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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. it's a bug that's only beaten by Jess' mono bug run of reborn.
  2. Okay, so here's more proof or Wolfy being a moron in certain cases:

    WHile playing the new metroid I went to Area 2. I may or may not have done the final metroid to face there before most others... resulting in my being stuck in an area with no escape till I was able to beat it... Remember kids, when someone tells you that I'm actually smart, you know they're lying

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  3. welp, season 2 of My Hero Academia is over. good season finale too

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    1. seki108


      As it happens a lot of times, I am finally hunkering down and watching a series after it's ended..............

    2. Wolfox


      I mean, you won;t have pressure of gotta catch up with the series as it won't progress till the next season starts

  4. Just a small town girl.

    Living in a lonely world.

    She took the midnight train going anywhere~.

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  5. >started Pokemon TCG for GBC.

    I will have PTSD from Coin Flips

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    1. Alistair


      Don't remind me >~<

      PTSD intensifies

    2. Wolfox


      > last stand, Exeggutor vs Nidoran F.

      > Coin flips fail me, grass leader gets all heads

      > yeah, pokemon tcg is a skill based game

  6. What I wouldn't give to have a YGOPro five acces to the 5d's Turbo Duel rules. Choice between speed worlds, of course. maybe that could paint the way for Vrains style speed duels aswell.

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  7. trainer name: Wolfox trainer type: Lore keeper Favorite type, types or theme for a team: I'll just tell the team: Gardevoir, Chandelure, Absol, Tyrantrum, Yanmega, Gyarados Ace Pokemon: Shiny (Mega) Gardevoir (mega only is possible) Character traits or personality: I would seem cold and distant, yet I would simply be a man of few words. I would travel the region with my Pokemon to uncover mysteries of ancient civilizations. I would at times help the protagonist against the evil team if said evil team would have any interest in the hidden secrets of old for whatever reason. After the first time, I'd give the protagonist a fossil to their choice, a few times in I'd give them a Pokemon egg, a Ralts Egg to be specific. Eventually, I'd probably help the protagonist stand against the evil team in the final stand. (optimal): if you were an important figure what would your sprite be like: kinda like Riley, but jet black hair, red eyes, instead of a hat hair covering one of the eyes (left).
  8. Hello again~ I'm asking this question to you all because... I'm bored. The question should be obvious really, but just in case I'll just throw in the guidelines: What would be your character name be, what would your Semblence, weapon, abilities (if any), character traits, pretty much everything you wanna tell. And as always, here's mine: So yeah, that would be a variation of me if I was a RWBY character. there is another idea I had but that one is not as well thought out as this one is, so... :/ So, let us know what you would be if you were a RWBY character please I guarantee it can be a lot of fun to think of this.
  9. Makuhita. It's not great in competitive, but the second you use a Hariyama ingame you fall in love with the big guy. He hit's like a truck, he has HP out the arse and good abilities. It deserves more love <3
  10. Speaking of Jaune, let's raise the big question: What do you guys think his semblence is?
  11. the biggest change of v4: Jaune was able to hold his own in a fight?
  12. Blake and Yang? coincidence that they are the first two you named?
  13. Well, what better way to start a new discussion topic than by exclaiming your favorite character? I'll give you all a hint to who mine is: I bet you still can't guess it
  14. point I'm at in Evangelion: Depressed Asuka becomes a gamer. She's already my favorite character at the moment, even before I saw that. it does show a more human side to her. granted each of the Eva pilots are relatable to a certain point to me: Shinji in not wanting to disapoint anyone, Rei is being a quiet person and Askua in wanting someone to praise my efforts to a certain extent.

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  15. Banging on the ceiling

    Banging on the ceiling





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  16. that's actually a pretty nice idea, if I remember it I'll try to do it
  17. Hello, it's time for another new quotev quiz thread! this time: What This time: What is your true aura color. So yeah, this is mine: This seems accurate to me, personally. https://www.quotev.com/quiz/1366538/What-is-Your-True-Color-Aura Link is right above this line, please let us know what you get out of it
  18. "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, It's not the end" - Stuard Pot Aka 2-D(Gorillaz) "I smile to hide the fear inside." - All Might (My Hero Academia) "I didn't fail. I just found 10000 ways that don't work!" - Thomas Edison "Don't stop believing!" - Journey "There's only one King (or queen if you're a lady), and that's me!" - Jack Atlas (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's and Arc-V) I can probably get a lot more, but I think 5 is enough for now
  19. Evangelion opinion after recap episode: still good. Real MVP: Pen Pen

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  20. So I broke the first rule of anime again (never question an Anime), but I kinda question a whole genre. I personally like mecha anime. it not my favorite genre but I can sit down and watch it no problem. my issue is: why do they build robots that have a head? what is the structural advantage that gives you? is it to make the enemy potentially hold back because it looks more human? I guess it's cause they look cooler, but I still don't understand.

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    2. Busti


      Wasnt there this one gundam that could transform into a fighter jet? The nose section becoming the head?


      Anyway, the head may also have some aerodynamic function when flying at high speed in the atmosphere. You always see them fly headfirst after all. Minimize drag = extend effective combat radius

    3. seki108


      @Busti  That can apply to a few different U.C. Gundams, but the most prevalent would be the Zeta Gundam and it's Waverider form.  Not sure if that's the one you are thinking of.

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    4. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Actually, mobile suits aren't designed to fight aerial combat under gravitational pull. So the head doesn't have any role for providing aerodynamic function of the mobile suit.

      Even for transformable mobile suit like Zeta Gundam and Wing Gundam, which has fighter-jet form, its aerodynamic function are covered by parts such as curvy shield that attached to the front in flight mode. Later transformable mobile suit like Delta Plus or ReGZ, has some parts integrated to provide aerodynamic support in flight mode.

      Non transfomable mobile suits mostly rely on support flight unit like Base Jaber or Dodai, which used similar to hoverboard, to allow them fight in aerial battle. They also could be attached to the mobile suit as well.

      Of course, the concept don't really apply to mobile suits whose body parts are made up of fighter units, like ZZ Gundam.



  21. I'm pretty sure by now that I kinda suck at Metroid Samus Returns. I've gotten stuck on something that's most likely obvious again

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