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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. So watching some Generator Rex. What my mind says: You know, this gives me some XCOM vibes

  2. Waking up with a bed head.

  3. MYBG-9bsTNORqA9M1SrALQ.png

    I think I may have fed my character on KoL drunk just a little...

  4. okay, so I understand that dream are weird, but this one did some cake taking...

    It started with me and some friends playing PUBG (already the dreamyness starts, cuz I don;t own that game), however we were physically in the game... it went on kinda usual tll we got to a house. the moment I got to the attic (I misspelled that, I just know it..) I lost the guns and I was in a new years bistro. I sat down facing a girl and the second I was gonna start talking to her I woke up...

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Attic is spelled correctly. 

    2. Wolfox


      Wow, that was a lucky guess

  5. new trailer dropped

  6. latest?cb=20170517194303


  7. Nevermind there's nothing I can do
    Bet your life there's something killing you~

  8. https://prnt.sc/gtangs

    Last Isaac run I do today, I get a seed that would make the Egg clap his feet.


    If anyone wants to try it, here's the seed :)



    1. Wolfox


      UPDATE! Since I didn't get a devil deal till the mom fight it gave me Brimstone and boss rush. Boss rush resulting in Spoonbender. this run was weird, fun but weird

  9. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay Joungster Joey
  10. this weeks vrains:


    Recap... Again...

    Next Week:




    1. FairFamily



      Meh, I think the first recap wasn't really planned. Still this one was interesting. The first one was as well. That cleaning bot got a lot more inteligent. In fact I feel it has become sentient.

      Also this picture made the whole episode worth it:





      For Go comming back? Meh I'm going to see what they are doing with him before I get hyped.


  11. Ever have that feeling that you have an amazing idea yet it would never be realized because either only you like the idea or you have 0 talent in making sure it happens

    1. Yagami



      I have this amazing idea to draw about Reborn.The moment we first enter Shade's gym and before that we see the disaster pokemon.

      Then I remember how my drawing looks and thus it ends.

    2. Wolfox


      How about a fangame or Rom Hack where instead of a trainer you play as a Coördinator like May or Dawn?

    3. Shamitako


      Some 2/3rds of my RPs never start, and I only post like a tenth of my ideas in the first place


      At this point I'm over worrying about it

  12. From episode 5 of D/P in the Anime, ash knows how James feels when a grass type likes him a lot

  13. did he or did he not stand near train tracks?
  14. Train Tracks. that's all I'll say
  15. Depends on the game and other focus. Personally, I would love to see a game focus more on the Pokemon Contest and Coördinator side of the journey over the Gym Badge journey.
  16. I never said you did, I just went on a mini-rant about it because I have about 0 self-control in things like that
  17. Just be happy Incineroar isn;t a fighting type as secondary typing I'd say. it was designed the way it was for a reason and if you ask me it looks good. Like I seriously don't understand why it would be a "bad" design. it's based on a Heel Wrestler, Tiger Mask to be more accurate. So OF COURSE, it will look like a fighter. Never look a given horse in its mouth
  18. As someone who doesn;t understand why people dislike incineroar because "It walks on two legs", I don't really think this is that great. It doesn;t have much in common with the rest of the line outside it being a fire cat and walking on 4 legs. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I don't really think it's good
  19. V5zQ_UILQtyosXbdXsDKDg.png

    When it somes to Nurse Joy, leave it to Brock

    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      "I am a rock, hard willed man! Mega Evolution!" - Brock.2017

    2. Wolfox


      Brock is technically a ground type gym leader tho. think about it, what mon does the Camper in his gym use in gen 1? a DIGLETT. What is his Ace? Onix. What does Onix evolve into? Steelix. Is Steelix a rock type? No, a ground type. Brock is ground type gym leader confirmed

  20. Why hasn;t anyone tried making a Platinum romhack based on Pokemon Contests yet? It seems like that could be an interesting focus for a change

  21. so if all goes well we will be asking @groniack WHY!? instead of @SUZERAIN WHY?!?
  22. Welp, I'm gonna be re-watching the Sinnoh part of the Anime, wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, I can't hate Ash myself tho. If I did I would have never been here on the forums now

    3. Zander


      Sinnoh is arguably the best arc in the entire pokemon anime with a close competition by Kalos. In sinnoh, every single one of Ash's pokemon has character development, something you don't see in other seasons, on top of that even dawn has all of her pokemon have character development. If that wasn't enough, then Ash gets introduced to so many people with different personalities and of course the best rival in the series, Paul.

      Needless to say, you will definitely enjoy re watching this arc.


      And if you feel like it, I am kinda interested in knowing how Ash relates to you being on the reborn forums.

    4. Wolfox


      Very simple: I grew up watching the Anime, that got me into Pokemon. I only started playing Pokemon in gen 5 because the Anime already had me hooked on the series. Thus if I never got hooked by the Anime I would never most likely never learned that there were Pokemon Games which would, in turn, lead to me not knowing about fan games and reborn.

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