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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Nuzlocke, cuz sometimes I wanna see others suffer >:) (and because if you do win you have a lot of bragging rights)
  2. Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush (one, two, three, four)

  3. If Saitama had All Might's quirk (One For All, pretty much Super Sayen ut without requiring you to scream about 5 days to charge it up), would we have a literal gow walking among men?

    1. FairFamily


      Nope, the origin of Saitama seems to imply he is beyond the gods (not kidding).

    2. Wolfox


      holy shit...

    3. Shamitako


      TBH, the way OfA works, I'm Psure it wouldn't help Saitama. It's not a percentage upgrade, just a flat increase. And as OP as All Might is, he doesn't even scratch the surface of Saitama's power


      And whoever got OfA next would probably esplode instantly from the overwhelming power, so that sucks :P

  4. I ain't happy

    I'm feeling glad

    I got sunshine, in a bag

    I'm useless, but not for long

    The future, is comming on~

  5. What fossil pokemon is your favorite?

    Mine is Shieldon, it just looks like a cute puppy with a shield for a face, how can I not love it?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      three way tie between Archeops, Kabutops and Tyrantrum.

    3. Alistair


      Shieldon is really cute =3

      But Aurorus is my favorite ancient mon. So beautiful, majestic, and with an uncommon typing <3

    4. Busti


      My favorite will be aerodactyl. What a glorious beast!

  6. now for another joke... or a few... Once we reach the steel type gym, it's time for an Attack on Titan(ia)
  7. even with lights on Cain's quotes can make any person laugh
  8. Sawk really won;t do you much good, so replacing that with something else should work
  9. Someone once tried telling me that Steven was a better champion than Cynthia. Their reasoning: "Steven has a Mega Metagross, but I've never seen Cynthia with a Mega!"

    So they were trying to sell me that in gen Mega Timeline, Cy thia would not be able to use Mega Garchomp if she wanted to because in gen 6 she didn't have one... flawed logic if you ask me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FairFamily


      Most people most likely won't realise how powerfull blue was in Gen 1 (including me) since pokemon was extremely glitchd and unlimmitted rare candies was a thing.

    3. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      12-year-old me had no idea what glitches even are and most people probably started playing when they were even younger than me, so eh.

    4. FairFamily


      I was younger and I think that's how I won the game for the first time. It's a long time ago so who knows. Still I'm pretty sure I knew about the missingNo glitch from a very young age.

  10. *insert Cain quote here* C'mon, most of the things Cain says could end up here
  11. Sometimes you could say Charlotte is a hot head. And you can't be blamed for thinking that, her fuse is always lit
  12. You know, Hardy seems really hard headed sometimes
  13. in the forum rules it actually states that each person can only have 1 trading thread, to avoid people just ceeating one for each pokemon or item they want
  14. we back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Roserade's one of my fav mones. Wasn't a lot of roserade gifs, but super lucky I found this one.

    3. Wolfox


      roserade's been my number one a few years, then got dethroned by gardevoir, then got second place stolen by Lycanroc. still my number 3 tho

    4. Shing



      Gardevoir used to one of my favs, but got dethroned by many others where I liked different species n such more.

  15. This isn't much of a joke, but just really funny IMO: Someone I talked to once: Dark Rising is easily the hardest Pokemon game ever made, no questions about it! Me: Are you sure? just over-leveled teams seems easier than reborn to me. Him: You idiot? Reborn is probably like the easiest of the bunch! Me: We'll finish this when you actually played the game, kay? Now for a real joke: Julia might have some anger issues, she seems really explosive sometimes!
  16. I feel so smug when I wipe my glasses already, and I haven;t even had a good sassy/smartass glasses push up yet

  17. I think I'll do a new run, but I will first complete my main run
  18. Got a desk chair now :o maybe sitting comfy will reduce all the downs life gives me rn till I'm at an up again (way to make a positive thing sound depressing, ya dingus!)

  19. If Gyarados was in reborn still it would most likely be the third forum champ together with Gardevoir and Magnezone
  20. I wanna appologise to everyone who keeps telling me the exact same things when I have another of my depressed moments. I should work on getting control of those and not letting my emotions take control of me, I gotta get rid of my demons before I can get further in life, but some of those demons just like to stay out of reach or play dead for a while (for a lack of better words). I think a good place to start would be to find a way to let my emotions go before the bukket overflows, hard part is that due to some issues in the past I kiiiinda taught myself the idiot "lesson" to not show emotions unless you have no other option... (Long story, made a thread about it once a few weeks or maybe months back. not sure how long ago, just sure I made it) if I could control at least that then there's a good chance that it would all go better.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      I believe I do know where it comes from, already explained the stress part, so I'll go from there: When I'm stressed about something big, like exams or how the future will go, I am also less able to contain many emotions. now on the one hand that's good since that teaches me to not store up my emotions till it's too late. On the other it does increase the risk of the bukket overflowing. when the mental bucket overflows, I tend to have a patern like this: Anger, regret, sadness and regular. thus the stronger the emotions were, the longer any of those ones can last. the depression could likely stem from the sadness build up due to the stress before release being the biggest factor in the mental bucket. before you question how I figured that out, I've had some help figuring how my mind works in the past

    3. Jess


      I understand that. I honestly don't think that "how the future will go" is serious enough to stress about. If it was a serious depression issue, then 100% of people would have depression, since everyone has a future awaiting for them.

      You just live day by day, setting small goals. These small goals are easily achievable, but they accumulate with each other to create a bigger goal.


      Also, I never stress about things that will be done and about things that won't be done.

      Things that will be done, will inevitably be accomplished, regardless of how much time and effort I'll have to invest, so why worry about something that will be accomplished?

      On the other hand, things that won't be done, will not be accomplished, regardless of my effort and time. So why stress about something that won't be done anyways?


      Moral is, just do your best and have no regrets. Failure doesn't exist. It is just another step towards success. So why stress about taking your steps towards success?

    4. Wolfox


      great points. guess I'm just really too easy to stress out at times (heh heh)

  21. Ame has actually stated that she will never let Ash Greninja roam free in reborn, as it's too overpowered (completely agree there) and would make reborn too easy.
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