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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. You are the Oceans Gray Waves~


    Suck it Blues!

  3. true, finding the moment to set up with it is key, but when it gets one simple booster Calm Mind up... Kiki kinda bited the dust
  4. I think if Suze knew he would have had it taken down a long time ago, considering he and his devs will threaten you with a ban if you ask them to fix a certain thing in your save file...
  5. We can’t just wait with lives at stake
    Until they think we’re ready
    Our enemies are gathering
    The storm is growing deadly~

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox



      If I'm correct Ozpin and the rest of Team RNJR are gonna try to unlock Jaune's and Oscar's semblances



    3. Dreamy


      Seems likely, I wonder if Oscar has his own semblance, or the same one as Oz.

    4. Wolfox


      Either option will piss people off, but I think he'll have the same as Oz, seeing as their Aura have mixed to a certain extend

  6. Redemption Badge Count: 4

  7. Listen up, strap in, notify your next of kin
    You're about to take a ride a little on the blazing side
    Guzzle down your Red Bull, you're gonna need a bucket full
    You're watching me accelerate, tear up on the interstate
    A certified monster, I'm an absolute trip
    Like Otis Redding, Hard to Handle, so you better get a grip
    Super fast, super fly, bonafide wise guy
    Call the morgue and say goodbye
    Write your will, it's time to die~

  8. Okay, so... Can I dub these people as geniuses or crazy people? or both?

    1. Ainz Ooal Gown

      Ainz Ooal Gown

      Now all they need is to put a warrior/samurai soul in the sword, and Tadaa! a RL Honedge is coming to life! But i wish they made Aegislash instead XD

  9. I think there are about 0 shiny locked mons in Reborn as of now. And knowing Ame that will most likely not change (Think about it, what's more evil than letting shiny hunters soft reset for maybe day or weeks?)
  10. Best mon? Nope. Best cry? YUP

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      hmmmm, don't agree. lt's Good, and one of the best. But it's not Floatzel Cry~

  11. It's 2 weeks till Ultra Sun And Moon are out, this leaves me with 2 weeks to decide the two most important things: Which of the two games and what starter?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wolfox


      thing is, sometimes a "Choose My Starter" can be fun, as it puts you at the mercy of others and makes you hope they don;t f*ck you over.

    3. Alistair


      That's why I don't do that for Reborn. I know I would end up with a Chikorita =p

    4. Wolfox


      Nah, I for one would not be evil and set you up with Chimchar or Fennekin

  12. Well, looking at a let'splay I learned why I would never beat Zeta/Omicron: I can nto do Rotation/slidin puzzles to save my god damn life. and one gym has both of those guarding the leader! Interesting idea, but I can not deal with those

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      that can be, for guides to work you still need a basic understanding of how they fuction. and my brain can not find out how they function

    3. FairFamily


      not as much as you think.

    4. Wolfox


      you'd be surprised

  13. Redemption Badge Count: 3

    Gym Leaders Beaten:





    Next in Line: Mira (hopefully)

  14. There's one thing in Fire Emblem games that I Absolutely hate. Sand levels. it hinders your movement SOO MUCH


    What made me realize how much I hated it? well, I was playing through Echoes and I reached Grieth's citadel... the movement outside of it is HORRIBLE and the less said about how that battle went, the better. (My game thought it was XCOM and decided that 75% of the attacks I made should miss.)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      I just did a desert level in Rekka no Ken last night but I can't empathize because I've been feeding Florina kills all game and she pmuch bopped everything.

    3. Zargerth


      From what I understand, sand levels, especially the ones in Echoes aren't well received. Grieth's Citadel is for me the most time-consuming, not because of the sand but because of the constant summons.

    4. Wolfox


      the summons weren't that bad, the second Leon decided he wasn;t an XCOM Unit the summoner just had one trick left: Play dead

  15. I think it's in the same pile as giving us a Mega Mewtwo for Ame at the moment. the new EXP Share has been a major complaint for people in gen 6/7 because it made the games too easy, and Ame does not want to make the game too easy in any way shape or form. the only thing that could be an argument for justifying it would be that the Common Candy cost would be through the roof, but even then the game would become more of a casual run through game than Reborn is at this point. If you can and want to create a mod, be my guest. But don't get your hopes up on Ame putting it in the main game
  16. Enjoy

    1. HongaarseBeer


      That's mad! Very interesting


      Thank you

    2. Wolfox


      I had a feeling you'd like it

  17. Trust one thing

    Take my advice

    If you linger close

    It's a hefty price

    You and I are not the same

    You don't want the burden of my name...~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      my favorite RWBY song~

    3. Dreamy


      It's certainly up there for me, and the scene it's tied to is excellent (Qrow is the best) But even from volume 4 I don't think I can give the gold to anything but Armed and Ready. though to be fair, I'm bad at picking favourites. My 'best mix' playlist of rwby still has over half the soundtrack on it.

    4. Wolfox


      I mean, all of the RWBY music is amazing. Bad Luck Charm is just exactly my music genre. an amazing piece of Punk Rock. it ofcourse helps that his fight scene with Tyrian (I misspelled that) was either the best or second best of the whole volume, only the revenge of Lie Ren matching it

  18. may I brag about getting about 90% through the first boss in Dead Cells on the first time I ever got there before dying? No? okay then... :(

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well, doesn't matter how far you get if you don't manage to turn it into a W so... no :P Get back out there pal.~

    2. Wolfox


      In time the Incomplete One will fall. for now, however, I am still quite underpowered and getting used to the controls (also I'm that rebel guy playing with keyboard and mouse because I don;t have a controller I can use for it, making the game a bit harder to play)

  19. My sister asks me if I could potentially not eat some of a certain kind of cookie each day. I say "I will". She keeps Explaining why while I already said that I would, and I say "I will" a second time. She STILL keeps explaining because I have to listen while she doesn't, and I say "I will" a THIRD time. AND SHE STILL explains why. I ask how many times I have to say that I will remember to not eat too many of them on my own before she realizes that I won't eat too many. And then after around 5 times of me saying "I will" instead of thanks, I get thanked with an "As long as you don't forget.". So, how many times does one need to say "I will" till it's generally accepted that I said "I will"?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Maybe she thought "I will" meant "I will eat this cookie "? I get confused like that with wording sometimes. 

    3. Wolfox


      I didn;t say the exact words I will because we were speaking Dutch, and I will was the thing that came closest to what I said.

    4. Tartar


      She wanted to tell you, though you didn't seem to want to hear, despite her efforts to prepare a speech beforehand.

      Your best course of action would probably have been to let her speak her mind, and accept her words with decency and a mild temper. It would probably have soured the overall discussion less.


      I can't say I condone this type of behavior.

  20. my question is: Can we face N? technically he was part of Team Plasma
  21. Well... my deck chair is Kaput... thank my lucky stars we had a spare chair. so now let's hope I can find a new one

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