5: Liepart. probably the only gen 5 mon I actually hate.
4: Sableye. Never liked it, most likely never will.
3: Pelliper. Oh now we're getting into the real hate. First, I rarely like water types and generally hate them, so that's already a big minus. second, how does a cute and fast seagull become this ugly toilet looking pelican that can barely outspeed anything? third, WHY DOES THAT BIRD LOOK LIKE A TOILET? Like seriously, what was the plan behind that? Do most people in the pokemon world just catch it to take a shit in it and whipe their ass with it's wing? is that why it looks like a toilet? If nothing else gamefreak knows it sucked before gen 7 and at least attempted to fix it I guess.
2: Bronzong. Now Pelliper is bad, but I hate bronzong even more. I DESPISE this oversized doorbell. I rarely hate on object pokemon, but bronzong and bronzor I will burn down when I have the chance. the main reason I hate it so much is because before gen 6 it pretty much has only 1 weakness. either heat proof halves fire damage or levitate completely negates ground damage. and with such a defensive typing I just have to think that it was just a Joke that got out of hand. and before you say "But Proto Wolfox, Metagross, Klefki and Magearna are EXACTLY the same!", remember that none of those have an ability that 100% negates one of the few weaknesses it has.
1: Toxapex. Now this mon, oh this mon I hate more than any of the other entries I gave out COMBINED. First, it;s design is shit, it's complete and utter garbage. Second: The way you gotta catch it. you have to beat up innocent Corsola for a 1% chance to even encounter it. Third, The way it's used. It's no secret that I absolutely hate stall, so when a mon is made to be a pinacle of stalling... it doesn;t take a genius to understand this combination then. the ONLY thing that I will say is redeamable about is is it's signature ability. you know, the one that no1 ever uses because OFCOURSE it gets regenerator? for those who don;t know, Merciless makes any move that is used on a poisoned target a crit. I personally really like that ability, sadly it's really misplaced on this oversized sushiroll. I mean I'm very happy that Salazzle and Toxapex didn;t swap signature abilities, but it would make more sense when it comes to stats and movepool. Now before you say "But WOLFOX! Toxapex isn;t that bad to deal with. You're probably just really bad at the game!", please attempt to fight it of with a fairy monotype team and tell me how you like it now.