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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Ck1t98NUoAAcgiZ.jpg

    We all want to hear this in the future. The revival followed by her signature "Hello Again." and ending with Jaune hugging her.

    1. seki108


      They knew we wanted that when they made this RWBY chibi.......they knew:





      Transitioning into RWBY Volume 4



    2. Wolfox


      RT knows we want it. and if they can justify it I think they want it as well. At least we do still have Chibi Pyrrha

  2. mine_by_jaidenanimations-da25iyq.png

    How to handle your Rowlet 101

    1. seki108


      Are you sure this isn't how we should be handling the owl?


    2. Corso


      There's only one spinning owl:




  3. But it;s Cold without you here

    It's like Winter lasts all year

    But your Star is still in the Sky

    So I won't, say goodbye

    I don't have to say, goodbye

  4. Postgame I don't really care too much about personally. I will play it if I really like the game but other than that not really. completion and sidequests... that's a whole nother thing entirely (never got tested for OCD, but I think Autism can do the exact same thing when it comes to games...) still dreading the day I start a game like Skyrim when it comes to that. I will most likely lose my mind trying to do everything and missing just tiny pieces to the puzzles
  5. Maybe it;s obvious but I binged through all of RWBY in the last couple of days. One of the reasons being "I should get back into the story and everything a bit so I don't scratch my head in V5 all the time."

    This is what I ended up with:

    Watching as the animation got better with each Volume.

    Getting on the emotional roller coaster many times and at tmes even shedding tears (Thank Volume 3 for that) and actually crying like a new born durring the Velvet VS the World scenes featuring I may Fall.

    Watching Jaune go from a gut who can barely lift how sword to someone who could probably match the entire C team with one hand tied behind his back.

    Remembering why I ship Weiss and Ruby.

    Seeing Qrow steal every f*cking scene he's in (sometimes even when he's only mentioned).

    Me actually remembering why @Marcello was a threat.


    I think it's save to say that I spend my time well.

    1. Wolfox


      also, I learned that Ozpin never drank Coffee in the series. Instead, he was a Hot Cocoa addict from the start

    2. Dreamy


      I did basically the same thing just before volume 5 started releasing and I'll do it again before every other volume because its so good.

    3. Wolfox


      same. let's see if that can be the first time I May Fall doesn;t make me cry like a newborn

  6. while I wanna say that you're absolutely right, I can't. Here's why: for better or for worse, HM's have been a part of Pokémon for about 20 years. the only main series game to have removed them was sun and moon. overall Ame has been very kind to use by making them a TMX in ep 16, so we can thank our lucky stars for that. I fully agree that HM's deserve to get smashed with a hammer, but instead of damning Ame to all the wrong places for still making them needed, let's thank her for making them a TMX. personally, I've rarely really felt like it was taking up a valuable spot on my team, as in most cases it will not lead up to a too powerful boss (f*ck foogus island tho, that place may burn to the ground)
  7. you know, there's many thing I like about RWBY. great characters good story. the emotional rollercoaster that is Volume 3... but one of my tfavorite things has to be the references. now the references aren't the usual Pop Culture references, but references to fairytales, important historic people and soo much more. I mean hell the LORE is based on the Brothers Grimm.

  8. 49d.png

    Let's celebrate both of our ships~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      that is so cute.

    3. Alistair


      and so cruel

    4. Wolfox


      Ruby meant it in a good way, but because she's so blunt and doesn't have a good filter it just blurted out. though Weiss would know that she should expect things like that from Ruby if they dated

  9. Remember when Roman Torchwik was the main antagonist? I don't either

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wolfox


      Qrow is one of those characters that steals any scene he's in, even if it's just by mentioning him (remember Tai, Oobleck and the other prof talking about him in a dress?). any most fan art situations he's in could actually happen quite easily

    3. seki108


      Can get on DevArt again, so here's the stuff I was going to post earlier:


      They Burn










       (Can't post the individual images and they are too big for me to upload)......


    4. Wolfox


      "never waste alcohol on fire. use Fire Dust instead!". the man that wrote Qrow's character deserves a medal

  10. To be a good person, sometimes you gotta be cold as Weiss

  11. Never piss of Uncle Qrow kids. He will create more missery for you than any parrent could

  12. if that's the post game, I would like it. ending it off on the handhelds with the team that started it all. though due to me having 0 nostalgia for Team Rocket other than them blasting off again it doesn;t change my hype for the game
  13. if you want, I have a link that can show you each episode on Saturday. like ep 2 came out last Saturday there
  14. At the end of V3, Adam says He'll destroy everything Blake loves. he Starts by destroying Yang. Coincidence?

    1. Alistair


      We were right all along!!!!

    2. Wolfox


      Even Adam knows.

  15. d42f7481ccb7421c531faa6a1d0c347fffa847d5

    Why do I have the feeling that this would be more cannon that Qrow being Ruby's uncle?

  16. you know, it's funny. Gen 5 is my favorite generation, but I've only played through black/white and b2/w2 about twice each. so...

    What team am I gonna use for my new black team guys? pick some mons for me. Oshawott is my starter.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jess


      I'd also suggest Blitzle and Dwebble btw. 

    3. Wolfox


      I used Zebstrika during the first time I played gen 5, so I'll be refraining from that one

    4. seki108


      I recommend Gavantula  and Cofagris (Yanmask's evolution),  if they are both obtainable pre-E4 in vanilla Black.

  17. okay, calling others fat ey?
  18. Jaune: "I think I have to barf..."

    Nora: "Oh! Aim it at the enemy!"

    Ren (as usual the voice of reason): "Nora! That's disgusting. But if you do fele the urge..."

    Jaune: "Got it..."


    Weiss may be my favorite character of the series, but I can not hate any team JNPR moments

  19. Zwei used Flare Blitz! It's supper Effective!

    1. seki108


      Zwei's fire > Cinder's fire.


      He might be the key to beating Salem..........I'm not even joking, with how strange of Rooster Teeth's story telling can be.

    2. Wolfox


      For all we know Zwei is where Phyrra is now. Inside his little head

    3. seki108


      I'm sorry, but your comment made me think of this  (Dumb RWBY, another fandom treasure):


  20. kUg5mqmqT-iSOAuVpqiRPQ.png

    all of team RWBY's faces were a goldmine of laught at this scene, but weiss has to take the cake

    1. Alistair


      Lemme guess. Team RWBY discovering they were assigned to help Doc Oobleck?

    2. seki108


      Those times it goes full anime

    3. Wolfox
  21. well, there's one move that's an absolute must: Air Slash
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFg8BP01F5Q

    mean Velvet, the most badass Bunny you will ever see

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Tbh, I am familiar with Touhou (Altho not much the games tbh) and that character brings back memories. What a cutie

    3. seki108


      @The Grinch  I've only ever played one official Touhou game (and sucked at it).  Thankfully, the world/lore is interesting enough, with enough fan content to last lifetimes.

    4. The Grinch
  23. Finished my first post game story of pokemon conquest (I feel stupid for trying Yukimura's story first...) just a lot more to go!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tartar


      It sounds like a difficult situation, but I'm glad that you thought things through.

      Good luck with the job hunting!

    3. Wolfox


      difficult situations are the ones that like finding me. at the moment it's just me playing the waiting game. thanks for concern tho (I assume you asked out of concern)

    4. Tartar


      Mostly curiosity, though I do genuinely wish you the best.

  24. I guess I should have explained better. I'll do my best to make it as clear as possible Edit: I (hopefully) fixed the intro post enough that the questions raised can be answered. Also, the Semblance in the example sheet is Negative Effect, I simply misplaced that one on the sheet a little...
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