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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Got to the point in the ZEXAL 3ds game where I can do a story with myself, what deck do I use: Syncrho. So if anyonw knows a fun and good synchro deck for that game, I'm all ears

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wolfox


      World Duel Crnival is the only one for 3ds

    3. Lone Wanderer Jordan

      Lone Wanderer Jordan

      ...I forgot ;_; You can play as Tag Force Hat Guy?

    4. Wolfox


      you can play as "yourself" after you finnish the ZEXAL story, which if I'm correct unlocks after finnishing Yuma and Astral

  2. a week? I thought it was a month! oh no wait that's every 10th time it;s asked
  3. 52a2900216cd6a18c8dc415ccdb8aab9--awesom

    Not sure if creapped out or amazed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FairFamily


      Wait that's not a slimy flower leaf?

    3. Wolfox


      nope, it's a tongue. he also has fangs there

    4. FairFamily


      Ok, I was worrying I watched too many funny subs.

  4. welcome to reborn~ so I'm Wolfox, I'm a pokemon fan who loves a certain card game (Duel Monsters), music, pokemon (obviously), anime and singing. I'm unlucky to the point where it could be a meme and I have aspergers. I'm also quite stupid at times, to the point where I either forget about many things or I'm just plain being dumb. also I love helping others Ps. I have a magikerp shop on the forums in case of need
  5. Yup! was also thinking of naming Noibat after him, but maybe I can find a better Yugo Noibat
  6. I'm gonna write this run through rejuvenation down in hopes that that will aid me in beating narcissa this time. not sure if this is the right place to post the thread but we'll see~ The team before really doing anything: Yuya, here for your entertainment! and he's joined by... Yuri, goes looney my opponents! Newest member: Yugo got mad at Yuri for saying his name wrong and turned into a Dragon! Will update over time ofcourse
  7. welp, time for my new rejuvenation run, my team:


    Sakaki Yuya! Here for my Entertainment!

    1. Zarc


      lol , next is yusei

    2. Wolfox


      you'd be suprised~

    3. HongaarseBeer
  8. that feeling when you're jackpot starter soft resetting and you see the jackpot. and it turns out to be the one you wanted most.


  9. NEVER ask that, now it's delayed AGAIN!
  10. white was my first pokemon game, and most likely the one game which save file I will always keep, since it was literally the first time I played pokemon
  11. and yet somehow people believe it to be a flawless game. and the one game that managed to do what gen 1 did, fill a whole region with just mons of it's own gen, is somehow the worst, while gen 5 is obviously better
  12. TELL ME, why I always feel a little tired when I wake up

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      it was a mixture of both really, and mainly that I didn't know what else to port in my good morning post

    3. Tartar


      Why do you feel the need to post every morning?

    4. Wolfox


      I dunno, it makes me feel good

  13. someone who started with Gen 1 and isn;t a genwunner? I guess everything is possible... (maybe there truly is love for me somewhere) all joking aside, welcome to reborn
  14. I'm debating watching Evangelion after I finnish 5d's. Since you're the mecha anime expert here, would you reccomend it?

    1. seki108


      Eva is a VERY divisive anime.   For as many people who love it, others call it overhyped garbage (not to the degree of hate SAO rightfully gets though).  Personally, I love it, even once having it in my top 3 (before Anno ruined the reboot series with the third rebild movie).  Some people get pissed that the main character acts like a mostly normal teenager in dangerous situations, unlike other mecha protagonists.  There is a bit surrealism at time, which also turns some people off.


      Personally, I recommend watching the original series (26 episode + the movie End of Evangelion) just to form your own opinion of it.  It is one of those anime that can define an era, for better or for worse.  It's just one of those, "if you are an anime fan, you have to watch this" sort of deals.     If you do watch it, make sure to watch the directors cut versions of 21-24, since they add a great deal of important stuff.  Either the dub or sub is good in this case.


      If you like it, the first two Rebuild films (Eva 1.11 and 2.22) are great as well, though it is a retelling.  Others like 3.33, but it just let down my expectations (though it did give screentime to one of my favorite anime characters ever, though don't know why I like them so much).

    2. Wolfox


      alright, I'll be sure to at least check it out then

    3. seki108


      If you decide to watch sub, this site has the directors cut versions of those episodes (http://www14.soul-anime.us/watch/neon-genesis-evangelion-all-episodes/).  Not sure about a dub site; they used to be on Youtube but copyright.......  A Google search probably would find them.


      Anyway, I'm glad you'll give it a chance.

  15. While I haven;t seen any intentions of Gothitell yet I'm 100% sure it's not a Gardevoir. gardevoir are usually kind pokemon unless corrputed, and thay can't really hide how they look :/
  16. so... thanks to some picture deleting I'm able to download Duel Links again :D

  17. when you say you hate toxapex and someone just sayd "Oh know! how dare poison have a defensive mon that I have to learn to play around!" like the sarcastic asshole he is... and people wonder why I dislike people like that... :/

    1. Jess


      I love Toxapex's design, stats and movepool, but I'd not enjoy facing it. Great defences, Stockpile, Toxic, Recover, Baneful Bunker... So, I feel you.

    2. Wolfox


      I absolutely hate it, I hate stall to begin with, so it's no surprise that Toxapex ends up on my hate list

  18. burrito's are amazing, but sometimes you dread the next toilet visit

  19. buritto's for diner

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Have a great dinner! ^^

    2. Wolfox


      they're home made burrito's (not exactly sure how to spell it) so that shou;dn't be the issue

  20. I didn't, personality wise Yusei and yusaku are just the two closest to me. and well the result is there to see
  21. So I was doing some random things on google and I found this: https://www.quotev.com/quiz/5787132/Which-Yu-Gi-Oh-protagonist-are-you I thought "Okay, let's give it a try, why not!" And as is sometimes popular here I wanted to share and maybe discuss the quiz a little Now without further ado, the one I got was... (Drumroll please~) You are Yusei Fudo You're the cool, clever one who always thinks things through. You are very noble and kind-hearted, and you care deeply about the ones you love. Because of this, others often see you as a trustworthy, dependable person. If I may, this is actually quite accurate
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