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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. you are who you are. if others judge you over it they're just not worthy of your time. and good luck on the fangame
  2. Added Cyborg Noodle to my Tomodachi Life Island. I mean if I wanna have all members of Gorillaz, I need her aswell

  3. It's funny to me that people make Gorillaz fan art in which they ship Noodle with 2-D. Issue is, 2-D will most likely have more of a brother sister relationship with noodle, cuz she joined the bad at the age of 10 while he was around 19 to 20.

    And to finnish this little rant, some Noodle art :3



    Also, a gorillaz video got a bad rep on tumblr because it would be too "sexual".


    How is a 13 year old girl dancing in her room and just having fun too sexual?


  4. how does one evolve delta lombre?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I got delta lotad, but no water stone, thus I'm trying to get the info to be able to aply it

    3. Zargerth


      They sell evolution stones in the department store in Helios City (I think it was called that). If you want to play it safe and save your money, save before buying anything. If the stone you bought doesn't work, reset.

    4. Wolfox


      thanks for the tip

  5. so I went to the city earlier today (only a 12.7 Kilometer bike ride, no big deal) to make an apointment for my eyes to get checked. I decided to check out the media store to see of they had anything nice. I reached the music stall and what did I find:


    The latest Gorillaz CD. so now I own a physical copy of said CD

  6. UPDATE! My Mii and the Noodle Mii got married :3 guess now it's just another time wasting game, but a really fun one at that

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox
    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Sure, go ahead dear. Don't forget the hobbit height!

    4. Wolfox


      right then, I'll PM you for some details~

  7. 16123587_405803819761516_377266291590823

    how many pissed off dbz fans does it take to debunk the fact that this is what would happen if saitama decided to punch goku at about 1% of his strength?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I don't, it's just funny how Saitama would kick goku's ass no matter what

    3. Cepheus


      I am a Dragon Ball fan... and I 100% approve of that statement... Saitama is a monster

    4. seki108


      Considering the one episode of Dragonball Super I actually liked shows Vegeta getting his ass kicked by a weak gag character (since gag manga don't obey the laws of reality), a gag character of Saitama's level would destroy most that didn't have reality warping/ physics breaking powers themselves.  

  8. Update! Noodle and Wolfox relatioship: Wants to get married

  9. Tomodachi Life update:

    WOlfox and Noodle: Very Much in Love (<3)

    The rest of the gorillaz are just doing what they can in life. Murdoc has slept in while everyone else was already awake, heck Noodle already took Wolfox on a date!


    Might ask for mii suggestions here later on, or maybe you could send me a Mii you made or what not that you want me to use~

  10. okay... so I bought Tomodachi life today. First goal I got set for myself: Get a relationship between My own Mii and a Mii Noodle (gorillaz lead guitar player)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, when a guitar player comes FedEx'd to you, does a guitar solo that sounds like "200 demons screaming in Arabic", does  20 feet high Karate kick and ends it off by saying one word (this being noodle), what else do you call them?

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      The Noodleman

    4. Wolfox


      Update: 2D (Singer of Gorillaz and another mii I threw in on my island) thought I needed someone special, and wanted to set me up with Noodle. so thanks to him HE'S DONE IT!

  11. Breaking-News-Logo.png


    Local Magikarp Salesman is still unable to hatch any shinies, the unlucky bastard will be remembered when someday he will have to retire (not for a pretty long time, but don't count on me never leaving)


    In other news, has the Magikarp Quality been falling? Recent studies show that a certain salesmen we won't name here had some really, really bad Magikarp hatches earlier today! He says that he released them out in the wild where they would lead happier lives, but can we trust this man?


    This has been Magikarp Watch! Stay tuned for another episode (if this pilot got enough views...)


  12. breeding some Magikarps again, finally had the time to do so

  13. made a new tread guys

  14. So... I got into Boku No Hero Academia somewhere last week. really love the anime. SO I started searching "Create your own Boku No Hero Academia Character" a little earlier today and found this: https://en.shindanmaker.com/623315 a random generator for your own character! So people who like the show or are just like "Meh, beats just doing nothing for the few seconds", please share what you got So I'll be showing the one of my Forum name and my IRL name: Forum name: ... okay, so fictional me is actually better at picking up girls than I am... And know how to pick the right one(not my personal favorite or the one I'd pick, but could have been much worse)... I cri every time IRL Name: So real me in there likes guys and is best friends with the person who talks least? Not even surprised tbh. And Teacher again? I guess Teachers are the heroes of the youth. Now, cuz I like doing this: with last names! Wolfox Glace: is this site trying to tell me something with these lovers? This is getting awkward for me... not mad about the quirk and the destiny tho, even if I gotta probably betray lover and best friend... Got my least favorite character as rival tho, so that's nice! IRL Name + last name: .... Okay, those lovers are actually getting weird for me, maybe it really is trying to tell me something... good Best friend tho, she's most likely my third favorite character just because she tries so hard to stand out, but just can't... Also, it must take some serious nerves to just strip down to use your quirk to its full power. (if I had to choose a lover myself, it'd be her, cuz it is not just looks that matter in a partner, not at all, the inside of a person matters more!) Quirk? probably the worst I could get, I'm clumsy and pretty tall as it is, so I would probably destroy more than would save, yet still, they'd allow me to become a pro hero? And now because I like doing it (and I wanna see if I could actually get my favorite girl as lover) I'll do one more! my old online name: So, lemme get this straight: The last one actually has a woman as lover and my second favorite of the main girls at that. It has a quick I could actually see myself having. It has the main guy as Rival, and a good quirk to rival his? AND my lover/Best Friend has a quirk that has to do with sound and could maybe with practice help with making music? Why is this the best one with probably the worst name? I guess good things do come in the end. So those were 5 of mine, I went a little overboard with the amount I decided to do, forgive me.... Please share your own aswell
  15. big family trip today

    1. HongaarseBeer
    2. Wolfox


      fun it was, but I'm completely burned out

  16. "In the end everything wil be alright. So if it's not alright, it's not the end." 2D

  17. When someone coments "What about DBZ? It;s the best anime ever!" On a YuGiOh Video... can I lose hope in humanity yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      my point is: What does DBZ have to do with yugioh? about as much as flys have to do with the internet I'd say, so about nothing at all

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      some people like going offtopic, I guess.

    4. Wolfox


      and that can at times drive people like me crazy

  18. all I trade here is Magikarp, sorry
  19. I'll send you a PM once I have some more in stock, I've kiiinda maybe sort of ran out a little
  20. "Where the bloddy hell have you been?"

  21. Waking up to some Feel Good Inc. If that's not a start of the day I dunno what is

  22. true. I mean I can understand this move (pun intended) as they do wanna give the new Pseudo something to call it's own, outside of it's interesting typing
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