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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. so, custom moves aside, we forget that quite a bit of Gym Leaders in the Canon give you moves that are much worse as well? To name a few: Chuck gives Focus Punch in gen4. Bugsy in gen 2 gives Fury Cutter. Falkner gives roost in gen 4 (why is this bad you ask? why to heal up 50% with a move when you can heal to 100% with an item?), WHITNEY Gives attract (Wow... I'm just hating on gen 2 right now...). Gardenia gives Grass Knot, which one rarely uses. Roark gives Rocks, which in game is about as useful as roost unless you're expecting sashes. hell, the FIRST gym leader TM was BIDE. Misty give BUBBLE BEAM! In short: Gym's giving bad TM's is nothing new. It's a decent (if not annoying) way to help balance your game. Early gym leaders give Bad TM's because if you get let's say Psychic at the second gym leader it's just stupidly easy. Is it fun? no, hell to the no it's not. But would you rather have a game that just gives you good TM's and makes it easy as hell to get through or a game that doesn't do this and makes it more balanced? Well, here was my little counter rant to your letter. Feel free to chew me out over what I said because "This is a fan game, so that should be something that fan should fix!", but just know that it will have about 0.00% effect. If I made you mad with how I reacted, be as mad as you wanna be, it doesn;t effect me at all.
  2. How I would start an RPG:

    Announcer: Name?

    Me: Wolfox Glace.

    Announcer: Race:

    Me: Elf.

    Announcer: Hair collor?

    Me: Silver or Black.

    Announcer: Fighting Style?

    Me: Swinning a Sword around and flinning a fireball on ocasion.

    Announcer: Gender?

    Me: Male

    Announcer: Last question. Any friends playing with you?

    Me: No...

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    1. Jess


      I'd play with you :) 

    2. Wolfox


      eyy, at least that's one

  3. I'll add you to the list of people I gotta PM when I have the chance. Excuses to everyone who's on this list and hasn;t received a PM yet, have been a little busy lately
  4. So, who's looking forward to reborn's Ice gym leader (forgot the name a little, sorry >.<) to have Alolan Ninetales and Aurora Veil?

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      Let's remember Ninetales being a Pix Pix Pixie, so Sawk won't like those.

    3. Zargerth


      Sturdy Sawk can at least break the Aurora Veil, but if you can't defeat A-Ninetails soon after, it could just put up another Aurora Veil. I feel like Steel-types will be more important for this battle, if Serra will indeed have A-Ninetails (and A-Sandslash).

    4. Wolfox


      I mean, those are some of the best things Ice types have gotten since Obama's no, so I assume they will be in her team.

  5. it's a good thing to have both Gardevoir and Magnezone on rotation, as @Zarc would also say, those two are an almost unbeqatable core. as for a Water Type... Milotic is the only one I can recomend, as it's one of the only bulky water types that I don't wanna see burning to death (I kinda really hate water mons, specifically stall water mons...)
  6. It's been quite a while since I watched One Piece (I remember the last I watched was Luffy fighting the poison man). However, this is still one of the highlights:


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  7. Gardevoir.full.2013195.jpg

    And people wonder why I like gardevoir if it's not for the *ahem* reason. this should help them understand

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    1. seki108


      I initially grew attached because of the black hole lore, though it's reliability and loyal knightly status made me like Garevoirs more:


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    2. Alistair


      Gardevoirs are elegant, powerful, loyal and caring mons. There are so many reasons to like them beyond the whole "pokébestiality" deal. It's a bit of a shame, how permanently tainted this pokémon's reputation is by now.

  8. Welp, Go is back, pissed off and ready to be a main character!

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    1. FairFamily


      Main character. Ha!

    2. Wolfox


      we'll see who has the last laugh. He's not in the intro for no reason. And he's more the Joey or Crow of Vrains either way. and those 2 ARE Main Characters in their respective series

  9. Up on Melancholy hill there's a plastic tree.

    Are you here with me?

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    1. IntSys


      But all that I can see, is just a lemon tree~

  10. I fight for my friends.

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    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      And as a friend I lIKE you

  11. perfect, no. about as close to perfect as you'll get: yeah. I'll take the Charmander in that case, I'll PM you once I can trade
  12. I come down to get a drink, find my dog listening to Guns and Roses: November rain.

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  13. I think those chanses are about once every 5 blue moons. so take pride
  14. First thing I do when I wake up: Brush my hair

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      That does seem more important than having a war with your hair so you can at least wear your glasses and headphones

    3. ChaoticStreamer


      yo I had that problem too but I just wear a beanie now, so no effort's needed anymore


      until eventually my hair grows to optimal length and I dye it them I'm pretty much screwed again

    4. Wolfox


      I don't wear hats and such, they don't fit me

  15. all you need is an Area that doesn't separate the block you're standing on and the water, then you can fish. like somewhere next to the fisherman's house
  16. Can someone show me the moment where Game Freak said that the Mons game for the switch was gonna be Main Series? Because everyone is assuming this, but I believe he said CORE RPG, not Main Series. SO for all we know it's gonna be a Coloseum remake, right? Or am I completely wrong there?

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      My point is that we shouldn;t get our hopes up for the switch game being the next main series game, be it gen 8 or gen 4 remakes. It's most likely going to be a spin off like Coloseum

    3. Lucky98


      Game Freak has only ever made main series games. In fact, with them releasing a new game basically every year now, excluding 2015, they don't really have time to make spin offs, so them making one would be unusual. The only reason they announced the switch game this early was because all the people who were upset that USUM is on 3ds (I'm talking about the ones who believed the Eurogamer Stars coming to Switch rumors). They announced the game at E3 as a way to tell fans that they are working on a game.


      Of course this is only what I believe, but I think the game(s) being referred to are Gen 8. 

    4. Wolfox


      I know they did, which really baffels me to be honest. I mean why be upset the a franchise that has had 100% succes on handhelds stays on handhelds? But in any case, I'm gonna try to keep a clear mind about it and not slam my head on the keyboard hoping that the game will have all regions, an openly explorable overworld with those regions, pokemon walking behind you and all the other gimmicks. I'm jusy gonna hope that the game is fun for those who will play it.


      And one hope I've seen that I'm just gonna debunk now tho: Nuzlocke mode. That's a Fan Made thing, gamefreak won't ever add that to the real games.

  17. Tap your toes and clap your hands!~

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  18. So, every time I play Fire Emblem Awakening there's one level that almost brings the waterworks to me. Most likely unsurpsising, it's Renewal.

    Between Emmeryn dying trying to create peace, Gangrell being an asshole about it, the music and General Mustafa...

    It's just so... so sad. You actually feel for Chrom and Lissa, you feel for the whole Halidom, you actually want to gut Gangrell for this.


    Here's the music :3

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Easier, it's not like you're forced to play with Casual on and Grind your units up. If you wanna just play through Lunatic Casual without grinding units, nothing is stopping you.

    3. Combat


      Yeah, I know. I always have issues when people complain about people playing on different difficulty settings. It's not like it a competitive game and they're at an advantage, it's a game with a single player focus.

    4. Wolfox


      Exactly. If they really want hard tho, they should make a conquest romhack that adds Lunatic + as difficulty. I think they won't complain about god damn Dark Souls being hard if they finish that

  19. Little rant incoming~


    Okay, so we all know Fire Emblem Fates right? The game that bit of more than it could chew story wise but is still pretty damn good? Well I'm asking a question that everyone else asked way before: Why the heck is Soleil not one of the Gay Marriage Options in the game? For those who don't know, FE Fates has same gender marriage options, a whole 2 of them! Issue is, they're limited to Niles and Rhajat. Not saying They don't make sense, but why for the love of Naga did they not give both paths a Male and Female gay option? The main reason I'm asking this is because in Conquest you get a child unit that is better at hitting on girls than her Father, this being Soleil (Laslow/Inigo's daughter). She is openly Bi but favors girls, and she's no same gender mariage option... why again? Like I actually don't get it, why create an openly Bi character that wouldn;t know the words shy or shame if you tought them to her day and night for a few weeks, and not make them a possible gat option? Like, if you're gonna push the support boundries and allow the player character to be gay, then at least add the right characters to the options.


    SO yeah, that's my little rant about one of the flaws I see in FE fates that's not related to the story (Which is easely fixable by giving Corin an actual character instead of a bland face with a moral compas straight north)

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    1. seki108


      Seems like wasted potential right there

    2. Wolfox
  20. I still do, I'll send you a PM once I can trade you onetime wise
  21. 7ffe5a5bae7b03ee37b50efd189a0d71--female

    Still a better love story than Twilight

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  22. May I suggest the GBA and DS Fire Emblem Games? Also, Rip your PC
  23. so I just stumbled upon this: It makes some sense. Not my number one, but it does make sense
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