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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. if I had one wish that could actualy be achiefable, it would be to have like three days per week where I don't hear or see or read anything about relationships. because what better to ruin a good day than some accidental rub it in the face about how people around you are happy together while you're almost at the point of crying yourself to sleep some days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zargerth


      By the sound of it you're not in a position to be in any kind of relationship. You need to get yourself sorted out.

    3. Jess


      I have said it before, but I have to do so again. If someone is happy and shows it, it isn't "rubbing off his/her happiness in your face". I dn't wanna sound rude, but the fact that people show their love doesn't have to do with you, Wolfox. 

      The world doesn't revolve around anyone. When you're in love, the world revolves around the one you love, and you have to show him/her your love.


      Don't be so self-centered and stop seeking others to show false unhappiness around you to comfort you. It is unreasonable and insensitive. What if they did the same to you, whine about you being depressed and about how it gets them sad too, and demand you to put on a false smile to conceal your true emotional state?


      Wouldn't that be equally unreasonable?

    4. Wolfox


      it would. and I'm not saying they're trying to rub it in my face, just that it does feel that way sometimes. and you're highly likely to be right Zargeth, gotta get over my demons before that.

  2. you know what's fun? just roasting someone for no reason other than them saying they play better without Stealth Rocks? because why the fuck would a fairy players not run it even if they've never clicked it in the past?


    Seriously sometimes I wonder why people call me rude when others can pull shit like this and be okay...

    1. Zargerth


      That person should have used Toxapex, if they already didn't.

    2. Wolfox


      it wasn;t even in battle, I was in a room in showdown discussing my sets and I said that I rarely if ever actually use rocks on a mono fairy, and suddenly it went from a discussion to a 2 people roast the one person who uses the team the way he likes it

  3. So for the people who missed the thread, I got glasses now. when I put them on at home I had to sing "I can see clearly now~" so I guess that says how much it was needed

  4. hey, all I know about Danganronpa is the first Anime so don't judge pls
  5. I think UDG is just a spin off
  6. as fair family said, it's determined once you get your started, maybe even before
  7. Wait wtf? Wolfox is evolving!!??? Congratulations! Your Wolfox evolved into Wolfox with glasses! So yeah, I got glasses. got my eyes checked last week and got them today. Just wanted to share it with ya'll. (also, that's a new shirt, picked it up today as well.) So which do you like better, me with or me without glasses? @Nameless have I gotten the +2 in cuteness points? I know I could have made a status update about this as well, but I just felt like this would reach the friends I got here sooner/better since on a regular day a status update made right now would be gone before too long.
  8. after I get back home 2 pics getting shown on the forums. again, if you're interested, keep your eyes open for them ;)

  9. Bakugou.Katsuki.full.1990431.jpg

    Need I even explain why this guy my favorite male character from My Hero Academia?

    1. Yagami


      Well,this is my favorite character.


  10. gonna upload 2 pics of how I look irl tomorrow, thos interested should keep their eyes open~

  11. faries have few offencive moves, but they are everywhere. some are weak and others are just really strong, so dark fighting is just a huge target on the back
  12. it's most likely due to Squirtle being 4x weak to delta Bulbasaur, which I believe suzerain dubbed the best of the 3. making Charizard the one in the middle due to him having some more weaknesses but also better offensive possibilities later on. like once you get Shadow Ball and Dragon Breath is usually over for your opponents
  13. Suesrain (not sure if that's the correct spelling) has actually stated that over the full game, Squirtle is probably the worst starter
  14. Decided to watch the My Hero Academia dub, and I gotta say that it's pretty damn good in voice acting

  15. What's more brave? Being brave enough to show fear or being fearless?

    1. Alistair


      Reminds me of something Ned Stark said in GoT season 1, along the lines of true bravery not being fearlessness, but overcoming your fears. Which I rather agree with.

      You can't be brave if you don't know fear. You just sort of walk through everything and you're never truly tested.

    2. Wolfox


      exactly. granted some fears (like my biggest fear) are hard to overcome

    3. Combat


      I mean, a wise man once said bravery and stupidity go hand in hand...

  16. I could, but I decided to name my team after the Gorillaz in general, so 2D is the right name
  17. I was looking for a pic to post on a thread to clearify what I meant and I found this:


    I don;t know why it is, but it's perfect. Though I think 2D is the smarter one between him and Ash, and 2D has a blank sheet of Paper for a brain

  18. I actually named my Delta Mander 2D. Cuz it looks like he has two dents in his head where his eyes are, and in the Gorillaz lore that's what their lead singer (2D) has, resulting in his black eyes (he has 2 8-ball fractures thanks to murdoc driving one car into his skull and murdoc launching him out of a second car) Like this:
  19. I love pokemon, but sometimes the learn set of mons don't make any fucking sense. my favorite example , even worse than Entei not learning EQ imo, Is Infernape. I would say that ape knows how to punch stuff, right? Then why doesn;t it get Drain Punch?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I was moreso referring to the mons themselves rather than the types, but youre right about that. steel nerf was nicely done, and I really cant say anything about the recent paralysis and burn nerfs either. heck, even thunder wave got nerfed and that was a good thing.


      still, sometimes they just throw all logic out of the window by creating things that really should not have existed, such as speed boost blaziken or shadow tag mega gengar. compared to those, drain punch on infernape should really not be considered broken at all.


      that being said, they did do some things right in that aspect too- thank god snorlax doesnt get slack off. it would be a monster.

    3. Wolfox


      it would be a


    4. Alistair


      Sometimes game devs do blunder hard and then just leave it like that, for various reasons like laziness, thinking things are alright as they are, or simply not seeing the problem at all...


      Let's take an example from Hearthstone. There's a legendary card called Millhouse Manastorm. It sucks. Really, really hard. Now, a legendary being bad isn't exceptional in itself, there are others like that. What makes its case interesting, is that it wasn't meant to be that bad.

      I recently watched an interview of the former game director, Eric Dodds, who was asked a question about Millhouse, and he stated that it was originally supposed to be a card with a lot of open-endedness and possibilities. He went on to say that the staff had never imagined this card would backfire so hard on its users and be so unplayable.

      They know the card isn't working as they had thought. Yet they never changed it. They just acknowledged it as being nothing more than a joke legendary because of how bad it currently is.


      Sometimes, game designers are in charge of universes so monstrous, they can't be bothered to change things that don't work or don't make sense. They just don't care about it as much as we, players, do. It's true for Blizzard, and I suppose it's true for Game Freak too. So we end up with ridiculous things like Infernape not being able to learn one of the moves that make the most sense for him to learn, or Millhouse being unplayable.

  20. well, since it's a 1% encounter I think it's save to say that it won't be in the first 5 encounters ()
  21. Wrong game dude, this is a thread in the pokemon Reborn line while you're talking about rejuvenation. also Lucario is only available as Jackpot Starter there (as ninja'd by @Sapphire Mahala)
  22. Good luck. early game delta's will be few and far between, but once you reach a certain point you could be swimming in them (PS, keep a dragon type just in case )
  23. I get on my laptop to look something up and what do I see? a rainbow. today was a good day

    1. Zander


      You saw a rainbow on your laptop? Like when the screen shines in the sun, that kind?

    2. Wolfox


      no, through my window I saw a rainbow

    3. Zander


      Oh wow. It's really a good day for you then

  24. There's few things that can ruin my day when I wake up as happy as I did today. Today is a good day :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I don't think so, that would be simply boring

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      @Alistair I wanted to say that :[

      top ten anime betrayals


      nice day is good day tho. cant get enough of those.


    4. Alistair
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