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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. yeah, Achievement Haunter is def one of my fav RT shows

  2. Birth happyday, or did I mess that up? 

    1. Amethyst


      seems fine to me, nothing wrong here

  3. ah, the Minior. the mon that gave nexus some mild Flashbacks once it came back on screen. He never talked shit on it again...
  4. If I could make my own house in 3 houses I'd call it the Silver Wolves. We'd specialize mostly in skill and speed, granting opertunity for both physical and magic, but would not be very durable. 

  5. take a wild guess as to what my new laptop BG is. hint:



    Because while I still like Jotaro and Josuke a bit better, this pose is just amazing


  6. I did something sillyIMG_20190729_152442.thumb.jpg.b59a818f0fd3e703db35916fad21d6b7.jpg

  7. Plans for next month: buy switch +3houses.

  8. question, why aren;t Dracula X and Rondo of Blood included in the Castlevania classic collection? Symphony of the Night I understand more but would also have been a nice addition. all Classicvania's with as final hoorah the Birthplace of the metroidvania

  9. yeah, that happens when it's tied to a less than stellar mon. but that ability is a quick ban waiting to happen
  10. hence why I went with Comatose: simply being unable to do that at all
  11. Just a fun little topic: what if the strongest Regular pokémon in pure stats had a hidden ability? What would you give them, what would change about them, would it break the mons? Please let me know your ideas on it. personally, I would just wanna break Slaking with either Scrappy or Comatose. For Archeops, I'd say Rock Head, to make it's Headsmash a killer
  12. Unlocked the Sword master and Ninja classes in Bravely Default. Remembered why I love this game 

  13. That person's name is someone who takes their fucking sips 

  14. It's still hot. So here's your reminder to stay hydrated and cool

  15. Wolfy got a RT First account. I'm happy

  16. It's once again scorching hot. So what do I say? Take your sips. 

  17. Okay. Salt and Sanctuary is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Quite simple yet complicated and quite damn tough

  18. If you like Dark Souls and never tried Salt and Sanctuary, I'd say give it a go. 

  19. Remember that in this heat it's important to stay hydrated. So take your Fucking sips 

  20. Just a little ethical tip:never say you "fixed" someone's art. Kinda makes you come off as a dick
  21. Remember how MO started? He got his ass waxed but ended up keeping it going quite long
  22. give him till Shade, he tends to get that message accros. or everyones favorite mirror queen
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