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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Dutch music is not always good. Usually it can be labeled bad. But it has it's gems.

    This would be one of those gems if you ask me

  2. Guess who's back

    Back Again

    Blue Angel's back

    Tell a friend

    1. FairFamily


      Now we can cry how Go isn't seen anymore.

    2. Wolfox


      he's still in the intro, so I still have hope he'll become useful! if nothing else make him a Manjoume

  3. I'm gonna start with one pokemon that people always overlook: Hariyama. While the base stat total is higher than 450 (Which I believe it a bit low for something like this, due to many evolved mons surpassing that even when they're not "strong") it's a mon often overlooked. I used Hariyama for the first time during my second run through reborn, and oh boy did it's shoulders hurt from carying the team from time to time. After checking via the Showdown team builder, I noticed that many of the mons with a BST of 450 are either stage one or basic pokemon, thus there will most likely not be too many posts here about many mons with a lower BST. A nice example, the worst regional bird, Noctowl, has base 452. that should say how low this bar is set and that it should be raised a bit
  4. 98495.jpg

    Sir Integra. If she says she could have you dead when she wanted to, believe her

    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      This is Sir Integra Fairbrook Hellsing and the master of Alucard we're talking about. When you have the strongest vampire at your command, well, you can pretty much have someone die for real...

  5. me + resizedimage575369-unox-kip.jpg = happy lunch

  6. Quick disclaimer. It may seem like I'm depressed 24/7 if you look at my recent status updates. This is however not true, I'm just in bit of a bad place lately, and I dare you to stay as happy as possible all the time in a situation like that. so yeah, that's pretty much it

  7. I did notice, never posted it here tho because then maybe people would say "Well, I like Zekrom more than Reshiram, so Red Eyes even though I have no idea what you're talking about"
  8. Little life update in general (it's late af so any spelling mistakes will be blamed on that)


    Relationship Status: Nice joke

    School/job: gonna start with that somewhere soonish, but still shit

    Motivation to improve myself: Let's keep it at low

    Happiness: let's be optimistic and say morderatly low. some of this comming from my sister and her almost perfect relationship with her BF almost making me wanna cry sometimes. (I know I should be happy for the people around me who are happy, but a little trouble in paradise would be a refreshing change every now and then. Am I a bad person for saying this?)

    So yeah... that's pretty much it

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Wolfox


      you're correct jess, it just takes a little while...

    3. Jess


      I know the feeling... :( Stay strong! Remember, even in the worst possible situations, you're never ever alone. It's always you and yourself. He is your best friend ;) 

    4. Wolfox


      that's true.

  9. Windmill, windmill for the land
    Turn forever hand in hand
    Take it all in on your stride
    It is ticking, falling down
    Love forever, love has freely
    Turned forever you and me
    Windmill, windmill for the land
    Is everybody in?

  10. EXACTLY! Physical fairy types that work well are rare, which is why Azu outclasses Primarina and even Tapu Fini to an extent. You'll have enough moonblasts or d-gleams in a fairy mono team, thus that side of primarina's stab is already rendered kinda outclassed. meaning all it really brings is screens, which Klefki provides better, and surf/hydro pump. and Azu has Waterfall and Aquajet with Huge Power so... yeah this is why I say Primarina is outclassed by azu
  11. it seems you do @Seal you would be surprised, as Alolan Ninetales works better on Ice Type Teams due to hail being negative to all but ice types, and fairies don't like DoT on themselves
  12. I was eating a cherry filled donut at the Vancouver Tim Hortons when Robin Sparkles died and Grudge was born...



    This is false btw, in the HIMYM story that happened be was born, and I've never been in canada yet


  13. simple jess, ribombee was already mentioned in the opening post, thus there was no need for me to post it a second time. if I were to include the ones in the opening post I would have had a few paragraths on why Gardevoir should be there 100%
  14. *grabs out his notes on every fairy type in the game* Ahem: Clefable, stall breaker, bulky, great mon Togekiss, Evil, Togeflinch Azu, It's Azu, need I even explain why Azu is great? Granbull, physical attacker, good move-pool Florgess, special wall, support moves Sylveon, PIXELATE HYPERVOICE Klefki, duh Primarina, not an amazing fairy, but it's the best you got early game. best replaced with Azu later for obvious reasons (sorry to burst bubbles, but compared to Azu Primarina is bad) Comfey, stally mon Mimikyu, see Klefki and Azu for reasoning, Kevin cares not those would be the best you could pick from, there are some I'd say would be better left unused on this list, but you can't throw hissy-fits on what mons to use in reborn so I won't mention them (Spoiler alert! Primarina is one of them)
  15. I agree with Commander quite a bit as well, only I'll say that I'm extremely happy reborn doesn't have Pokemon walking with you. Overall it's nothing but a gimmick that people have too much of a fetish for IMO. yeah, it's fun in the games that have it, but if all games have it will it still be equally fun? Also, it really doesn;t suit Reborns setting to just see a guy throw himself off a bridge and see your Feraligatr just dance around in happiness. Sorry for my little rant, I'm just getting a little sick of people thinking that such a gimmick instantly makes the games better. because it does not.
  16. don't you love it when you wake up and your hair decides to just moint to every angle?

  17. Is it weird that I feel like my soul mate lives in Canada? And do other also feel like theirs lives a few countries away (no, if you already found them it doesn't count)



    Wolfox making a status update about love that's not depressing? is something wrong today?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I dont particularly believe in the concept of soulmates tbh. so ill abstain.

    3. Wolfox


      understandable bibs

    4. EndearingCharacterTrait


      I guess it's more likely than not such a person would be far away all things considered 

  18. Honestly, I feel really simple in this case. If you wanna gen mons to play with friends and friends alone? do your thing. if you wanna play in competitions and such just breed if you have the time. I won;t say the game was ruined by them, nowhere near it even. in fact, it opens up multiple ways you can play the game. If you wanna play PvP, then you can go through all the hoops and IMO it can be fun at times, or you can gen in the mons in if you're doing something with friends (Like the UCL with NAPPY, Nexus and the others was). if you just wanna casually play the games because you like that they're fun, you can still do so, nothing is stopping you. And while your idea of sending babies into the wild is not inaccurate, those wild Pokemon were babies at some point in their lives, and most f the time they'll be sent of on Wonder Trade lately
  19. So no one told you life was gonna be this way~

  20. Jack Atlas and Kaito Tenjo reached my island in Tomodachi life! Making that Kaito Mii was harder than you'd think

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