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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I mean, he wanted something hard that's not Pokemon, Lunatic + Awakening with permadeath is that hardship he wanted
  2. This just leaked! Cover of of Dave Grohl's new solo album Phonyb Alony.



    Those who don't get the joke, people though he was going solo, but that was Phony Balony



    Wake up...

    Run for you life with me...

  4. Fire Emblem Awakening: Lunatic + mode with Perma death.
  5. _5VW0ED1R-SJCSTfLYVzZA.png

    Not 100% sure I should be able to stand there

    1. seki108


      There's a few of these little place that you stumble upon at times

  6. UPDATE! Venam's hax had run out. now everyone else decides to just hax me to death and back -.- (3 bite flinches in a row, ad in a few ember burns and vital crits... and people wonder why I feel "salty" when the game just decides to give you the old "FUCK YOU Wolfox!" a little more than most would call fair/)

  7. After what felt like years, finally did the mighty Venam get what was comming to her! Her hax had run out and the combination of Yuto the Mightyena, Yugo the Noibat and Yuya the Kirlia got the better of her! Badge one: OBTAINED!
  8. time for episode 3 on Wolfox getting haxed to death by venam! will he beat her? will he get haxed? only ONE way to find out!

  9. warning, the next status update will contain cursing. If you dislike that language do not proceed:


    okay FUCK REJUVENation right now. I FINALY have a plan on winning. get's crit. second try: GETS CRIT BURNED TURN ONE! I get that the game is not suposed to be easy, but hax like that just deserves some fucking cursing

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zarc










    3. FairFamily


      Mareanie being the one that burns you, is so fitting.

    4. Wolfox


      @FairFamilyIKR? the spawn of my least favorite mon with my least favorite move. it can not get any better

  10. Sera has ended more than a few people's runs through reborn. my idea would be a new fire type that's not part ground? Maybe Chimchar or something if anyone has one they can spare?
  11. okay... what's the best place to grind up for Venam? cuz beating up caterpie to get a dog to lvl 18 is gonna take a few years

  12. how long does it take for a woobat to be able to evolve just from walking around a bit? shouldn't bee too much more than getting to the final lock of 1 or 2 shadow pokemon, right?

    1. HongaarseBeer


      I'd say just give it some pokésnax or a massage. That's always quicker. I believe just walking around can take quite some time

    2. Wolfox


      it's in rejuvenation. and it turns out that getting 4 fully locked heard gauges to the final lock goes faster... after learnign that I decided to go with foolproof plan B: Moxie Mightyena

  13. Adrienn should be president, xe actually did what xe said xe'd do
  14. Kiki is touch in general. there's few set ways of beating her outside of simple trial and error planning
  15. Anyone got any tips on getting yourself enthuesiastic about something? even if it means forcefully

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      @Tartar My guess it's because it shows (nearly) the entire history of the Dutch railroads. And it has a lot of old/classical trains. I think tourists are mostly interested in the former and elderly people/young kids in the latter.


      If I recall correctly, there are also several pieces from the Dutch monarchy on display, including their own (no longer used) train


      To be fair, they have tried to innovate slightly, and make it a bit more appealing/interesting to younger people by inventing new attractions. I think they have succeeded in that, but the target group of this museum isn't really people aged 16-40 (unless people in their 20's or 30's have kids). But, that's all just my opinion and from my own experiences

    3. Tartar


      @HongaarseBeer Do you see yourself as a person that likes museums in general?

    4. HongaarseBeer


      @Tartar Depending on the museum, yes. I'm not that fond of art, so I wouldn't visit any museums related to art. But as long as the things they display are interesting, I like going there

  16. I just... reached Kaito's death scene... So if there suddenly apears an ocean where the Netherlands used to be, you know why

  17. Oh, I love the new Lycanroc news. It being my second favorite mon I was happy to see the new form, now with this news, I actually screamed into my pillow out of happiness
  18. I try to stay positive about it. I don't expect the world, thus I'm usually happy with what I get
  19. I actually think increasing its speed and maybe attack to base 100 in a new form won't even make it that OP, as it's not a huge buff, but knowing GF: If they buff something, they buff it good
  20. oh, Mimikyu is powerful. it stands proud and tall in the OU tier and is a must have on ghost mono type teams. I just wanna see how far Game freak can push the envelope with the Pikachu clone (the first good one, may I add. if you don't count the Marill line as Pikachu clones that is, which I personally do). And can you see the Ghost Trial with a buffed Mimikyu
  21. maybe. All I'm hoping for right now is maybe a Mimikyu buff
  22. I agree to an extent, but I think a new Ability amplifying Sound Moves (Like Liquid voice but not terribly limited) would be more likely, or if nothing else an item
  23. It excaped my mind that we most likely get a new Vrains episode tomorrow, I feel stupid again

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