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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Wolfox

    E17 release?

    all we know is that it's delayed again... NEVER ASK THIS DAMNIT (this is an inside joke on the forums. every time someone asks some people say Ame pushes the date back again. we do this as both a joke and to minimize a number of times the same thing is said to the question)
  2. a little idea: what if James gets a little nostalgic when he fights Aster and Eclipse? Seeing those two could remind him of his time with Jessie and Meowth
  3. Little spoiler you might like:

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    1. Jess


      Bounce/Headbutt/Horn Leech/Jump Kick(or Megahorn)

      I like this!


  4. SPOILER ALERT! No story, just some buffs. Still tho: Watch at your own risk~

    Credit for vids goes to Numb Nexus

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    If those STILL weren't enough of a spoiler warning (each vid is in a spoiler window, each vid GAVE a spoiler warning and I gave one at the top over there), then don't come to me that you got spoiled about things you didn't wanna know yet. Alright? Cool.

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    1. Wolfox


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    2. Zargerth


      The additions to movepools are pretty nice, Kommo-o needed more STAB-moves anyway and now mons like Feraligatr no longer have to rely on Waterfall (there's Aqua Tail but generally Waterfall is the preferred move out of the two). 


      Stats on UB Burst and Assembly are sort of disappointing, though. The lack of any form of recovery barring Rest hurts Assembly even more.


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    3. Wolfox


      I like the new Lycanroc's stats, NOT DISAPOINTED AT ALL

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  5. Still one of the best songs in a Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.

    Clustering powers will bring about a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro! Appear, Shooting Star Dragon!

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  6. well well well, I finished rvb s15. hoping to see more but if not I'm happy to have seen it through to the end. Just don't forget: Why are we here?

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    2. Wolfox


      I know, but...

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    3. Shamitako


      Oh, okay


      I thought we were paying homage to the start of the series upon reaching the end

    4. Wolfox


      to an extent I was, but in the way that was done near the end of s15

  7. HxTusnmnTfGbHQ02pMuB4g.png

    all colors are there huh

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    2. seki108


      Somehow I'm in 10th in terms of rep points.  I'm surprised, considering I've only been using the site since January.  Jan's in 9th (4 points ahead) and Paul25 is in 11th (only three points behind me but he joined more recently than me).


      Not that it matters.  I just like looking at numbers. 


      I don't think anyone is going to beat Ame in any arbitrary statistic.  It's a conspiracy I tell you........unless, Ame is......no

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    3. Alistair


      Thanks to you @seki108 I just realized it was possible to view the ranking beyond the 8 top members

      and wow I'm 20th in the whole forum? duuuudes. Ya'll should try upvoting people who actually deserve it instead :P

    4. Wolfox


      @Alistair they upvoted me to 4th place, so I don't think they will

  8. boy the new ep of Vrains is lit

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    1. FairFamily


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  9. Don't wory about using my redemption TC Duderino, it's aight
  10. not surprising weather was f*cking with you. weather's been gliched all of ep 16
  11. I only really read them when I'm confused about something, like controls or mechanics, but other than that I try to learn what I need in the game itself
  12. If I could have a suggestion: sweet scent could remind him of Victreebell, making him even more haoppy with Roselia
  13. another mon that helps and could replace noctowl is Medicham. it can be obtained at Apothyll Academy through a little sidequest. I have swept Aya with that thing a few times already
  14. gonna try to start a written run when ep 17 comes out. bit of early backstory: the character has ties to the cotinent of Ransei

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    how can people hate Donut?

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  16. I learned about ANOTHER Insurgence bug (@seki108 might also wanna hear this)


    so it seems that if you do a randomized run, one of the e4's mons won't attack at all...

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  17. I remember now what's the worst part of my laptop's location: it's directly in front of my rooms Window. so cold air will blow on it about 24/7 till it gets warmer again

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    2. HongaarseBeer


      There isn't a direct problem with cold air. It's actually beneficial to some extent. However, @Jess it's not good if it's too cold too actually. I can't remember the exact reason, unfortunately. But anyway, it is very unlikely that Wolfox' laptop has to battle such low temperatures anyway :P 

    3. Wolfox


      the laptop getting cold isn't the issue. my hands get cold af when using it. minor complaint but annoying

    4. Jess


      Then, it is an issue of either closing the window or moving to sit at a different spot in house :) 

      Also, yes Hongaar, at about -10 all electronics start malfunctioning... But that would be Alaska, not Holland :D 

  18. I think there's no way out of it... I have to do an XCOM run with RvB names some day

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    2. Wolfox


      oh, really now? interesting.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l just don't feel like typing that out every time. And, clearly, you knew which l was referrin' too so... no harm done. ((though lt'd help if they stopped naming things so simimalry... or remaking everything at nausem... no?))

    4. Wolfox


      yeah. but eh, as long as the games are enjoyable I don't mind. I mean no matter what XCOM game you're playing it will at times make you regret your life choices

  19. interesting idea. I hope to see it through to the end
  20. The axe of your people

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    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Our modern axe now is memes

    2. Alistair


      Still not as fearsome as Ame's axe

  21. "No matter how many friends you lose... You can always make more." - Micheal J. Caboose

    How come the biggest idiot of RvB has probably the wisest quote?

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    2. Wolfox


      nope, he actually said no matter how many friends you lose, you can always make more. heck, it was in his own episode about making friends

    3. Shamitako


      I mean that the phrase is just a fancy way of saying that friends are disposable.

    4. Wolfox


      not wrong, but the way he said it, that's where the gold is

  22. Having finished Season 13 of Red Vs Blue, there's only one thing I can say...

    Ain't that a B*tch

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  23. Why is this the best ever?



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