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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. that was the best out of the bad situation. would be sad if one of my dreams in life was already neutered (pun intended) that early in life
  2. Plot thickens~

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FairFamily


      I found this episode a bit on the weak side.

    3. Wolfox


      not surprising after we had the best so far in ep 19, always hard to follow up.

    4. FairFamily


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  3. Yeah, trees are Dangerous beings... For anyone wanting to know btw, I can still have kids. my jewels were unhurt in the accident, just the sack
  4. yaboy finally is able to play a Metroid game. got the new Game :D

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  5. not even kidding, when my hair gets sweatty it begind to look like I got the hair of Ryoga (aka Shark aka Nasch)

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  6. @Alistair I warned you that you could feel a little shot of pain somehow
  7. I love Pokemon Conquest, I won't lie there. but there's one thing I'm a little disapointed about, whyre are the two Warriors who have a 100% link with Gardevoir both just randoms? Why did they not make a Warlord or Junion Warlord that has a 100% link with Gardevoir? Are they saving that for a Sequal with a Fairy Type Warlord? What is the reason?

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    1. Corso


      If I had a 100% link with Gardevoir (female), I would definitely not go to war. Plus, the player (the real person, not the Eevee fanatic) already has a 100% link with Gardevoir

  8. Look a the bright side, you learned from your mistake and won;t make it again unless you're running on 2 hours of sleep. Now for a once in a lifetime chance that I missed... oh boy this is a fun one... WARNING: Any male reading this can feel a shot of pain as if seeing someone get kicked in the nards. Proceed with caution. It was while I was in 7th grade. I was really into soccer and I heard that at a certain Friday the club I played at was gonna have a special training organized by the club I was a huge fan of. Now here comes the funny part (remember, kid me was an idiot) on Tuesdays at school we were playing hide and seek, a little moron I was, I thought that hiding in a tree was a good idea. And what tree did I pick? The small tree that would fall over if you look at it wrong... (Again, kid me was not smart). So I was there in the tree, on the smallest little branch where you can barely stand on, waiting for my chance to free myself. Then disaster struck. I fell out of the tree, and I got stuck... The little branch I was standing on went straight through my pants, underpants, and ballsack. Needless to say, I was unable to go to that training, I was completely out of commission for a few weeks and I've never climbed a tree again. And that training never happened again either. Something like that happened a few years later, the class I had been in for a bit but had to leave because reasons (already explained, if you wanna know you can ask) was gonna take Penalty shots against the goalkeeper of that soccer club... I now know I was never meant to keep playing soccer, but those are still 2 once in a lifetime things I missed...
  9. I'm just gonna name the 2 champs and be done with it: Gardevoir and Magnezone.
  10. Opinion after ep one of Evangelion: It's good

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    2. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      She's a competent pilot not counting Nagisa of course.

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      But all depression phase she gone through allows her to master Eva 02's AT Field.

    3. seki108


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      Also, forgot the signature 'ninja'd by @Nagisa_Hideyoshi' on the last posts.

    4. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Ah, I forgot she's nice to everyone except fellow pilots. Just like reasons above. She like being praised or depended. It gave her sense of importance.

  11. How did I forget about that one? it was the best
  12. Really generic probably, but Pokemon Tower Defence.
  13. I think I'm gonna start watching Evangelion either today or tomorrow.

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    1. seki108


      Good luck.  Hopefully you will like it.

  14. Finnished the main story of Conquest. Lord Wolfox was able to make Oichi proud

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    1. U-M


      Conquest was an Awesome Game! I wish my DSi hadn't broken so I could replay it...

  15. “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

    ― Arthur C. Clarke

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    1. Alistair


      And then there's Enrico Fermi just wondering where the heck those flippin' aliens are =p

    2. Wolfox


      well, what if the Aliens are there, but we Humans are the more advanced species?


    3. Alistair


      That's a possibility, the main others being that

      1. aliens are more advanced than us but don't want to let us know they're here for some reason, or

      2. (my favorite) all civilizations are doomed to collapse before being capable of interstellar travelling.

  16. completely depends on what the transactions are for. if for exaple you need them to fully play a free game, then they can f off. if they turn the game into a pay to win game, well the same. if it for example allows for a new character design or class and it's not too expensive, then they're not that bad IMO. in most cases I'll curse about them tho
  17. a12.png

    I think I know what All Might's favorite game is

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  18. If I lived in the pokemon world I would catch them all, melt them down to doorbells and melt down those doorbells, that's how much I hate the damn bell
  19. 5: Liepart. probably the only gen 5 mon I actually hate. 4: Sableye. Never liked it, most likely never will. 3: Pelliper. Oh now we're getting into the real hate. First, I rarely like water types and generally hate them, so that's already a big minus. second, how does a cute and fast seagull become this ugly toilet looking pelican that can barely outspeed anything? third, WHY DOES THAT BIRD LOOK LIKE A TOILET? Like seriously, what was the plan behind that? Do most people in the pokemon world just catch it to take a shit in it and whipe their ass with it's wing? is that why it looks like a toilet? If nothing else gamefreak knows it sucked before gen 7 and at least attempted to fix it I guess. 2: Bronzong. Now Pelliper is bad, but I hate bronzong even more. I DESPISE this oversized doorbell. I rarely hate on object pokemon, but bronzong and bronzor I will burn down when I have the chance. the main reason I hate it so much is because before gen 6 it pretty much has only 1 weakness. either heat proof halves fire damage or levitate completely negates ground damage. and with such a defensive typing I just have to think that it was just a Joke that got out of hand. and before you say "But Proto Wolfox, Metagross, Klefki and Magearna are EXACTLY the same!", remember that none of those have an ability that 100% negates one of the few weaknesses it has. 1: Toxapex. Now this mon, oh this mon I hate more than any of the other entries I gave out COMBINED. First, it;s design is shit, it's complete and utter garbage. Second: The way you gotta catch it. you have to beat up innocent Corsola for a 1% chance to even encounter it. Third, The way it's used. It's no secret that I absolutely hate stall, so when a mon is made to be a pinacle of stalling... it doesn;t take a genius to understand this combination then. the ONLY thing that I will say is redeamable about is is it's signature ability. you know, the one that no1 ever uses because OFCOURSE it gets regenerator? for those who don;t know, Merciless makes any move that is used on a poisoned target a crit. I personally really like that ability, sadly it's really misplaced on this oversized sushiroll. I mean I'm very happy that Salazzle and Toxapex didn;t swap signature abilities, but it would make more sense when it comes to stats and movepool. Now before you say "But WOLFOX! Toxapex isn;t that bad to deal with. You're probably just really bad at the game!", please attempt to fight it of with a fairy monotype team and tell me how you like it now.
  20. probably not very impresive, but I've beaten Julia/Florinia with just one mon multiple times all it takes is a Mightyena with Bite and Moxie. (you heard it ame, nerf Mightyena)
  21. If Konami would be smart, they would release a Yugioh Game based on Link Vrains. it could work well with the 5d's story mode style or something. or it could just be an online game

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  22. Went to see Dunkirk with two friends yesterday night. really good movie

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