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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Happy B-Day, hope you're in the Zone for today
  2. It really depends on if you can keep the story interesting enough. Playability always comes first, remember this please, but if you have enough ideas to fill your game with 18 gyms and an e16, do it. I would, however, say that maybe just 8 gyms and an e4 can be more than enough. As an example, I will give Insurgence. a great fan game, good story, and pacing, and overall just solid. It has a lot of story running but doesn;t use more than 8 gyms, no more than 4 e4 members, it's just like a regular game in that aspect. all that really has to happen is for it to work in your head. If you have enough characters in your mind for 18 gyms and an e8 before even thinking about the evil team, go for it. if you don't have that many in mind, I would suggest just keeping is "small" (small is between "'s because it's still a Pokemon game, those ain't that small in general)
  3. What if I say I'm not like the others?

    What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays?

    You're the Pretender!

    What if I say I'll never surrender?


    And with things like that in my head I usually wake up

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      The song that got me into Foo Fighters, enjoy

    3. Zander


      Wow, this sounds like an anime opening in english. I enjoyed it.

    4. Wolfox


      My personal favorite Foo Fighters song. If you liked it, I suggest you look into the band

  4. I'll throw them on the pile. I will say that another Natural Support for Lon'qu is Cherche, as it finally allows him some closure and gives you a look in his past. And With Nowi... You see a grown man and a thousand-year-old Manakete playing house... It's almost Gregor levels of Gold
  5. If I may ask, would it be too much trouble to add the Quote system to the fix list?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Quote + other forum issues that have been happening since the site update have been known about for a while. At the moment we don't know how to fix them. 

    2. Wolfox


      alright, excuses for bringing it up if it was already known

    3. Arkhi


      It would be convenient to add that to the following thread, though:


  6. you're right, there are flaws with the mug, yet for someone who have never recolored abything but the flower on a floette I think I did a decent job, and at least I didn't make the hair light green with bright red as the darker shade... Also @Swordstar would you mind if I used the one your posted in that case and save what you told me as learning expirience in case I'll ever need to sprite something again?
  7. pls people, tell me what units I should pair up during my next Awakening run :3 thread is there fr anyone to post suggestions in

  8. I'm playing with the Male Avatar. probably should have noted that earlier (heh heh... let me fix that)
  9. hello again~ It's Wolfox. I decided to play through Fire Emblem Awakening again, which is most likely my favorite game so far. But I wanted to spice it up a little: You will choose my pairings. Nothing outside of the game Limitations in support convo's is off the table. you want Gaius to be with Cordelia? DONE! You want Chrom to marry Olivia? DONE! Just tell me the pairs you want and the ones that show up most I will Implement in the game Possible Pairs: Avatar(Male): Chrom: Frederick: Virion: The Vaike: Stahl: Kellam: Lon'qu: Ricken: Gaius: (Who want more) Gregor: Libra: Henry: There's all the option, please let me know who you want to pair up with who.
  10. Playing through my favorite game again, Fire Emblem Awakening. I will actually never get tired of this game. Good Story, great characters, good gameplay. It's no perfect game, but it doesn;t have to be for it to be Amazing

  11. "Real men drink beer!"

    This statement is so wrong that I won't even try point out what's wrong, because it's 100% wrong

    1. Dreamy


      Real men drink whatever they enjoy, because they aren't affected by pressure to fit specific stereotypes

    2. Wolfox
  12. don't worry, it's just a running gag that Ame would do that to try and fend off people just asking when the next ep's gonna release.
  13. I was due a new profile pick. while not my firch choice this time, it is nice. (the one I wanted was to small :()

  14. welcome to reborn! Quick warning: NEVER ASK WHEN THE NEXT EPISODE IS BEING RELEASED! That's one of the biggest no-nos on the Forums. Every time it's asked Ame delays it some more
  15. I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower
    That you made with plastic power
    Your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away~

  16. main-qimg-d90f0f1382311c31c7c8280be6959b

    Does this look like a face of mercy to you?

  17. Welcome, may the Magikarps bless you in your time here!
  18. oh, today is the day? Where's Isa with that new fanfic? none the less, happy birthday~
  19. looking at the gen 2 lvl up movepools... everything was so simple back then...

  20. the friend that got me into RWBY owns the game and still plays it iirc
  21. or this may be a random throw in because Jaune's semblance was meant to stay a secret till we finally figure it out. and then the game gets patched to have that Semblance
  22. Spoiler


    I don't care what you say, I'm proud of this sprite. even if it's just a recoloring

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