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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I'm not sure wether I love or hate Ghostwood.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      It's amazing, but it's so accurate that it makes you wanna punch a wall

    3. Shamitako


      It wouldn't be near as good if it didn't

    4. Wolfox
  2. I never really consider a mon a Fakémon, I just treat them like any other new mon I've never seen/used. in that sense, I don't think it makes a game worse if t has "Fakémon" or "bad" ones at that. if you wanna make some of your own mons reality in your game, let nothing stop you
  3. okay, so the Beanslinger class in West Of Loathing is pretty broken.

    Powerful attacks: check.

    Powerful AoE Attack: Double check

    Self Buff: Triple Check

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HUEnd


      The stun mechanics are the real broken thing on WoL, specially because you can just Lasso everyone and GG.


      Trying to do the Really Hard Way achievement w/Cow Puncher n' Susie and you can basically Haymaker/Lasso every battle and (try to, at least) skip all possible fights with skill checks.

    3. Shamitako


      Game generally seems more fun if you avoid combat as much as possible TBH

    4. Wolfox


      the combat doesn't take away any fun, but the dialogue has to be the best part about it so far

  4. Sylveon. shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as Fairy type is my favorite. fun fact tho: Fire is one of my favorite types, but I dislike Flareon. just got it's move-pool and stats all wrong...
  5. The Adventures of Wolfox Glace, the Beanslinger of the Burning Beans has begun!

  6. I've just purchased West Of Loathing. haven't played yet, but I know I won't be disapointed

    1. Shamitako
    2. Wolfox


      dw, you'll get it sooner or later :)

    3. Shamitako


      Mostly later *Jealousy*

  7. I don't, I simply know this move got cut by heart for no reason, and that Infernape doesn't get it by tm for even less reason
  8. Can I get the Team RWBY Border with as avatar pls? :3 Edit: Forgot my SHowdown name >.< it's Wolfox Glace
  9. would you allow me to tell you a late game Insurgence challenge we'll both like?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      do note that zygardog does have a backsprite, but no shiny sprites, front or back.

    3. seki108



      Wonder if it was a scrapped idea that they didn't bother to remove?  Feels like an intentional tease.......


    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      an npc in one of the pokemon centers mentions alola, and that alolan pokemon are currently not found in torren. they also state that they may be introduced later on, when more info is available about them. not certain that it will happen, tho.

  10. Gardevoir. one of the Forum Champsm it's already found its way into a lot of teams. the Opera singer of Death will most likely be one of the stronger mons you can obtain overall (and knowing Ame loves Gardevoir, she'll most likely not put it too out of reach yet)
  11. when you wanna try to start a new game (Kingdom of Loathing) but Wolfox is taken. and here I thought my name was original

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako
    3. Wolfox


      At least Wolfox Glace wasn't taken yet, if that was I would have flipped a few tables

    4. Shamitako




      I don't usually have much trouble, but there are a couple other KosherKittens lying about

  12. The War of the Worthless is over... Genex has been toppled by the Mekolrds of all things. Then again of all things Genex won the primairy bracket, so I can't say shit. It was a fun duel tho, Genex Dragon playes were made, meklord plays were made

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, instead of just the Genex player trying to proof Rata wrong. the Genex vs Meklord match was amazing without a doubt tho, coulda went either way

    3. FairFamily


      Agreed, I also think the neos player did decent as well for actually summoning neos in a relatively consistent way.

    4. Wolfox


      Daigusto Emeral is a Neospacial, pass it on

  13. Crobat was added to reborns Hall Of Champions? nice

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alistair


      eww, that sucks... thanks for the tip Yagami

      and there goes one of my Reborn favs :( 

    3. Yagami


      You can still load up your save in episode 16,teach it acrobatics and then load the episode 17.You will have to box your gen 7 pokemon before doing this.

      I definitely did not do that in rejuvenation to teach my crobat acrobatics.

    4. Jess


      Crobat unable to learn aCROBATics by level-up... Game Freak is such a joke at times...

  14. Chuck Norris once fought Superman. Loser had to wear their Underwear over their cloths.

  15. I'd love to see it, but the chance of that happening is real, really low
  16. 2 introduction post before lunch, must be a special day today. Welcome
  17. Giraffes were created when Chuck Norris uppercutted a horse.

    1. seki108






      IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!  What a terrifying power.....




    2. seki108


      This reply inspired me to do something stupid: I'm going to try to find some way to post an image of every Friend from the Kemono Friends anime on various statuses and maybe in threads that it would fit.  They might just be reaction-style screencaps or images I've found on Pixiv.  


      Now let's see if I actually find a way to follow through without looking like a semi-furry, a random loony, or a complete weeb (though vote's still out on that one).......or I might just drop the idea out of embarrassment when I wake up tomorrow for even considering it.


      Current count: 5


      Small Clawed Otter, Ocelot and Kaban on Isa's page

      Common Racoon on Ame's page

      Reticulated Giraffe on your page




    3. seki108


      Now that I had time to sleep on it, this is definitely a dumb idea that I'm probably not going to seriously try.  Too many 2 second cameos to keep track of.  Just changing my avatar and cover pics to something KS is enough for now. I'll just stick to being the mecha fan that occasionally posts Kemono Friends.  


      Thanks for maybe reading that late night ramble (and hopefully not silently judging me too harshly).

  18. tomorrow I will be the proud owner of 2 Gorillaz CD's (plus the one I already own that makes a good 3 :D)

    if all goes well that is...

  19. sometimes people have psychic moments. I once predicted someones first 3 nuzlocke encounters perfectly
  20. DfQqM.gif

    this is my mind most of the time

  21. Accepting suggestions for good venusaur nicknames now

    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      Venusaur? Err... Rafflesia Bibs?

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