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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I won't say it's not, but once you find the flaws that that game has... it drops greatly. between bugs and the devs there it really falls short on Reborn without even a doubt. and the fact that Insurgence is more of a Dark Rising way of hard than actually being hard. So, you're expecting the player character to stop a woman who can kill that many grunts on her own while being weakened without said woman later returning the favor to you? And, even more so, expecting to be able to stop her from killing those grunts while she's finding the woman she has lived with for so long (even if she wasn't in love with Amaria, there is no single way that the bond Titania has with her not stronger than Mega Rayquaza at some point). It would most likely result in that Aegislash being pointed at the player. Also, I'm assuming Fire Red: Rocket Edition plays of the canon games when it comes to story. This would imply that that creator had an advantage as Ame has based most of the characters and story on the old Reborn League and had little to work with all in all.
  2. Kirlia. Am I biased because Gardevoir is my favorite mon? 100%.
  3. So, it's actually really awsome that the artists who did the other 3 JoJo Openings came together and made this song. You can even hear a bit of all the other intro's in this one (when it comes to style)

    1. Alistair


      I wasn't a big fan of this intro at first but it really grew on me after

    2. Wolfox


      same. I still haven't found a JoJo into I actually don't like tho. let's hope Part 5 won't change that

  4. Okay... so I'm gonna be honest guys. I made a mistake and forgot I gave Wolfox the age of 19. So after the prologue, I mainly wrote him as a guy at the age of 17. So I'm gonna make a little change in the prologue for that. another reason is that at the age of 19 none of the ladies are actually eligible for potential romance... I'm extremely sorry for this and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me
  5. here's something: In Yo-kai Watch there's a quest called "Insulting the Egg". I never knew Egglord was in that game

  6. So, I think there's one thing about JoJo that literally never gets old: Seeing Star Platinum Ora Ora Ora someone.

  7. Hi, hello there. I thought it would be fun to share my opinions on all champions and rivals of the main games. WARNING! I will most likely have some unpopular opinions on this list. If you think my list will trigger you, DO NOT PROCEED. The higher the champion/rival is when reading it, the less I like them. I'm doing this because people don't read from the bottom up. With that being said, please enjoy my opinions. Oh, and one more thing! I am not counting N, Red, Wally, and Gladion. Because while I love N and Gladion, I don't really see them as rivals. I don't count Wally because you only battle him twice and you rarely even speak to him. And I don't count red because he is a HIDDEN BOSS. NOT A CHAMPION. Also, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor don't count because if they did the list would be too long. (wow, not even into the lists and already a part that can trigger people. off to a great start.) Champions: Rivals: So, there you have it. My lists of favorite rivals and champions. feel free to say how much of a dumbass I am for putting blue for below Hau and how Blue should have been higher on all these lists, but know that that will have 0 affect. or if you like my reasons for why I like certain rivals and champions, let me know
  8. Jess has a good point there, can't deny that
  9. today seems to be a lucky day.

    I went to the crank-a-kai and first coin I use:


    one of the rarest ones you can get from it.

  10. the focus of this Chapter was to show Wolfox in a new light. Instead of the guy with a great skill for making an ass out of himself I intended to show his more agressive side. this is mainly reserved for when people really piss him off, people harras Pokémon or when people threaten his friends. Also, again, feel free to guess to who is the lady who Wolfox will at least atempt to have a more romantic relationship with. the tip remains: we meet her before the third Gym Badge is obtained.
  11. you know you can quote multiple people in the same post, right? just click the + next to the quote button
  12. Welcome Kaylee As Hooligan said it's nice to meet another person with ASD. feel free to ask any questions required or just send me a PM if you wanna chat
  13. yo, can you help me a little with the Vulpix you send me earlier for my run?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      sure. not really fair but it's better than nothing.


      I'll be waiting online, ID = Wolfox

    3. Wolfox


      thanks a ton. and sorry if it was a hassle

    4. Zarc


      Not at all , you're welcome ! 

  14. iirc the shiny rate of rejuvenation is just increased. so pure coincidence
  15. So, here's a little spoiler (I guess?) for my Written Run.

    There may or may not be a ore romantic interation between our main character and one of the ladies. guesses as to who it may be may be posted here or in the thread. and the tip as to who it would be is... "We meet her before the third gym badge is obtained".

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Well it can't be Shelly, Heather or Anna cus... That would be hella awkward. Doesn't seem like Victoria or Ame will be it. They seem more like friends. Which leaves Julia, Florinia, Charlotte and possibly Laura. But you only see her once before the obtaining of the 3rd badge. But I don't see it being with Julia or Florinia. So I'm gonna guess and say Charlotte.

    2. SilverAngelus


      Don't tell me. Amaria? If I'm correct, the real one would go to Titania and Titania would slash at you with Aegislash. The end.

    3. Candy


      Victoria gets on my nerves (for always making me look like an egoist psycho who only has getting badges in his/her mind lol) but it'd be interesting if it's her. Although I think she and Cal share a lil... connection xD
      My vote goes to Florinia. That'd be crazy and lots of development potential :P

  16. If it's not too much trouble. and thank Lexi Edit: posted the wrong link and only found out a bit later, sowwy
  17. Random fact: I love looking through a window when it's snowing. like, I love snow and I just love seeing it fall

    1. FairFamily


      Where is that downvote button when you need it?

  18. welcome to reborn, hope you enjoy your stay. also: Your avatar is the cutest ever
  19. When I looked at my wndow this morning I was so fucking happy. almost everything covered in snow :D

    Is it too obvious that I love winter?

    1. Dreamy


      You right now:



  20. Happy Birthday!

    Here's a picture of a chocolate letter to torment you to show gratitude for you being such a good friend :)


    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Afdaf, thank you Wolfie :">

  21. Insomni1.png

    Since you said the Succubus is your favorite mythical creature I thought you'd like this picture of a certain Yo-kai from Yo-kai Watch. Her name is Insomni

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'll only say that it's a really fun game that plays kinda like Pokémon in about one or 2 aspects and far from Pokémon everywhere else. Also, you would think ICSW helped to translate it cuz there are a ton of puns. and personally, I like the one eye thing, makes sure she's always winking at you ;)

    3. Candy


      Had to google what a succubus was. I think I'll stick to fairies lol

    4. Jess


      I'm sticking to Pegasus as well! Even though some succubus pics are quite "intriguing" :)

  22. I suggest fake out and a sash
  23. when you use trick room the mon using it always goes last. it's -6 priority iirc
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