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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. So far my favorite character of Boku No Hero Academia has to be Kacchan, overconvident? more than Saitama has KO'd people with a single punch. Cool power? He creates explosions in his hands, nuf said. cool looks? yup

  2. uhm... for what event do you need 6 quick claws to be exact?
  3. Welp, Magearna is gonna be banned from Monotype. I got things to replace it, but yeah

  4. Just started watching Boku No Hero Academia, I like it alot so far, but one question instantly came to mind:

    If Saitama was in that universe, would quickless still get picked on?

  5. Let's do another would you rather~

    Would you rather:

    Be hunted down by Arceus himself?

    Or have to fight Chuck Norris?

  6. So I've noticed some negativity about Duel Links. That it's getting Stale, that some decks are too OP and need to get nerfed to "fix" the game. All I wanna say to those people is "Welcome to Yugioh!"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ye. some people just complain too quickly. I dont even know which decks should be considering op now, considering harpies have been hit by the nerf hammer, restructor revolution got limited and three-star demotion obliterated. maybe marik shadowgame decks with warm worm spam and time machine/regretful rebirth?

    3. Wolfox


      actually: Naturia, Red Eyes, Ice Barrier. those are the ones I saw most hate for. Hopes up for Genex to reach those hights?

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      id assume ice barrier is from the newest pack? havent played much the past two weeks so I dont know it very well. naturia gets bopped when faced with enemy controller, mirror wall and windstorm of etaqua. and red-eyes... well, summoning it is ridiculously easy, but a high-attack monster devastates them (if mirror wall isnt behind them).

  7. Genes have reached Duel Links? Will they finally be useful in a format, even without they Synchro's? only one way to find out!


    They're still gonna suck aren't they?

    1. FairFamily


      Of course they will. What win condition do genex have without synchro's?

    2. Wolfox


      Genex army that pops a card each time it gets tribute summoned by tributing a genex maybe? Or maybe Genex Solar?

  8. Rivalries between cards in Yugioh is nothing new. in fact, it's been there even since the beginning of the game. Now it's time to discuss one of the first card rivalries here! VS! Which do you like better? Is it because of design or because of Kaiba and Joey? Or maybe you hate them both and wanna rip them up? LET US KNOW! For myself, I like Red Eyes better. In the Lore, Blue Eyes stands for power where Red Eyes stands for Potential. I personally prefer Potential for greatness over straight power. also, I like it's design and upgraded forms better (still waiting on red eyes Ultimate Dragon tho...)
  9. Absolute Power FLAME!

  10. I actually can't wait for the new Code geass.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, being hype and not baing able to wait are not the same thing

    3. seki108


      I guess, though they are usually used interchangeably.

    4. Wolfox
  11. I like how this nacklace depics me somewhat. 2 dragons: a black and a white one. The Light inside me I wish to see, and The Darkness inside of me I fight to keep in check

  12. You know what this also means? Probably this means that The Penta Opp nappy's been waiting on finishing can finish! as Nexus would say to this: SQUEEEE!
  13. Wolfox

    dog run

    Well... Fennekin is a fox, foxes are technically Canine. Also, I don't think absol is really dog based. if anything it's more feline
  14. Got a new necklace

  15. tip: Keep using the Gardevoir till the end of the game. Combine in with a certain electric steel type that you find in Shade's gym and you have a duo that's hard to get past
  16. "You don't deserve a point of view. If the only thing you see is you"

    1. HongaarseBeer


      Ah, playing god. That's a nice song

    2. Wolfox


      indeed, and that quote is one I take to heart

  17. I'll warn ya, not everyone is nice here. We had someone here a few times who wouldn't know the meaning of Respect if you made him take a daily class on it for an entire year, but he's a huge exception to the general population here. anywho~ Welcome to reborn
  18. Last post of the day!

    So you know Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend's horns on it's head? If you draw them out a they sory of create a little heart <3 All it wants is to be loved~

  19. jack_atlas___in_sprite_form_by_mhbarrel.

    Who ever made this is a god

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