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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. three damn years. THIS people is why you NEVER ask an artist (creating games is an art, fight me over that if you will) when their work will be finished.
  2. d1dff2c4286eba6750f38331b6478676.png

    Adorable Kawaii-Chibi RAWR!

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  3. Just a quick question, how do I get to Venam's secret room?

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      scratch that... I was just being really, really stupid...

    3. seki108


      We all have those moments

    4. Wolfox


      never say I lie when I say I was dumb as bricks as a kid. because I still am

  4. Golem + Flying type just send out a ground type that either outspeeds or has sturdy (Hey, that last one is golem!) and spam EQ. I used that strat with my golem and gyaradoss (I can suply the magikarp if you want) and beat her first try (which after hearing some horror stories about her I'm kinda proud off). Rain dance works aswell I think? never tried it so don't quote me on it
  5. Not sure if you wand others to add some, but I will either way >:) Apothyl Beach also gives good speed EV's from winguls, all you gotta do is avoid the rare pelliper. For special attack: the volcano at apothyl has some common mons that grant special attack.
  6. a dark type would most likely do really well, as for Serviper... it won't
  7. chibi_galaxy_eyes_photon_dragon_by_rapht

    Chibi Galaxy Eyes, your argument is invalid

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  8. I never knew this.

    Does anyone remember the card Kinetic Soldier? The earth machine that gains 2000 attack and defence when facing a warrior monster. Well I guess Konami loved the card, so they changed it's name to Cipher Soldier.

    I guess Arc-V Kaito wanted to counter Judai or Yuma?

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    1. FairFamily


      Ah... . This might have been a translation "error". I mean Japan to english is not that easy especially when puns are involved. A similar case happens with frog the Jam and Diffusion Wave-Motion these cards have exceptions everywhere.

    2. Wolfox


      true, true. yet it's still realyl funny to me

  9. I decided to watch a little Zexal today, and what do I find: Finally someone who's worthy of calling Kaito their rival (no offence Yuma fans, but the skill gap between them is bigger than Kaiba's ego)

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      All the losses Jack took in the 5d's anime were riding duels, when he stands still he actually did not lose

    3. Zarc


      I don't really see the difference ^^ 

    4. Wolfox


      don't forget! in 5d's you were actually restricted when playing a riding duel, no normal spells, and speed counters. so I guess those restrictions got to him quite a bit

  10. *kicks in the open door so hard it won't even close again* Gardevoir will be a savior for you. Also, Magnezone can help a lot due to sturdy (I really can't help any teams without mentioning these two)
  11. Wolfox

    Eevee event?

    I'm not 100% sure night is another thing needed, but yeah you do need it to be a windy day
  12. as Zarc would agree on Gardevoir and Magnezone
  13. *raises hand to speak* *goes into a thinking pose* I actually have no clue (I love your Yuri sig tho)
  14. Radomus and Noel (father and son, I tell you!)
  15. Best I could guess is to let the female characters be the more liked and developed characters? But then again there's Cain, and who doesn't like Cain? but this is a really good question that I would like to know some more of, so @Amethyst hate to bother you on your happy day, but mind shining some light on it?
  16. can't have good ygo cards without the shitheads, like in this case:


    Flamvell Loreman! (Credit to rank10YGO)

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  17. if all goes well we'll have another Vrains episode the dya after tomorrow. is it strange this one hypes me up more than the first one did?

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean, the opening episode is important

    3. FairFamily


      True but hype is being excited for what is the come. So the hype is determined by how involved the audience is with the story. If you're opening episode generates more hype then your most intense clash then how involved are your viewers with the story in reality?

    4. Wolfox


      good point

  18. Team VS Zetta (forgot to take screens during the battle) and now for the Gyarados (typical, the magikarp salesman has to beat a demonic Gyarados)
  19. Wolfox


    you think Cynthia never lost a battle? or Steven? or f*cking Lance or Alder? or even Iris and Diantha? every champion loses from time to time on their way to the top
  20. Wolfox


    Kinda hard to never lose a battle in reborn even without getting beldum, but yeah you gotta black out
  21. looking at it all, I kinda feel bad for Ame. Her birthday is on a monday

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  22. "If it's not edgy enough, make the hair longer and darker". While I don't know if that's completely true, it usually works (I mean, look at Sasuke)
  23. if you can't beat em...

    Happy B-day ame~



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    1. Amethyst


      thank! and wow, at first i thought that top image was a version of ramiel but amethyst. ramethystiel. or something. i'd be down. 

  24. I pretty much just watch which anime I feel like watching. and you can quote multiple posts in one post
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