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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. In other news: The "What's on your mind?" bar is giving a Dutchman the finger and is on strike. will this be fixed? how dod this happen? is Ame still planning on taking over Earth? These are the questions that we need to ask people!

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  2. Some people just need a hi-five. In the face. With a chair.

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    2. Wolfox
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Or smote with lightning from on high.

      Also chairs only usually have 4 legs, so it'd be a hi-4 in that case. :P

    4. Ainz Ooal Gown

      Ainz Ooal Gown

      or with spiky bat 

  3. SO, ep 17 community release will hold the keys to clubs. @Jess, @seki108, Insurgence Bug Busters when?

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    2. Wolfox


      oops. my bad. guess I read it a little wrong there

    3. seki108


      I like the idea, though I wonder if 'Busters' is the the right word.........eh, we can think about that later

    4. Wolfox


      true, I think "Late Beta Testers" would be better

  4. it like they were trying to mess with people who have OCD
  5. Can I point out that Articuno isn;t the only dupe? I think I saw a second Terrakion as well
  6. so as a pretty big RWBY fan, I decided "hey, why not try to get into another RT series: Red vs Blue."

    Why did no1 tell me it was genius

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    2. Wolfox


      Let's create a drinking game in case I rewatch it and I drink alcohol then: take a shot every time caboose is an idiot

    3. Shamitako


      I would prefer you not die of alchohol poisoning.

    4. Wolfox


      yeah... that'd probably kill me within a season...

  7. wellicht. now for some insight, it's dutch for perhaps. and I don;t like saying the Dutch word for maybe, so I say wellicht a lot.
  8. pokemon-mimikyu-friend.png

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    2. seki108


      Not to mess too much with an old joke, but isn't Fifty Shades of Gray worse since it was Twighlight fanfiction?

    3. Wolfox
    4. seki108


      Just saw this a while back and wanted to bring it up somewhere........

  9. Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?
    Save me from the things I see!
    I can keep it from the world
    Why won't you let me hide from me?~

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    1. Alistair


      Some believe in fairy stories, and the ghosts that they can't see

      I know that I could do so much, if I could just believe in me

      Mirror, mirror, tell me something

      Can I stop my fall?

    2. Wolfox


      Weiss has some of the best songs in the franchise without a doubt

  10. @Ainz Ooal Gown yeah that kind of a dead give away. (I would have used quote but of course, the one time I need it it decided to not work...)
  11. so I have to be jealous about you giving yourself free legends? what's next, making me feel sorry for someone who stubs their toe?
  12. All my life
    I'm in the stakin' bar
    I got debts, I'm a debaser
    All my life
    Saturnz about to make love
    And I'm just a heartbreaker
    All my life
    And I won't get a take in
    'Cause I'm out when I'm stakin'
    And the rings I am breaking
    Are making you a personal debt~

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    2. ShadowQuilava


      i figured it was, but still

    3. HongaarseBeer


      One of the best songs of the album imo

    4. Wolfox


      yup. it's not on par with songs like feel good inc or Clint Eastwood, but still an amazing song

  13. They see you as small and helpless

    They see you as just a child

    Surprised to find out that a warrior will soon run wild~

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    2. Wolfox


      There's a point where it tips

      There's a point where it breaks

      There's a point where bends

      And a point we just can't take, anymoooore~


      Did the link work for ep 3 btw?

    3. Alistair


      I haven't tried yet, but I will later. Thanks again for the help :)

    4. Wolfox


      don't sweat it.

  14. @Zarc the Link Stone is post shelly only. And since you already have a rock type the only typ I could give is probably setting up rocks
  15. If I gotta pick a favorite candy, it's probably Licorice (dutch licorice is the best), chocolate or chewing gum

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  16. Into the VRAINS!

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    1. FairFamily


      A bit late for that isn't it?

    2. Wolfox


      untill Vrains is over it won't be.

  17. well... earlier today the bug type for my run through black chose itself. How you ask? by being a shiny venipede. so now I'm in drifveil city with a Dewott, an Archen and a Shiny Scolipede. Deerling is on the way to the team

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    1. seki108


      Lucky.  Even with the early shiny charm in Blaze Black 2, I've never seen a non-event shiny in a canon(-esq) game.

    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Eyyy, shiny Scolipede is dope :D 

  18. Qrow: "I'm leaving. And I'm takign my drink mixer with me!"

    Tai Yang: "That's a blender. The one my mother gave me."

    Qrow: "It's mine. I licked it."

    Tai Yang: "That's not a thing! Stop licking stuff!"


    okay, so the Tai Yang Qrow ship is called what again? cuz I think it sailed long ago

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    2. Wolfox


      that second one... it perfectly captures Qrow and Tai's relationship

    3. seki108


      Have to admit, it does sum it up pretty well

    4. Wolfox


      The only thing missing is Qrow drinking from his flask. which seems to be nearly pure alcohol. either that or Tai rarely even drinks a beer

  19. might I suggest getting in the zone? (adding Magnezone)
  20. and that's 2 redemption badges~

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    2. HongaarseBeer


      Nice! I saw that you're doing it as a mono, that's impressive

    3. seki108


      Good luck!  Make them feel the wrath of the Fairies!

    4. Wolfox


      not really a mono, as Altaria technically isn't a fairy. but thanks!


      And I will seki

  21. don't you just love atomic sneezes?

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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The people l hit all the way across the room sure don't.

  22. So, I'm done bindgine RWBY. let's Binge RWBY Chibi now

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    2. Wolfox


      question is: Will Oscar get a Chibi?

      And that first one... Why do I feel like that would be something Ozpin really tried once?

    3. Dreamy


      I hope you like junior detectives!

    4. seki108


      Who needs them when The Mystery Bunch is on the case?

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