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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. So, I never realized Aegislash is an unpopular pokemon. Apearantly it's not popular because a Sword... Now, I don;t know about you, but to me swords are one thing: Badass. I guess people forget that an inanimate object Pokemon can actually be badass and cool, like chandelure.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wolfox


      guess so, still a better design than Blastoise IMO (I dislike Blastoise. never really liked that mon)

    3. Alistair


      I don't really dislike Blastoise, but it's by far my least favorite gen1 starter. And probably one of my least favorite starters overall. His design is... meh I guess, worse than Wartortle to be sure. And it's not even a very useful mon due to the overabundance of decent Water types.

    4. Wolfox


      yeah. I mean in gen 1 Gyarados has good special, so it can do what Blastoise does and more.

  2. actually, outside of Magnezone it's more of a UU team I believe. and I didn;t know about flygon, it was the first dragon I could think off
  3. New season of RWBY? Check. New YGOTAS Episode? Check. Things that can make this day better even tho it's night already? Yes, I saw grown men forging Wiess Schnee's rapier. Even if the one they dressed aw Weiss held the sword wrong (right handed. we all know Weiss is a leftie)

    1. seki108


      Forgot that I still have to catch up on the Blake trailer (not to mention the new Yang one)

  4. what sort of tournaments? Magic the gathering? Yugioh? VGC?
  5. there's one unwritten rule in smash:

    If you get a kill with the Falcon Punch, it is your match

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I can get a kill with the Falcon Pun.

  6. Well, Mimikyu's getting a Z-move. it's not like that guy needed a buff of any kind, but it most likely got it dependig on the move you need

  7. Welcome to the Forums! Hariyama will be a really good pick, while Fern's Roselia doesn't mind fighting it too much, it's still a great mon
  8. Gardevoir (psychic Fairy. Mega potential) Magnezone (steel electric) Flygon (dragon Ground) Chandelure (Fire Ghost) Crobat (Poison Flying) Absol (Pure Dark, Second Mega Potential) so, we got the 2 forum champs, we got all types you requested, we got the Absol. All the team's missing is your approval
  9. 34cfb345564e2976e3acc6964381df48b5c52e2f

    Why does this make me want a Matrix game in the XCOM Enemy Within/XCOM 2 style?


    1. Zarc


      Zarc ( me ) deserve his own show... :) 

    2. seki108


      Zarc and Pals........or maybe the Suite Life of Zarc and Cody

    3. Wolfox


      WHo's that crazy cook destroying the world?

      Zarc: That's me!

      Zorc: No me!

      It's Zorc and Zarc!

  11. Alright, well if it's no issue I'd like to restart using a new team (yeah, early on. Just figured I'd use a team I actually know the ins and outs of instead of a team that just seems like something I could enjoy. With all this said and done: This would be the team, the trainer card frame and sprite can stay the same. Thanks for you time Edit: Could the trainer sprite perhaps be changed to this: That would be nice Double Edit: Beat nick, not sure where I gotta note that
  12. welp. my GArdevoir in pkm moon forgot Hypervoice while training in Pokepelago... I should have remembered that happens...

  13. In a game like reborn Nature Power is one of the most useful move you can have.
  14. So, acording to Azery I can request a redo here, because I actually can't find the restart thread. with this said, I would like to request the mons to be changed to: Mega Altatia Dragon Dance Return Earthquake Roost Gardevoir (Shiny) Moonblast Psyshock Focus Blast Trick Azumarill Belly Drum Aqua Jet Play Rough Knock Off Togekiss Air Slash Aura Sphere Defog Heat Wave Klefki Reflect Foul Play Thunder Wave Light Screen Clefable Moonblast Fire Blast Soft-Boiled Stealth Rock
  15. When you wanna restart Redemption with a new team but the restart thread aint there yet

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hycrox


      @Wolfox the restart thread IS there, among the others.

    3. Wolfox


      then the link in the redepmtion room doesn't work

    4. Hycrox
  16. Yes. Absolutely Yes. 100% Yes. Chandelure is much better. It hits like a truck (the highest spatkfrom a non legend and non mega iirc), better bulk, only thing Typhlosion has over it is speed.
  17. I think half of your body can become hard like a rock and the other can produce explosions from your sweat
  18. Here's something random:

    If I were a trainer in the Pokemon world, one of the pokemon I would own is a Radidash. Maybe a shiny one even. I don't know why I like it, I just do. And I would never need a Bike anymore

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, I'd also have a Gardevoir as Partner, but just teleporting everywhere would get boring quick I think

    3. Combat


      I mean I'd also have some large flying type Pokemon if I needed to take my time transporting myself, but frankly I just liked the idea of an Abra in a baby sling.

    4. Ainz Ooal Gown

      Ainz Ooal Gown

      Well, since i like nature, maybe i'll have a Salamence then, since i can fly it and sightseeing the whole region

  19. Do I even need to explain why this song and video clip almost made me cry

  20. You know what always cracks me up? That people ship Marth and Lucina. Oh if only they knew...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, but still

    3. Shamitako


      I am aware of this and still see nothing that would interfere with potential shipping

    4. Combat


      I think my only issue is that this is somehow an issue. Some people take their ships way, way too far.

  21. Waking up at 11 AM with music in my head. Must have needed that sleep

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Good, tend to your health! ^^

  22. For the last move on Gardevoir you need Focus Miss. Yes I know, I hate having to run, but it's the only Fighting coverage it gets, sadly but with that you'd have a good Mega Gardevoir on team one, stopping mage Gyarados from dupe typing Hydreigon. Lastly a Fire type llike RK9 or something would probably complete that team
  23. There's really only one custom move I've had an issue with and that's Narcissa's Custom Move. Seemingly 90% chance to raise defense. Combined with a field that blocks one of the two only weaknesses the type has while the only "good" attacker of that type you can have is a Mismagius if you wait long enough for it to learn a good ghost type move... (been stuck on her for YEARS, tried pretty much everything. Actually surprised her fields hasn;t been nerfed yet.)
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