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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Well, before I go to pick up Ultra Moon, let's rig on Insurgence one more time. However, this one will not be about a bug or a glitch. Oh no, this will be about something Suze knew he did, and he should be sent to the Shadow Realm for.


    Now, we all know that many games, like Pokémon, sometimes put items in spots you can only reach later on in the game. Now, there's nothing wrong with this, hell I personally love when they do that. However... In Insurgence, there are two moments where the item in question (if it even is an item and not just looks like it to "troll" cheaters/hackers) is completely unreachable. And those Items just sit there, taunting you. Knowing the Insurgence dev's they won't even be real items, but that only makes it worse! Why taunt players with something they can't obtain? Most of the problems Insurgence has can be fixed by one of the devs actually patching the game, still won't fix that the devs have an attitude but then that won't be as much of an issue. But this? There's no fucking excuse for it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Commander is most likely doing it as a joke, which is okay. And technically it is still obtainable and will be later. but just puttining an NPC in front of it or just not placing any way to get ti it at all, that is just fucking low

    3. Dreamy


      Oh yea, I remember that fucking one in the department store, that's literally just there to piss players off. fuck that.

    4. Wolfox


      and there's the "Master Ball" in the rain gym city. which has no point where you can reach it...

  2. Another one that seems interesting is a Monster Hunter character. like give the character from one game a name (or just make it Hunter) and give him a weapon that seems smash worthy. like the regular Great Sword or Long Sword. or something completely new like the Insect Glaive
  3. It's no secret that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be the last Pokémon games on the 3DS line and potentially even the pure handheld scene (ignoring some spinn-off's that is). With that, I believe it might be a good idea to look back at the times we spend with the previous times. Be it lessons you learned via Pokémon, be it fun you had or anything. I'll start it off with my first Pokémon game: Pokémon White. I got it on my 13th birthday and that school year was the worst year I've had to live through so far (I've made a post about that a while back for those interested). Everyday when I came home I just wanted to play Pokémon and forget all about that day. I later got to playing Platinum and Soul Silver through some less legal ways (I had an R4 card and someone put the games on there for me). At this point I was in love with the formula it used and I knew that it would be one of my favorite franchises till I lost interest in gaming all together. Till this time that had been all I knew about Pokémon, but all changed when my nephew send me a picture of Pokémon Reborn, I asked him for a link and I started playing (and that's how I ended up here ). Skip ahead to 2014, I got a 3DS from my parents and I bought Pokémon Y pretty soon after. Finally being able to fully play gen 6 rekindled my love for the series and I started to really form opinions on what mons I liked and what mons I would rather see rotting in the Shadow Realm. Later that year I obtained Alpha Saphire (no idea why the man who dislikes Water Types over all other types got the one with the water legend. I never claimed to be a genius) and I started playing through one of my favorite regions now in 3D. A bit into ORAS I got an invitation to a League on a showdown side server, where I picked up Monotype (specifically, fairy type) and I started to learn how that worked exactly. And while I recently left the league, I will always be thankfull for the people of The Lotus League. And yeah, that's it. If I may say, they were Please share your story/stories with us.
  4. Let's look back at the years of Pokémon mainly being pure handheld. Those were, indeed, Precious Times and Glory Days

  5. yeah, the only high BP steel type move it learns that really reliable is Flash Cannon, which is better for Special Lucario. Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon spoiler:
  6. Warning: This is not true for what I know. All I know is that Narcissa's move used to have about 90% chance to boost defence on hit.
  7. Here's a little fun fact: there's not many smash characters I dislike. there are, however two that I absolutely hate.

    These two are Ness and Lukas.

    Now the reason why I hate them is quite simple: My opinion of Ness got ruined online. I played a little bit of 4Glory for a little while, just for fun. And every fucking time I found a Ness player they did the exact same fucking thing: spam PK Fire. Nothing else, they just spammed PK Fire and ran away from me. I assume you can understand why that's annoying to fight. Lukas in innocent in this, but I always see tham as a pair.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      exactly my point. I may potentially love the games, but people learning about one thing in a fighting game that's about as easy to learn as the grass water fire triangle is in pokémon, it can just turn you off of the game itself. I mean, for every game that's gotten on my no list Smash has allowed me to pick up something new. Mainly Fire Emblem (Praise Ike and Marth for that)

    3. Shing


      That is really true. I wouldn't give a damn of xenoblade if it wasn't for smash(and the soundtrack lool).

      And same goes for versa. Annoying characters from crossover games can turn off you interest in their franchise.


      Luckly, I have never had this happened to me. I have a strong ass mentality when it comes to games.


    4. Shamitako


      Spam PK fire and run away sounds about right for how I play Ness in regular matches. But Lucas is way better than Ness anyways. Or rather I can sort of maybe vaguely play Lucas but I suck even more balls than usual with Ness.


    I guess you can say it's Lit

  9. you're quite wrong about decidueye compadre. While it's not the best, it has enough boons to make it a pretty useful mon in reborn. Primarina will most likely be pretty good, however, I think Incineroar will be the best of the 3. It has the best divided natural bulk, it's typing is incredible for both offense and to an extend defense. allow me to explain: dark has 3 weaknesses in fighting, bug, and fairy. slap fire on a dark type, and suddenly only one of them remains. while no fire weaknesses are dropped, it grants a total of 4 weaknesses in fighting, rock, water, and ground. 3 of which are mainly good for physical offense, so Intimidate can help a lot. now to rig on Primarina: it has competition. Primarina is not the only water fairy mon. And if you believe Smogon, not the best either. It has to box up with Azumarill, which is no easy battle. It's a pick your poison kind of scenario: Would you rather have a physical wrecking ball with enough HP to be bulky when needed or a special cannon with enough spdef to tank a few flash cannons. The other 2 also have competition, but not as much BY FAR. Decidueye has Gourgheist and Trevenant to worry about, both of which do more of a stally role, so he's save to pick as an attacker. Incineroar has Houndoom, where you literally choose between physical and special, and Incineriar kinda holds the edge there. But that's just my 2 cents on how they will fare. Also @Maqqy, he was talking about starters, not gen 7 mons in general.
  10. ctrl_f_u_by_omega719-d3b9922.png

    The one rule Blue Team has is not killing team members. Caboose did it soo much this happened

  11. In Red Versus Blue, control has a keyboard shortcut for something. this shortcut is Ctrl F U

    this means?

    A: Church died




    c: Caboose killed a team member



    also I found this emoji B)



  12. Let's play a little guessing game:

    What's stupid, on a red platform, has an ego that can make Seto Kaiba seem humble, is a hypocrite and has a bigger need for drama than a reality TV show?







  13. yeah... no. Z-move will be late midgame or late game as it's earliest. we all know Ame, and we know how she wouldn't let Z-moves make the game easier by handing those moves out early
  14. So... the new Vrains episode is out. Many dreams have been fulfilled


    Naoki finally duels, and somehow wins



  15. So... I just realized something that can only be discribed as a reference...

    in Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow there's a Boss Fight (no shit sherlock) agains Zephyr. Zephyr is a monster thing that can stop time for a few seconds. Now here come the fun parts: when he does this he will sometimes say "Toki wo tomare!". and his main way of attacking is by throwing knives.


    the only thing that could have made the reference more obvious of his name had to do with The World or literally was Za Warudo.


    Edit: after looking it up, it is actually a reference (Konami used to be cool, remember guys?)


    Zephyr is based on Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and uses similar attacks, i.e. throwing knives and freezing time. One of his Japanese voice clips even echoes Dio's famous "Toki wo, tomare!" ("時を止まれ!", "Time, stop!"). His fight on top of the clock tower is a reference to Part 3 of the manga.

    1. Alistair
    2. Wolfox


      yes, yes it is. it makes the Jonathan Morris is a reference to Jonathan Joestar theory even more likely (2 jonathans fighting a vampire and J. Morris ever has a pose that resembles a JoJo pose. Again, Konami used to be cool like that)

    3. Alistair


      That's what I thought.




  16. Wolfox

    E17 Redone Intro

    Translation: Video aint working
  17. Playing some Pokémon fusion generation.


    Don't judge my nicknaming skills

  18. Valentines with s1 sarge and s1 Church:

    'Were are Red.

    You are Blue.

    Once I get my Grif Cannon.

    I'll aim it at you!"

  19. actually, Kommo-o might be a big one Ame's leaving out. because while it's movepool isn't amazing pre move tutors and its stats are balanced, remember that it's typing really only fears one thing: fairy types. and we just passed Adrienn. It resists Ameria and Hardy, it's strong against Hardy, Titania, and Saphira. the only gym leader remaining (unless I forget one) that would really put a dent in Kommo-o would be Saphira, and even then if Kommo-o gets a D-dance up that changes entirely.
  20. I actually think now would be a good moment for Ame to implement the Mega Ring, as we've already face gym leaders with Mega Evolution. Also, it was in Ame's mind to add it in ep 16, but that went like "No. Yes? Maybe.... *slaps herself on the cheek* NO!", so maybe we're lucky
  21. Say, you don't happen to know a good place where I can find Speed Nectar in MH4U do you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zargerth


      Which type of Speed Nectar do you need?

    3. Wolfox


      as I'm still pretty early I wanna say just in general

    4. Zargerth


      Try Primal Forest, area 5 and Frozen Seaway, area 3

  22. you know what kinda grinds my gears? how many people actually say "we need to have a NUZLOCKE MODE for the Switch Pokéon game!". and every time I hear/see someone say that I just wanna be that guy and say "dude, that might be fun for some, but be realistic. Nintendo would NEVER put that in the game.". the funniest thing is, I did once. their reaction was, and I quote; "WEAK! HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THEY WON'T?".

    It seems that person was in denial and anger all at once there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah... people say that unironically. and at least GF still makes a better effort than Suze. I mean Pokémon games may not always be difficult, they are at least finished to completion unless it's something that was so small that anyone could miss it. and even THEN they fix it ASAP

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      A nuzlocke mode is kind of pointless imo because you don't need a special game mode in order to do a nuzlocke. It's like someone asking for a no potion mode when they can already do that themselves by just... choosing to not use potions. 

    4. Wolfox

    They even show it off... Incineroar get's Drain punch now... But can the monkey starter get Drain punch? #Salty

    1. Alistair


      "NO. The ladybug can, but not the punching monkey."

      - Game Freak

    2. Wolfox



      also, MIMIKYU get's drain punch!. But nape? HELL NO.


    3. FairFamily


      Icineroar gets drain punch? That's amazing. This means that  my assult vest/intimidate/u-turn Incineroar gets recovery on top. 

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