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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. tumblr_onwepqHT5h1qh4ldjo1_500.jpg

    Lavernius Tucker for dad of the year

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    1. Shamitako



    2. Wolfox


      Bow Chicka Honk Honk indeed

  2. you know how people saythat in the first sun and moon champion defence battle you always battle Hau? well, that's as big of a lie as the Mew under the truck. do I have proof? pretty much, yeah. the first one I did was met by Gladion. who's not a special date encounter but just a random one~

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  3. So... am I the only onw who's annoyed with the fact that Yusei doesn;t have his Marker on the picture used?

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  4. tucker-did-it_o_1094703.jpg




    Who was worse off? The Reds or Church?

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  5. So... I decided to play some Monster Hunter. since I have to do the egg quests no matter what I though: Might as well. and out of f*cking nowhere a Great Jaggi decides to say "Fuck you Wolfox! I'm breaking your eggs!". needless to say, that great Jaggi will not see his family ever again.

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    1. FairFamily


      Games seem to hate you for some reason.

    2. Wolfox


      I'm unlucky, what can I say? that Jaggi did allow me to fall in love with the Insect Glaive tho, so I guess he did a good deed in some way shape or form

    3. FairFamily


      Jay another insect glaive lover.

  6. ftuid49da5565e098e.jpg


    PRIVATE GRIF! Stop making up Animals!

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  7. Wolfox


    there's nothing you can do than. sadly.
  8. We had people who used to post welcome songs, but those people stopped
  9. Wolfox


    it's not. gust, whirlwind, flame burst, there's multiple moves that can remove corrosive mist
  10. Wolfox


    shaymin, like all other legends, are not in the game at the moment. all legend will be post game. and all an all shamin wouldn;t help against a poison type gym much
  11. been a pretty long time since my last depressed status update huh? let's keep it that way!

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    1. Alistair


      I've noticed that you posted mostly cheerful things lately, which is awesome. I too hope this continues :)

    2. Wolfox


      I'll make sure it goes on as long as possible

    3. SilverAngelus


      Just blast the Yu-GI-Oh! 5Ds theme song or RWBY song if your ever feeling down. :3

  12. oh well, I'm happy that at least it's banned in Monotype. ngl the water players raised fucking hell about that, while the dark players were just like "Meh, I'll use something else"
  13. 5 days left till Ultra sun and moon drop... actually hyped as f*ck. and thank Nintendo for not giving it to Europe late like last time.

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    1. SilverAngelus


      Yup, this game has a lot more to do storywise than any other Pokemon games Nintendo has made. Especially, cuz of Rainbow Rocket. 


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    2. Howin
  14. Redemption Badge Count: 6

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    2. Wolfox


      I'm not really. I could potentially use an updated TC tho, as I used a move token but Gardevoir stills shows the previous move

    3. Azeria


      That aughta been done already.


    4. Wolfox


      still missing the badges but okay :P


  15. 1) Jess, Seki and I could literally give you a list that would make sonic 06 look like a more stable game. like seriously. missing TM's, ghost NPC's, game breaking bugs and everything. 2) yeah, a primal kyogre and mega rayquaza are hard early game, but that's really where it ends. Giving the opponent OP mons doesn;t make it a hard game. It's like Dark Rizing but instead of OP in level the mons are just OP. need I explain more? Now for how I found reborn: my nephew send me a video of him feeding a common candie to an ekans (inside joke between us at the time) and I got interested in the game. and now, a few years later, I'm still here.
  16. Remember people: don't judge a Mummy by it's wraps

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  17. There are some interesting easter eggs in the new vrains ending. two of my favorite are the Statue of Atlas and the word Synchro graffitied on the tunnel wall.

    Wait a minute... Synchro... Atlas... Jack Atlas returning in Vrains confirmed?

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  18. the e4 (or should I say e3) is even more broken than I thought... Now I may be wrong here, but aren't things like this things you FIX? specifically, BEFORE you release your game? @seki108 would also like this conversation I think.

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    2. seki108


      Maybe it will turn into the game Insurgence could have been........when it comes out.  Their Q&A suggests they want to go until S/M at the very least......though their last update was from Valentines day, so who knows if they have plans for US/UM.

    3. Wolfox


      no clue what they'll do

    4. Jess


      It does look interesting. We will have a crapload of "what do you mean Lunatone resists Dark Pulse?!!!" moments and losses due to those...

  19. yeah, but who says it's always specs? for what you know it's physical liquidation night slash ash gren. also, I really dislike the "you gotta kill something with it first" argument for it being legal. because it's still a Greninja.
  20. Hey. You ever wonder why we're here?

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    2. Alistair


      Please define important. For all we know, replying to your status update might be an important thing to do in my eyes.

    3. Wolfox
    4. SilverAngelus


      Cause we're bored? Cause it's fun to see what others post? Cause we're anxiously passing time till ep 17 releases for us all?

  21. there's one thing I wonder about OU: why is ash gren still legal? I mean it's pretty much a Mega to the ones that use it. and if you don't then you're forced to pretty much face 2 mega's on one team...
  22. the Prologue of my written run is up and running. I was gonna wait until ep 17 to start the thing but I had an itch to write and I literally dreamed up a pretty big part of it last night. And if you know me you know that I can be a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes. hope you enjoy if you decide to give it a read

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  23. Welcome! What's up, everyone? This will be my written run, done in the same style as @Awesome_One does his James themed run. Chapter 1: Prologue. the rest of the run will come with ep 17. I just wanted to get this out of the way now because I don't trust myself to remember the whole prologue of the story. Tips always appreciated. Thanks to @Zarc for providing me with the Vulpix who will act as Started and partner for this run. See you all later to update this once it's ready to go further.
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