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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Even if just accelerock would get boosted by tough claws stab wise, he will probably get other moves that can benefit from it, like Fire Fang
  2. So... I wanna try to do a Kaito themed run of Over the Nexus. Here's the issue: I have no fucking idea what kinda of deck I would give a Kaito based Synchro duelist before any of his Photon or Galaxy cards were released. So yeah... anyone got any idea's?

  3. Well... I just reached Thomas, AKA IV, his death scene... Stringcounters on my heart got tugged

  4. So... the first Duel that Misael will finish with a definite winner... is VS Esper Robin and Anna Kaboom? Tha's kinda... unfair for Robin and Anna.

  5. Well...

    Sup Dog?

  6. too me: Wishcash. I never liked the mon and most likely won't like it for a while
  7. alright, I'll edit this once I get the time. Edit: Here's the fixed sheet. Hopefully it's good this way.
  8. Count me in edit: So I'm not 100% sure I have to post my sheet here, but I'll leave it here while I go work on the backstory (I like writing them~)
  9. Okay, lemme get this straight. all the people of Astral World duel by using Shining Draws every single draw? So Yusei having topdecking skills like no other and ocasionally drawing Majestic Dragon using the Crimson Drago's ability's is something you get hate for, but that is okay?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FairFamily


      I always hated the shining draw more than I did yusei's top decking. What I did hate about yusei was his insanely specific traps and his exteme luck with shooting star but still lower than the shining draw.

    3. Wolfox


      Atem admitted that he guided the right cards to his hand, yet Yusei has never had this power unless it was Majestic Dragon. And can I say that Judai relied on such draws as much if not more than Yusei and it alway paid out for him in the end?

    4. Zarc


      Darrrrkkkkkkk drrraaaaawwwwwwww , best idiot line of Xexal

  10. Welcome to reborn! may you leave your sanity at the doorstep or donate it to the one who needs it most: Ame (She started it and lost her sanity... she needs some back)
  11. Or we'll have the trainer creation feature back, which allows us to freely one based on reputation!
  12. So I've been binge watching Zexal Seccond for a bit, and I can not wait for the moment where Kaito and Misael finally duel, and that it actually has an outcome!

  13. Site looks clean. GJ @Amethyst

    1. Amethyst


      thanks! i wish i could say i worked hard on it but i was surprised too LOL
      >there was another new update the next day
      so basically i'd like to step into the void now thanks bye

  14. Lemme give you the reason why you should never allow me internet when I'm tired: I start thinking, about everything.



    If Forever is infinity and half of infinity is infinity, isn;t half of forever just forever?

  15. I dunno gen 2 that well okay, but those are good suggestions
  16. oh... in that case... uhm.... (I actually had to get the gen 2 dex to find a good one I'd want to see alolan, I guess gen 2 isn't my best gen >.<) Alolan Granbull maybe? or alolan ursaring?
  17. I only used Garchomp as an example because it looks badass, dw xD
  18. Midday was supposed to resemble a regular wolf where Midnight resembles a Werewolf, the concept and both forms I love personally. And for the bland design, there are more bland mons, not every Mon can look as badass as Garchomp, sometimes we have the ones like midday and Seal...
  19. eh, even if the design is not the best, it doesn't mean the idea was poorly executed. the fact of the matter is, we can hate and rant about how bad it is all we want, it's not gonna change the way it looks. And if nothing else let's look at the positives: Lycanroc Midday had a nice and cool design, so maybe Nintendo wanted to make this form resemble it with some changes that might make it look nicer? And let's not forget that this is not the first "lazy" Pokemon design wise. Maybe it just needs to grow on us some more~
  20. If there;s one Alolan form I actually want, It's probably Alolan Dragonite, give the first dragon and first pseudo some love~
  21. Ice bug or maybe Bug Psychic Alolan Butterfree, I would love that
  22. yeah, or just give it the No Guard from Midnight, that'll make it quite a bit better. for it being unnecessary, it's the first news we got, and it's not from an official trailer, so of course, it's not gonna be something ground breaking. there's most likely gonna be more alolan forms, so there;s no need to wory
  23. you have a point, I guess we gotta wait for game-freak to explain it! in any case, it's rare for me to use the same mon thrice during one gen, as I like to use new mons each time. but since Lycanroc has 3 forms, it's forgivable
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