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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. 7ef48039a5228f1efa37cc2bfd148471.png

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      It shouldn't be Monday

    2. Wolfox


      I hate mondays...

  2. Jess has one aswell Mono type runs aren't easy, but they're not too hard
  3. bvys4pRARo6ZKSfu7_GAbQ.png

    Any one got any idea's on how to improve this deck?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      it's Red Mirror

    3. FairFamily


      Well I feel you have  a bit too much one-offs and ttraps. Also since this deck is poor in card advantage and consistency I advise pot of desires.

      After playing around a bit I came to:


    4. Wolfox


      I'll try this one out, thanks

  4. True, yet when your fire team loses to grass and ice regularly you should probably just try something else
  5. I



    May all the pendulum cards in the world catch on fire.

    I don't care what people say about Links, They will save the game from the pendies

    1. FairFamily


      I love pendulum!!! 

      Also if you think links will save you from pedies, you will be massively dissapointed. Konami one day will run out of ideas and will try their hand at pendulum cards again. Who knows what mad archetype konami will print out just to sell the pendies. You might miss the more balanced pendulum archetypes of today.

    2. Wolfox


      till that day comes they still have fusion, XYZ and Synchro to also try again, luckily.

  6. Maybe it's not my weekend. But It's gonna be my year. And I've been going crazy. I'm stuck in here...~

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch



      Relating rn

    2. Wolfox


      Part of a song

  7. if you have a controller: Castlevania Aria of Sorrow if you don't: Fire Emblem GBA games. If DS Works: Maybe one of the YuGiOh ds games?
  8. I will personally get either one of ultra sun and moon, not because the games are challenging (although the totem lurantis gave me some trouble) but because the games are what they're meant to be, fun. you know that there's also a way to not offend people right?
  9. what-if-i-say-im-not-like-the-otters-mem

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      On point

      I'm a bit bigger than the otters 

  10. Why do some humans use other humans to get what they want?

    1. PESH1


      If you look closely the number of good and benevolent people far outnumber bad and selfish people. One of my friend studying in Delft shared the below article and a video which drives home the above point. 



    2. Wolfox


      I get that, yet a close friend of mine is likely being used by her boyfriend :(

  11. *bows a little* Welcome to reborn. If you have any questions don't be afraid to send e a PM. Cause if I couldn't help someone on here, what kind of a butler would I be? Just leave your sanity at the doorstep, you won't be needing it here. I would love to see you play through reborn on youtube. While Fairy types are my favorite type, I do like fire types a lot, as they're my second favorite type. yet I can't play them in monotype, as I suck terribly at using them. And yes, it is Ironic that I like fairy types while I use a Demonic Butler as a profile picture
  12. *yawns*

    1. goldenchimchar


      *yawns*  It's contagious.

  13. Sorry for posting the thread at the wrong place, just assumed that the wasteland was a well enough place for it :(

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      It's fine. It's not really a big deal, and plenty of people have done it. Like I mentioned, it doesn't penalize your account in any way since it's worth zero points. 

    2. Wolfox


      true, I've had multiple warnings on the subject. still feel like I should apologise for the trouble tho

  14. I think getting a second hand would be your best bet, either that or ordering one online
  15. Do I feel stupid.

    All time low brough out an album called Don't Panic in 2012. The main video clip used for most songs takes place during multiple versions of an Apocalyps with the band just being them (it is animeted btw). It just hit me that it's a reference to the fear that in 2012 the world would end.


    It took me just short of 5 years to notice that :/

  16. only people who hacked them into the game can I'm afraid
  17. Not sure if there's already a thread abotu this, if it is don't judge me pls So we all have music we love. We all have favorite songs and bands/artists. What's your favorite song everyone? Mine has to be a 3way tie between: Weightless by All Time Low, Brick By Boring Brick by paramore, You're So Creepy by Ghost Town Now for some stories behind the songs. So Weightless is a funny story. Back in the day we in the Netherlands had a Music channel called TMF. I once stumbled upon it as a kid and Weightless was just starting. I didn't know what it was, so I decided to watch. I was hooked before the first chprus even started. Ever since that day I always listen to that song when I feel bad and it always cheers me up. It just reminds me of a simple time, and every time I hear the first note of it I just think back to that first time I heard it. Brick By Boring Brick is quite the same story, but it came a little later. Ever since I heard the song I loved it. This is again a song that I loved since I was a kid and I mostly remembered it for years because of the video clip. It bewitched me and capured me completely. Both this song and Weightless have turned into the basis of my love for Punk Pop music and well, I just love it. You're so creepy is another story, I heard it around fall last year and I absolutely LOVED it. It has 2 versions on two of their albums, and the second version did the same as Brick By Boring Brick did, but in another way. I'm an absolute sucker for music like that so it was only obvious. I may not be able to sing the full song like with the other two, but I can easely remember if it's this song if I only hear the first notes. Honorable mentions time~ Honorable mentions are: Time Bomb, Dear Maria count me in and Kids in the dark by All Time Low, The Pretender by Foo Fighters, You and me and one spotlight by Yellowcard, and probably a few more. So yeah, please hare your favorite or favorites with us~
  18. Ame has a "NO! Yes. Maybe..... No!" about putting it into ep 16, but it ended up as a no. so nothing yet
  19. I got four more packs of some amazing chewling gum (it's cola and mint flavoured. it tastes SOOOO GOOD)

    I'm happy again

  20. This is a valid question. however, do you think Sigmund would let anyone adopt his "patients"? much less the older sister of one of his patients? He cares little for their well-being and only for his own goals. hell, he disallows Noel and Charlotte from doing Gym Battles for literally no reason. so while I find it a nice question, the simple answer is that he would never allow it
  21. Just use a name you like I'd say, not really something others can help you with
  22. You forgot Hariyama. while that's one available after gym one, it's a BEAST in reborn
  23. 514ebb409781421ba5715771a36bafdd.jpg

    The sexiest deer you will ever see

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm just sayin' I've seen some sexier deer but for the sake of the children I'll keep quiet ;3

    2. Wolfox


      You have seen a sexier deer than Sebastian Michealiswith a deer head on his head? How?

    3. BlueMoonIceCream
  24. There we go, been a while since I did a profile Update

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