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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Just a little ethical tip:never say you "fixed" someone's art. Kinda makes you come off as a dick
  2. Remember how MO started? He got his ass waxed but ended up keeping it going quite long
  3. give him till Shade, he tends to get that message accros. or everyones favorite mirror queen
  4. Did a lil pic

  5. Chimchar. Cuz while Gren is my favorite using a water starter in reborn is like hardmode unless you can get a rattled poochiena
  6. started with a somewhat older RPG yesterday. can anyone guess which game by only this link?


  7. me with my friends a lot


  8. considering it's blind it's no surprise they want to. the game doesn't come with a "Good fucking luck, we hard as a Scizor's body" warning so until you play or saw something of the game it's not easy to judge. plus, Nuzlocking usually makes for better content on the easier games
  9. after some re-thinking my top 3 starters has shifted a bit. Primarina is now third, still love it but the gender ratio and low speed are some let downs. Second remains Infernape. Don't like it any less or more than before. and the new number 1, Greninja. A bit basic perhaps, but I just love it (it was my number 3 before). cool design and coloring, good abilities + movepool. Few things not to like

  10. I'm honestly waiting for someone to pronounce it as amie /as in Pokémon ammie
  11. "Nothing kills exitement and enjoyment like expectations" - Wolfox Glace 2019

  12. I love the word Wazzock

    1. Abyssreaper99


      It really is a good word.

    2. Wolfox
  13. Team RWBY is coming to Smite. This is not a drill

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      if they become skins. for all we know they're just tossing them in as regular playables (lower chance, but still)

    3. Swampellow


      Skins have been confirmed lol.

      they are going to have the actual voice actresses doing lines and whatnot though.

    4. Wolfox


      oh, that I didn't know yet. still, really awesome

  14. here's a fun fact: there's an outfit in Mark of the Ninja that looks extremely similar to The Blue Spirit


  15. I love learning new words 


  16. so, instead of Sly Cooper... maybe Ezio or Altair for Smash?

  17. question. how was Red Blood Cell actually reliable in an End of the World situation?

  18. yo... Sly Cooper for Smash

    1. seki108


      While not my first choice I would certainly be good with it.  Really any of the Jak, Ratchet, Sly gang.

  19. What's your favorite level based platformer? 

    1. seki108


      Would Super Mario Bros DX on the GBA count?

    2. Wolfox


      I assume so if it's a platformer with levels. 



      Mine would probably be Mark of The Ninja. That game is just... 

  20. thank me later

  21. 897675186_f72(1).thumb.jpg.80934c544343fe723433c390e98f7095.jpg

    When you remember 

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