they're from, as my opinion on the characters is already gone to shit far enough that it makes me wanna fight a pro Brawl Meta Knight player before I ever wanna play against any Ness and Lukas "mains" ever again. Did I mention that all the players do who "main" ness and Lukas is SPAM PK FIRE?
  19. depends on everything that is said above and the mons themselfs. Don;t expect a Gardevoir to outspeed a Gyarados
  20. Chuck Norris was once hit by the Stand Arrow. The Stand that generated from him is well known as The Grim Reaper

  21. New Topologic monster used by Revolver. Let's just say that this new one really fits Revolver and reminds me a bit of Red Wyvern/Red Rising Dragon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox



      It's not really a shining draw. as seen when Yuma was reviving Astral SHining Draw can just be used whenever needed. Storm Acces is only usable when the user has less than 1000 LP, and it only adds a Random Extra Deck monster to the extra deck. For all we know Revolver got Thought Ruler Archfiend and had to be like "Well.... shit..."



    3. FairFamily



      First it is a "random" cyberse link monster. Second 1000 lp is plenty in the anime especially with the convient life point manipulation. Also the monsters call Revolver so it isn't random. Hence yusaku doesn't get topologic cards.


      It's like saying zexal shining draw is not bs because it adds random zexal or rank-up magic cards when yuma is in a pinch.


    4. Wolfox


      True, I guess. it does show that Revolver has more skill with his skill than Yusaku

  22. So... I would love to see something of myself in my kids (if I ever have any), but there are things I would not be sad about missing from them. Example: I would not mind if my kid would like anime, but if he/she is young and suddenly yells "Za Warudo!" to me... well you can understand why I would be like "yeah, no."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      If my child would want to watch Anime I wouldn;t mind. there are enough Anime that focus more on the childfriendly side (Pokémon, dubbed Yugioh, Digimon... there are enough)

    3. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      And Neon Genesis Evangelion. Your boys and girls would matured fast

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Understandable tbh

  23. The main thing I meant with advantage is that if they based it of the gen 1 story and canon characters they have the advantage since they have something to build it off, while Ame has to create everything from scratch
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