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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Hey Sarge, Permission to brag a little about getting more than 70k points in the Poni Island Mantine Surfing course?

  2. I would say Max Speed Max spatk, flamethrower/heat wave, shadow ball, e-ball and filler
  3. Redemption Badge Count: 8

    after a long time, I've toppled Mira

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wolfox


      true. next on the hit list would be Fabian. should be a doable battle. still, the only GL's who've stopped this team are Mira and HELEN, but I'not expecting that to last too long

    3. Azeria


      Ooo gl. He's the leader with the highest winrate rn.

    4. Wolfox


      well, fairy and water tend to have close matches IIRC. so unless he brings the hellspawn I should be decently fine

  4. Am I the only one who gets a Qrow vibe from Nanu? I mean, Red eyes, living a bit far from people he cares about... I wouldn't be surprised of Nanu has a flask in his jacket

    1. Dreamy


      Yea, I can definitely see it now that you mention it. Nanu is obviously a bit more old and tired, but still.

  5. SO. it seems Gamefreak changed something concerning Vikavolt. You can now evolve Charjabug BEFORE Vast Poni Canyon. I won;t spoil where it is, but let's just say it's a lot sooner

    1. Zargerth


      If only they did the same with Crabrawler and Crabominable...

    2. Wolfox


      I mean, it would be nice, but it wouldn't make a lick of sense. I mean, it's the only Icy place in Alola

    3. SilverAngelus


      They should have just made Crabrawler evolve with the ice stone.

  6. there's a reason it's called focus miss. the times you actually need it to hit. it WILL miss. it's the move you run because the second best thing is HP fighting.
  7. two things 1) for a breeder it's better, but for someone who just places a mon there for leveling off team, it would be a bad thing. so it's a double-edged sword. 2) Focus miss is your idea of a good TM? who harmed you?
  8. I said this before I think, but I'll say it again just in case.

    Little tip for those playing Ultra Moon, you gotta set your time to anything between 5 AM and 6 AM to evolve the Event Rockruff into Lycanroc Dusk.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarc


      Wait , it's not PM ? Cause on wikia it say PM , not AM

    3. Wolfox


      for Ultra Moon the timing is flipped, remember? Night is day and Day is night.

    4. Zarc


      Oh ok , well i'm still at the beginning ( i'm about to face Pectorius ) 

  9. Ultra Moon team update: Start of Ula Ula Island!

    Azura (Primarina)

    Sif (Lycanroc Dusk)

    Robin (Charjabug)

    Olivia (Pau Oricorio)

    Frightfur (Bewear)

    Alura (Tsareena)


    I think it's safe to say that this team is pretty damn lit.

  10. Actually, I just remembered something funny. @Wolfram2700 should know this one So Dogsheep and I were battling, I was trying to get my Gym Leader possition back in Lotus. He send in his Toxapex on my Tapu Koko. That Toxapex ended with getting Ohkoed by a LO wild charge. I will still not let Barkbaa live that down.
  11. Oponent: Scald

    it burns.

    Me: rawst berry

    oponent: Scald again


    3 fucking guesses, what happened after the scald?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      0.81%, that's my luck.

    3. Chickens


      cause have been 5 burns

    4. Wolfox


      not really, cuz the only other mons I had were resisted by it or weak to it. and while I may be stupid I am no moron

  12. Edge of sharpness and fury of bear! When the two come together, you had better beware! I Fusion Summon! Here it comes, the most unbearable monster you've ever seen! It's a cut above the rest, Frightfur Bear!

    1. Maelstrom


      I thought we stopped the evil Teddy ultimax announcer?

    2. Wolfox


      untill there's a better Bewear nickname it can;t be stopped

  13. Ultra Moon Team Update:

    Azura (Brione)

    Sif (Lycanroc Dusk) tip btw, in ultra moon you gotta set your time to 5 AM to evolve it into Dusk

    Robin (Charjabug)

    Olivia (Oricorio)

    Frightfur (Stufful) Nicknames comes from Shiunin Sora and the first Fusion monster he summoned in YGO Arc-v


    Members Upcomming:

    Bounsweet (Alura)


    Also: I will let you all decide what Oricorio form I will use once I get the right nectar. Pom Pom form is disqualified cuz I already have an Electric type

  14. Wolfox

    Chaptr 17.

    When will people learn that asking pushes the date back? or better yet, that even Ame herself doesn't know when it will release till it's released
  15. simple question: Why would I? Why would I ask or demand a pokémon to be redesigned when Game Freak knows what they're doing. A slender more Asian inspired dragon would be cool, but not as Dragonite. Dragonite is the dragon that you wanna give a bear hug.
  16. with this, I can assume you did not explore the Volcano before you even battled Cal, as the fire stone is in a little branch area there
  17. Sometimes, finding the right Nickname can be hard. It took me about a year to finally find a good Tsareena nickname. The nickname is question is Alura, after the Alura Une, my favorite Castlevania enemy



    This is the enemy in question

    1. Wolfox


      The reason I like the Alura Une is generally combat based, as it will attack with vines, also the notion that this creature was once just a regular Une

  18. latest?cb=20080516020712

    Toki Wo Tomare!

    1. Alistair


      And of course it's a Fairy, uh :P

    2. Wolfox


      believe it or not, I'm actually not a huge fan of Fairy monsters in YGO. More of a Dragon/ spellcaster kinda guy

  19. Redemption Badge Count: 7

    1. Chickens


      Congratulations. 11 more suckers to go

  20. also, why the f*ck is that Growlithe not an Arcanine?
  21. So... her's a funny thing... I had my whole team for Ultra Moon planned. BUT! then I remembered that one of the mons I had planned (Alolan Ninetales) is not available in Moon/Ultra Moon. The rest of the team planned is Primarina, Lycanroc (dusk), Vikavolt, Tsareena, and Bewear. So... anyone got a mon they could advise for that last spot?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wolfox



      Potentially a new Avatar for Jess?

    3. Jess


      Damn straight! <3

      Ame, please release E17, I have some things BUGGING me!

    4. Wolfox


      Actually, I decided to go with Oricorio (thanks @EndearingCharacterTrait for the idea). So now I have both Azure from FE fates and Olivia from Awakening on my team~

  22. The Ultra Moon squad at this point in time (trainer school):

    Azura the Popplio (Female)

    Robin the Grubbin (Male)

    Sif the Rockruff (Male/Event)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      Wolves are my favorite animal. and while I would love to say that that's why I go by "Wolfox" online, it's not. The name originated when I was playing Smash Brawl. See my best friend mained fox and I loved playing Wolf. So yeah... that's how my name came to be

  23. I would replace the Noctowl (surprised you're still using it tbh) for a dark type. Malamar or Skuntank for example
  24. Alola, be prepared. Because Wolfox has returned! With his new partner Azura (Popplio) there will not be much that will be able to stop him!

    1. SilverAngelus


      Alola Weather Warning: We advise you please stay indoors for this upcoming Wolfox-Azure storm. Meteorologists say to move to higher elevation due to likely flooding. Stay tuned for more information.

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