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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. welcome to our club~ just a heads up if you wanna try to take this place over, look out for wild Ame's, they tend to stop that stuff
  2. when you duel against a Lightsworn player that doesn;t wanna use Judgement Dragon to end the duel. not sure of brave and respectable or stupid


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      That's a nice one, loved it back in the day

    3. Wolfox


      mine is Stardust Dragon, and no I don't run Junk Synchron, might be a fun idea to throw it in tho maybe even Junk Warrior or something...


    4. Anime
  3. remember that entertainment based field Idea? shoudl I maybe try to start failing to create a decent character for that?
  4. oh right, add anime to that list aswell, and I also like readin, but I'm not a nerd for it
  5. cuz I was late telling you happy b-day

    1. Jmanultrax1


      lol that is amazing, no worries bro

  6. late happy b-day from me aswell :3
  7. you're telling a music, yugioh, pokemon, and language nerd.
  8. anything I must know about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate before I begin the game?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Have you tried the Insect Glaive?

    3. Wolfox


      I have, it's a little awkward for my liking

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Same but jumping around and getting all the meter filled is super fun

  9. everyone into ygo vrains, drop what you're doing and watch the new episode. it's better than ep7 IMO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      the speed duel isn't over yet is it? and yusaku and revolver get stuck in the data storm somehow ;)


    3. FairFamily


      Fair enough, but they switch next episode to a master duel.

    4. Wolfox


      if he's as good at those as he is Speed duels he might not have uch to wory about

  10. When you lose to a Dark Magician deck, you can not be mad. al you can do is know that somewhere, Athem and Mahad are happy


  11. for reborn there's no hard mode, and that's not needed either
  12. I apologise for this

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      screams internally

  13. in that case~ .... what? can;t a guy post a cutesy welcome song anymore?
  14. no issue (even if I didn't help much) and welcome to the forums if you decide to stay here
  15. Mightyena tends to work well, since it;s a dark type with Moxie. also replacing VUlpix and Beheeyem might be useful, since vulpix is a little under leveled and Beheeyem is weak to shades main stab. further taking out his field effect by using discharge tends to be a good idea. another would be Dusclops, since it's a really bulky mon who's stab hit's shade hard, while it also get's hard back
  16. both are good, yet I would start with reborn as that will give you a better feel of how both games function
  17. You've been gone for quite a while it seems, let me recap what happened. some people staged a take over on the forsums, but were stopped dead in their tracks by ame. some of them left, some of them still remain here, now serving ame as she plans to take over the world
  18. Watching the first duel between Aki and Yusei makes me realize, the people in the stadium are idiots. let's provoke the person who if she wanted could kill each and every one of us using just a tradin card! and let's call the one who is doing oir bidding in a duel with her "Satelite Scum", I bet that won't end up killing you

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Mob mentality >-> it's gon' getcha

  19. I personally love danganronpa the animation, never played it cuz I have nothing that can run it
  20. no matter how bad some of the names of dutch rappers are, they are funny and cringy like none other.

    Allow me to name a few (@HongaarseBeer help me if I miss a few, okay?)

    so there are:

    Steen, which means rock.

    Je Broer, meaning your brother.

    Boef, meaning something in the sence of thief, not completely sure what the exact translation is.

    Keizer, meaning emperor


    I think you understand what I mean when I say that those names are bad. like back in my day we had Lange Frans en baas B

    1. HongaarseBeer


      Mate, Dutch music in general and Dutch rappers specifically are god awful. Honestly.


      I feel like your translations are on point and in English it sounds even more stupid than in Dutch...

      There's also Lil' Kleine, which literally means little little (or small small, whatever). Other than that, I don't know any others I'm afraid.


      Also, Lange Frans is also kind of a silly name if you think about it. Yes, it makes sense because he's tall and his name is Frans, but still

    2. Wolfox


      compaired to others, lange frans is still a good name. also while Dutch music is not great, there are some gems between all the shit

  21. Raptor EX, it was a fun game to me and was ocasianally really funny. it tied in some lose ends of the Anime aswell, but not in a way that felt forced. also it hranted me a love for Tangela and Tangrowth
  22. Pharoah Pharaoh

    You're foolishness forces me to sing~

    I shall have both you throne

    And you Millennium Ring~


    By the way
    You slaughtering my home
    Even if it was your father
    Made my rage grow faster
    Made me a right bastard
    You might be the Pharaoh
    But now I'm the Dungeon Master
    Bringing a disaster
    Pardon all my laughter
    (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!)


  23. Wolfox


    Dude, do you know how broken ash greninja is? like it makes Blaziken look like a scared little chicken. you really expect Ame to let that thing roam free in reborn and just making the game really easy for the one who has it? also like I got ninja'd with, ame confirmed it wouldn't be in reborn.
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