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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. N-Nani? That's odd. I wouldn't complain tho, Metagross is AWSOME
  2. Would someone explain to me how people can hate Incineroar only because it walks on 2 legs? Like, they don't use it, they don't look into the lore behind it or anything. And for what reason? "It's another Bipedal Fire Starter and those SUCK!"

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. seki108


      @Wolfox  After looking through all my RWBY pics and doing a general search, I couldn't find it, so it probably was just something I thought up due to similar characters.  I would like to see that, though.


      Also, re-found these while looking, so it wasn't all bad.  @Wolfox not sure why the first turned out so small, but better version is there now






    3. Wolfox
    4. SilverAngelus


      @seki108 Aww I love that second one. And the second one of the second one. :3 

  3. does everything count as a valid answer? (I swear... I hate spelling that word. I always do it wrong before Grammarly corrects me)
  4. really depends on the game. I personally love putting up some outside music when playing Pokémon, but when playing Castlevania, Fire Emblem or anything like that I will take in every tune they put in
  5. you know what part of Metroidvania games I like best? Fighting a new boss learning all about the boss' patterns while trying to dodge what you don't expect. the satisfaction of being able to drop it's HP to 0... feels good man

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      One thing that can take away most of that enjoyment of learning those patterns is when there's a long trek back to the boss each time you lose...

    3. Combat


      What about finding a weapon or spell that tears a boss apart, making a previously difficult boss simple?

    4. Wolfox


      you're right @Hukuna the Undying, that's also one of the best parts of metroidvania's. just doesn;t beat the feeling of beating a boss that made you feel powerless at the bigening do to you not knowing anything about said boss

  6. when you have a perfect shiny Feebas that you got of Wondertrade, a Prism Scale, but nobody to trade with to get Milotic T.T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      it's in Ultra Moon. I forgot to Evolve it in Alph Saphire Q.Q

    3. J-Awesome_One


      Ohhhhh. That makes more sense. xD I thought you meant Reborn.

    4. Wolfox


      I would have Link Stoned that fish ages ago if it was

  7. @Jess



    I learned about ANOTHER Insurgence fuck up. and I would say it about ties with those Ghost NPC's right before the Persephone cutscene where she Finally summons Darkrai for it to listen:


    Surfing on the god damn bridge... and to make it worse, the water is a layer lower than the bridge...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. seki108


      Ah, ok.  Thanks for clarifying.  I definitely agree with that, since they are the only 'fakemon' I've really liked as a whole.......they really are just Alolan forms to me.  Still, I probably only accept them because they are variants of existing mons.

  8. you might have to re-edit your game because in frlg you can't evolve mons into mons that aren't in your Pokédex.
  9. You know, I like to think that when it comes to rage quits I'm a really calm person and that I rarely if ever ragequit a game. TODAY I fund a segment that has made me ragequite TWICE in one day and is putting me of the game greatly. There's a moment in Metroid Return of Samus where you just run from what I assume is a Boss. Running sections it self tend to piss me off and this moment is no exeption. gone is the pattern remembering and execution of dodging and attacking for a fucking annoying CHASE SEQUENCE THAT FEELS MORE OUT OF PLACE THAN AN ORANGE IN AN APPLE TREE. Up till THAT point I have loved the game. good atmosphere, fun to explore in and just noce to take your time and take it all in. but then it all goes out of the fucking window. if anyone who's played that game has any tips for me, please send them my way because this part of the game almost makes me wanna toss things to a wall

    1. Zargerth


      Do you mean Metroid II: Return or Samus or the latest game, Samus Returns?

    2. Wolfox


      the latest one. idk all the Metroid titles because this is the first one I'm playing

  10. I doubt it. so if you pick up any gen 7 mon for using Cut... well you're outa luck
  11. Welcome! hope you enjoy your stay. Anime/Manga is usually well liked around here. As for music *pulls out huge list of bands* Kontrust, Ghost Town, Foo Fighters, Within Temptation, Paramore, All Time Low, Tenacious D. I'll keep it at that for now.
  12. hello. As it's confirmed that Silvally is obtainable in ep 17, it's only obvious that the Memory drives that change its typing will also be obtainable. And I have a little question about them. Before that tho, allow me to tell you a little story: When I first played through Moon, I made sure that before I went UB Hunting I had a Silvally as good as possible. I ended up with a Jolly one with perfect IV's in all but HP and speed, and those being close to perfect. I used it for all the UB catches cuz you know, it was made to fight the beasts. I ran into a minor issue tho, going through the entire items bag every time I wanted to switch types was a bitch and a half. So I had the idea to put all the Memories in the "Free Space" section and only keeping them there. This made using Silvally a lot more convenient for me personally. So my question is: Could in ep 18 or something the Mailbag or something be coded to either Free Space or a space just for those Memories or potentially the items that serve like those Memories for other Pokémon (Like the plates or Arceus and the Drives for Genesect)? Or is this perhaps better suited as an idea for a mod? Thanks for reading and please let me know if you like the idea. if you think it's a stupid idea or even if you never realized Free Space in gen 7 could be used for this. Have a nice day/night regardless
  13. and there's also that, WHY GIVE THAT BULKY BITCH BOTH A SIGNATURE MOVE THAT WILL POISON ANYTHING THAT TOUCHES IT, A SIGNATURE ABILITY IT WILL NEVER USE AND REGENERATOR? Like, there's no reason at all. Like, most of the things with that bitch I can deal with, but gamefreak though that it was a great idea to give a stall mon that literally outstalls all other stall mons REGENERATOR. the only good thing is that they didn't think it was a genius idea to give it corrosion and Salazzle Merciless (although it would make more sense, seeing as salazzle will just try to hit hard over trying to stall you out)
  14. You know what parts I hate in games: Fleeing from an instakill. like just running and trying not to get hit. depending on the game it just takes away from the feeling of the game. Prime example at the moment: Metroid return of Samus. a game based on exploring, taking your time and remembering batterns in boss fights is at that section nothing like what the rest of the game is.

  15. the worst part about toxapex is that it actually has a cool ability in Merciless. which is COMPLETELY WASTED ON IT. Like, give it to another poison type that actually does damage, or make it a compensator for said poison type not having venoshock. but OF COURSE the poison type that will never use it get's it.
  16. sup. welcome to reborn whoever voted Toxapex I just lost respect for you
  17. not just awesome but quite correct by the theme of the mon. it's a failed attempt at a beast killed made by the Aether Foundation. Team Meteor could have found a way to do the same thing, yet trying to close Arceus. Failing in the process
  18. I think it will be either story related or in a Side Quest. Because it's most likely gonna be related to Team Meteor trying to create Arceus and failing, instead creating a Type: Full (Silvally's original name in Sun and Moon as Gladion named it Silvally) and said Type: Full being unable to control itself and thus having the mask put on and locked away. Maybe Elias will even use a Silvally
  19. well, with the New World field in mind... Togekiss. Fight evil with evil >:) And I never expected Gardevoir to outspeed it anyway~
  20. Exactly. else you end up with a buggy and broken game like a certain fangame we've spoken of many times
  21. It's no secret that I LOVE Metroidvania games. I love almost everything about them. But there's one thing I love in them more than anything else: Boss Fights. They push your skill in everything in the game up to 11. Pattern Recognition, dodging the attacks, managing to find time to attack while dodging. Exploiding their weaknesses to even the odds. What's not to love?


    With this in mind: Darksouls is a 3D Metroidvania Confirmed?

  22. I love gardevoir, but I hate it when people depict Gardevoir in the *Ahum* way (you know the one).
  23. Agron for you and Flygon for your rival. Btw, I disagree with that gardevoir pic
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