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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I agree with all things said here, yet I will stick to my guns. If anyone here knew when ep 17 would be out, it would be really easy to find on here. Like, even without much browsing. like, Ame is the first who would know the exact date of when it would be released, and I have a feeling that if she would put herself on a timer like that (which I think she should never do. we don't want an Insurgence situation with this game) she would put a timer or the date at let's say the download page. or the banner. or anything like that. That's how we, the community, would learn about the estimated release date and how potential newcomers would learn of it. Now, Ame doesn't work like that. She releases the new EP as it's Combat Ready. due to this, not even She knows when it will be released until the day that it's released (or maybe the day before if she's about to go to bed and put it on her "to do" list for tomorrow). Again. maybe this shows how stupid I am or how bad I am at social stuff. But think carefully. if you were a newcomer and you would skim through the main page of the Game or look at the banner and not see a release date, would you think anyone knows when the next episode is coming out? I know I wouldn't.
  2. I said it once and I'll say it again: Caboose knows the best thing about friends: "No matter how many friends you do lose. You can always make more."

    Now, before you say "he means they're replacable", remember that We're talking about Caboose here, the one who probably doesn;t even know what replacable means

    1. Shamitako


      He's also replaced Church multple times. Considering this is Caboose, it's entirely likely he has an alterior meaning that's not immediately apparent and is totally unaware of the implications of what he's saying.

    2. Wolfox


      exactly. what he means is that even if you do lose a friend there will be other friends, yet you should never take them for granted

  3. then I'll use my Nape. or maybe we'll have a Mega by that point and I'll just let Mega Gardevoir send it to next friday with a Hyper Voice
  4. Am I the ony one who wants Pokémon Conquest 2 as the last spinn-off game for the 3ds line?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      I am still waiting for both XD. After the amazing guardian signs game, I was thinking "there's gotta be more Pokemon Ranger games because they haven't done any other Pokemon Ranger games with gen 5+ Pokemon. And they should add gen 6 and 7 to Pokemon Conquest 2."

    3. Wolfox


      AND A WARLORD WITH A MAX LINK TO GARDEVOIR! Or allow the player to choose a starter pokémon that doesn;t have a 100% link with a Warlord (I will be the King of the Gardevoir one way or another...)

    4. SilverAngelus


      And I will be the Master of the Typhlosion one way or another!

  5. I'm probably gonna try and get Mudsdale and Silvally added to my Rotation. Ribombee and Lycanroc are, of course, also on my list. Mimikyu, Golisopod, and Araquanid as well. Maybe the starters... pretty much everything but Mareany and Toxapex... I actually can't stand those two...
  6. Dead. My Gardevoir looks at it funny and it learns "Play Dead" in hopes that I don't notice it's still alive. and if it manages to beat my Gardevoir, I still have a Haxorus and a Fighting Type to go with it
  7. usually, when I say that it gets delayed I say that it's just a running gag here because I don't wish to come off as snappy. however, I do take a little issue with the question. because if they don't know when it's getting out, no matter how long they've been playing. Why would we know it and not have it in an obvious place on the forums? maybe I'm just a very stupid person for thinking like that and maybe it's showing how bad my social skills are, but that's just my 2 cents about it
  8. You ever wonder how I got these scars?

    1. U-M


      You played Pokemon Insurgence? (Or was that @seki108:P )

  9. Gardevoir. 100% Gardevoir. Now yes I'm biased because Gardevoir is my favorite mon by far, it has better Synergy options due to it being part fairy. heck, couple it with a Magneton/magnezone and you have an almost perfect Core
  10. well, it depends on how much Ame wants to update I assume
  11. Keep it. Gardevoir is not the fastest mon there is all things considered.
  12. So, in case anyone wonders who my favorite RWBY Bad Guy is, here are a few hints: He kicks ass, he's cool, he like comics and he's a Murderers Son







    And Here's Qrow. Cuz Qrow


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistair


      oooo, someone else who likes Mercury! fine taste good sir~


      although I disagree with this picture, Tai is by far the most fully functioning adult on the team

    3. Wolfox


      still, the raging alcoholic is the second most functioning member of team STRQ.

    4. Alistair


      Another cool thing about Mercury is that he's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, who has done a mukload of cool work

  13. It's nothing new for them to put things like this in their games. usually it's limited to Pokédex entries tho
  14. Guzzlord is a hard Pokémon to find in USUM. There's no doubt about that. You have to find the right Ultra Wormhole (level 4 UB Worm Hole iirc) and that aint easy. quick thanks to TyranitarTube for uploading his find cuz I don't have it yet myself. While watching said video I (and everyone else watching) noticed that something was wrong... So, do you guys think this is credible? please let me know. Here's the video I mentioned
  15. DLqWNVpWAAMkxfQ.jpg


    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Your waifu is literally trash

    2. Wolfox


      Yeah, but at least Weiss's Waifu is cute trash

  16. There's also the fact that Wonder Trade is a risk-reward situation. Sure, you might get a perfect shiny Feebas (true story), but most of the time you can end up with like a bidoof, a rattata, a yungoose and all that stuff.
  17. never go into a battle expecting to sweep, because you will most likely be disappointed if you do. balance your team out. explore, do sidequests, all the regular "open world" stuff. Now that the tips are over, let's say how reborn is harder than any Pokémon game: it's actually difficult in a fair and balanced way. if you look at wat's is considered one of the hardest Romhacks, Dark Rising, you can see that it's not really difficult as it's just a grind fest. Then look at Insurgence where the "difficulty" comes from a lack of balance and the Cult Leaders having Legends early on (Like, when you fight the Sky Cult their leader has a Mega Rayquaza. And at that time you're like 3 to 4 badges in). Reborn, on the other hand, balances it all out. it gives you enough options to deal with everything you encounter. heck, there's even "Forum Champions" because they deal with everything so well (Those being Gardevoir and Magnezone). This is not always the right idea, as Greninja is well versed in both physical and special attack. while in OU and such it's mostly seen Special, in-game Physical or even mixed can do wonders
  18. 8e3.jpg

    What if she wants you to see them Weiss? ;)



    And a bad Ruby

    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      White with blue laces… standard Ojou-sama choice.

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