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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I think Nintendo won e3 again 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108
    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      joel knows whats up.


      dragon quest in smash is hype tho.

    4. Wolfox


      Now I really wanna play dragon quest games 

  2. Little psa: actors, be they voice actors or movie actors, are not the characters they play. They never have been and never will be. So if a VA gets replaced, stay respectful. If an new actor plays a character you love, same story.


    Do not harass people over stuff like that, better yet, don't harass people period. 

  3. ... wut

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      this showed up in my recommended yesterday too. its horrifying, frankly.

    2. Wolfox


      Kinda, but also amazing 

  4. The 7 page muda has a full page of wry in it, wouldn't that make it a 6 page muda? 

  5. Idk why but I like heterochomic eyes

    1. LeoYT


      They're cool until some uneducated mom says your terminally ill and thinks it's contagious 

  6. Surprise surprise, I failed my year of being positive. 

    I feel like shit, I feel like I'm shit and I honestly feel like I should have stayed in bed

  7. usually I put a different Welcome video, but considering you like your grass Types...
  8. So... I crashed with my bike. I'm still in one piece, the bike needs heavy repairs. 

    1. Dreamy


      yikes, rip you and your bike.

    2. Candy


      bruh. hope you didn't need major treatment for your wounds and stuff 😞

    3. Wolfox


      no treatment

  9. okay, Marisa keeps kicking my ass... I'm getting better, and I have a gameplan (just always keep a Slow time charge ready), but I came to the cluclusion that I need to buy some healing items, but I can probably not reach the shop without using a healing item that I don;t have...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      Oh the massive damage remained

    3. seki108


      It is a bit strange seeing one of the always playable characters only being the second boss in a game.  Just a sidenote

    4. seki108


      I guess I shouldn't expect anything different from the character who's catchphrase is "Danmaku is Power".

  10. update on my Luna Nights shenanigens:

    FIXED THE KEYBINDS! now A is Jump, Y is attack and B as Za Warudo. I'm happy.

    Reached the second boss: Marisa. this is a toughy of a boss. which is where my complaint abotu the grindheavyness of the game comes into play... I don;t have enough to buy healing stuff thus I'll nee to grind... Sigh... if anything that's my only major "complaint" and even then the game is great

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      This would be the theme 

    3. Wolfox


      Also, I feel as though you'd really like this game

    4. seki108


      If I was better at playing faster games on my laptop, I might have gotten it.  I'm still not used to any kind of control scheme, since I've been used to either controllers or a game boy configuration for most games that required quick actions.   Maybe I could eventually get used to it after a lot more practice/ muscle memory building


      I know there are ways to hook up certain controllers to a computer/laptop, but I can't justify the costs of the game and that (especially since only some things have controller support.

  11. A bite more detail on what I do and don't like about Luna Nights this far. 



    It's a Metroidvania. 

    You play as Sakuya. 

    It has a bit of an Order of Ecclisia feel with the combat. 

    The Time Stop is cool. 

    Game play just works. 

    Only beat 1 boss, but the boss fight was amazing. 



    The keybinds for my controller are simply wrong.

    It has an order of Ecclisia feel. (it can be both good and bad). 

    It's a bit grindheavy for currency, which you kinda need to progress due to some pretty high damage areas. 

    Damage scaling seems quite odd as of now. 


    All in all, do I recommend the game? Haven't finished it yet, but 100% if you like Touhou and/or metroidvania's. Plus it's pretty cheap in steam rn. 

  12. Alright, played some Luna Nights. Really like it, but the control scheme is just wrong... B as jump (on Xbox controller) does not work

  13. In happier news:I bought Touhou Luna Nights and am gonna try it in a little bit

  14. In a bit of a dip over my eternal romantic Loneliness again... 

  15. You know what seems like a cool idea for a death battle? Jonathan Joestar vs Simon Belmont 

  16. whenever you need to walk somewhere but wanna do it in style


  17. Don't ask why

  18. my-image.thumb.png.09e223f431f031499311e34cd3fb6fda.png

    My ygo arc tierlist

  19. Thinking about getting the touhou metroidvania

  20. 52 rep left @Amethyst I'm closing in

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Her rep is actually 3.1k. The site update reset everyone's count but you can still see how many upvotes they got before the site change.

    3. Amethyst


      come, overtake me with your own power !!!

    4. Dreamy


      I'd make an "oh, you're approaching me?" meme but I don't have the time, so just imagine it's here ok?

  21. Where did I go wrong? 

    I lost a friend

    Somewhere along in the bitterness 

    And I would have stayed with you all night

    Had I known, How to save a life~

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