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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. If you told me this song was about Link Summoning, I would believe it

    Also I will still say I will most likely like links when I play them

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  2. This latest Vrains episode... it's good, that's all I can say about it without letting out a fangirl scream

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      as I said, the summon of Firewall Dragon was AWSOME

    3. Zarc
    4. Wolfox


      Stardust and Yusei might lose their number one spots if this keeps up

  3. can I just say: I was hyped the fuck up when I saw Firewall Dragon get summoned? I actually had the same feeling as when Yusei summoned Stardust his first time VS Aki, which is always a good thing. Revolvers Reaction to the Link Summon was great "You're using both your ace monsters to link summon!?" The duel may end next episode, but it is a great one so far Edit:
  4. 09d246ebef31a0fdfde137a87589f8087442aca9

    Need I even say the line?

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  5. Even with red not being a meta deck, it has some good combo's (never let yoru opponent get 2 Red Rizing Dragon's in the grave kids... remember this)

    and when a combo get's going... well don't be suprise if you opponent has King Calamity, Bane, Scarlight and potentially Tyrant on the field

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    1. FairFamily


      The problem with red is not going off. The power output of the deck is high. The problem is that it is consistent and can be shut down very easily which sucks. After that you are in an uphill battle.

    2. Wolfox


      true, if you shut it down, it's down to it's knees. but if it gets going before you can shut it down, which can at certain times happen with an early Stardust or Crystal Wing. well have fun trying

  6. froakie might not really be the best starter. Gren is a good and popular mon, but in games like rejuvenation it's not always the best pick
  7. When will the princess

    Figure it out she aint worth saving~

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  8. Wolfox


    or just walking around (I never knew it works)
  9. Sometimes I feel like I got some of the best parts of having a girlfriend right here:

    Emotional support when needed, people actually caring and trying to help when needed, just good people. all that's missing is being able to physically hug when needed and maybe the kissing

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    1. LykosHand


      Me too Wolfox, i fully agree with you.

    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Reliability and trust are huge things too. You don't want someone to ditch you like a toy when they get bored of you

    3. Wolfox


      indeed, I don't wanna become a bannette

  10. I'm gonna agree with Hongaar here. Although I will add the "IT'S BEEN 8 YEARS!" to the occasion. I'm not saying it will be easy, yet it's likely your best option also: Remember that it's not giving up,
  11. Thinking of maybe giving online dating a try so if there's anyone here who wants to try with me :P

    no joke tho I'm considering it


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    1. Shamitako


      I mean, there's like way more people online than in reality at this point. Totally worth a shot if that's something important to you. GL

    2. Candy


      don't expect much, and you'll be surprised :P I met this guy, who didn't manage to make me fall in love, but did manage to win my mom's affection (tho she's never met him). she rubs it on my face that he's the ideal man all the time xD

    3. Wolfox


      never go in expecting the world. go in expecting the least, that way you won't be easily disapointed

  12. welp... I'm feeling meh again. guess having too many happy relationships around me really does burn me out mentally

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    1. Anime


      Go for it Wolfy~

  13. my leg is hurting like hell right now. already took a pain killed tho

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  14. you can use a Link Stone for it to evolve without trading
  15. when you're taking some medicin yet you strugle with getting a smal pill down your throat with your drink because it keeps going back.

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    1. Shamitako


      I just take em dry

    2. Wolfox


      even if the pill is small I always take it with some water, cuz I'm always thirsty

  16. Welcome to the Reborn forums! I would do a huge list buuuuuuuuuuuut I kiiiiiiiiiiiinda just got myself out of bed and my brain is still booting up
  17. I would send you a Magikarp, yet I can't atm, not behind my PC :/ sorry
  18. thanks for the help with that deck, I tried it and it's much better

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    1. FairFamily


      You're welcome.

  19. When the Magikarp is my area and I'm always late
  20. Hope you like clowns singing

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  21. I heard you couldn't get off the tauros. While I can't help with it, I guess you could say you're used to riding a Mechanical Bull once it's over? ;)

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