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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. am I the only one here who sometimes loses sense of everything going on for a second and then be like "WTF just happened?"

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  2. I would be a fairy type gym leader who's gym consist of few puzzles and few battles, cuz who actually cares about those? I would also have a healing machine for my opponent right before my battle room, cuz I wouldn;t want them to be tired. My team would consist of Gardevoir, Azumarrill, Mimikyu and Klefki
  3. If I had to chose a favorite XYZ's monster, it would wihout a doubt be Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon

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  4. I felt a little down, but I remmembered something

    I am STILL,


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    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I'm a DM if you wanna talk, dear ❤

  5. it's that time again... I'm feeling like shit, nothing can help it and I feel worthless. I should probably just avoid people in happy relationships till I'm more mentally stable, since this seems to happen every fucking time I talk to someon in a happy relationship

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    1. PESH1


      Though I do not know what you are going through; the following quotes may help you:


      Low self esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on. - Maxwell Maltz


      Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. - Earl Nightingale

    2. Wolfox


      not having things outside of your life make you happy is a nice idea, but when everyone around you is happy and you just put up a false smile so they don't feel bummed out that becomes quite hard

    3. PESH1


      Well I understand that it becomes difficult with time to pretend what you are not; here is another quote:

      This too, shall pass. When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time. When things are good, remember: It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment. – Doe Zantamata


      I was a part of my college Formula SAE team and the following image was taken with a pinch of salt



  6. gonna talk a bit about arc-v again here.


    SO one thing I loved about arc-v, the yu boys all kinda resemble the past protagonist in a way right? summoning methot wise (yuya is an exeption, cuz pendies... fuck pendies).


    what I do love is that the Yuboys are almost exact oppisites of the past protagonists.


    I probably said this once before already, but it's just something I love about it

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  7. foto_chocolade_in_supermarkt-a900x525.jp

    as someone who loves chocolate, you might wanna go to the Netherlands some day and just try to try all the chocolate in a supermarket

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alphagar


      Hah. Nothing wrong with that!

    3. Wolfox


      I know, but for some reason few people outside of the dutch have this. guess they just don;t know how useful it is

    4. Alphagar


      I can imagine. We always had one in the computer and family room. I am half german so :D

  8. if I do get myself that Red deck, I already have one synchro I can use in it:


    got this little bugger from a gold pack, the best Synchro I own irl atm and dare I say, it'pretty strong

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  9. thanks to @Anstane for indirectly reminding me, but yesterday was my third year here

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paul25


      Congratz^^ :) 

    3. Wolfox


      I never paid any atention to it, so you got me to check it, and now it seems I'm a day late

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Congratulations Wolfiee

  10. alright, so I learned how to Mount the Great Jaggi's. now the issue is, either they want revenge for me slaying all their kind, or they really love playing with me. I only need one more King's Frill to be done with them (for now). but they're not really giving them up. heck one lost their head before wanting to give me the frills, so now I have a Jaggi Mask

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  11. well, it's actually impossible to use the @ feature with you now
  12. and how the heck do I get that via my keyboard?
  13. Zarc (I'm calling you that cuz I have no fucking clew what second letter of yours is) forgot to mention that Gardevoir is one of the Dynamic Duo of pokemon reborn. it partner in that is Magnezone. also, Welcome~
  14. If all of you could swap genders for 24 hours, what would you do?

    for me it's simple:

      Reveal hidden contents


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    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      id probably not genderswap at all. im rather fond of this body, even with its faults.

    2. Wolfox


      let's rephrase it. if you HAD to do so, like one morning you wake up and you're gender swapped.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      id...honestly still dont know tbh.

  15. Wolfox

    Help me

    go to the start menu and search Game.rxdata than you right click that file and click open file location (not sure what it is in english, my pc runs dutch) if you did it right you get to saved games, where you would be in the Pokemon Reborn file. change the name of the game.rxdata (like to game1.rxdata or something) and start a new game
  16. if I could get either my speedroids or my red deck from YGOpro irl, which one do you think I should get?

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    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wolfox


      not a fuge fan of Fusion, those uers always get the name of my second favorite Arc-V character wrong

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I just loved cat dancers summoning animation, it was rad, plus uh.. BlueMoon, Lunalight, comes full circle

    4. Wolfox


      true. true

  17. when you get 3 people who forfeit against your speedroids without you even having played Terror top. it's no fun if I'm mid Synchroing and you just end the duel prematurely

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    1. FairFamily


      Well it doesn't beat getting called a noob while your opponent lists off reasons why you are a noob until the moment you beat him.


      Best part I was just testing out a new deck.

  18. For those who don't know, it's also my favorite color
  19. Gunter is een held!


    ( Gunter is a hero)

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  20. once I get the chance to buy a deck irl I'm thinking buying one of two decks I use on YGOpro. either my Red deck or my speedroids

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    1. Wolfox


      or maybe both if possible, kinda leaning toward Spedroids tho cuz a friend of mine plays Predaterplants irl, so we can finaly have th Yugo vs Yuri battle

  21. I'll give you one for free, since one of them is a brain buster. Pierce wants to go to Apothyl if you give him a flyer of there. the rest should be pretty obvious
  22. you got any guides to getting the King's Frill in MH4U?

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    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Just run off a ledge and attack it while you're falling towards it. The more you mount a monster the less of a chance you have mounting it again in a row so when you mount it once, the second one might take a while

    3. Wolfox


      right, guess I'l practice with that some more

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Mounting is really important in MH4U it's one of the best ways to do the most damage

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