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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I'd say Skara, it's something that you most likely won;t ever hear anywhere else and it just sounds cool (and can be changed into a shortened version of her model)
  2. tumblr_lkcfclGhO51qhy4dgo1_400.gif

    Isa when playing or watching Yu-Gi-Oh!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      cuz in yugioh abridges, one of his catchphrases in Nyeh. so instead of nyan it's nyeh

    3. Hycrox


      it's called brooklyn memery

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      And with a mug of coffee


    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      aint no surprise

      check out his red-eyes

    2. Wolfox


      people saying Blue eyes stands above red eyes gives me Rage of the Brooklyn variety

  4. I usually just play main series or reborn. and I know you didn;t say dark rising is hard, but I have some experience with the community. and let's just say that that was not a happy experience. (when someone tells you to stop being lazy and grind the F up and not make excuses when you actually don;t have time, you can get what I mean there) so yeah mainly the community is what's really keeping me from playing it. doesn't help that I have nothing to run an emulator
  5. dark rising is kinda in my avoid zone. since from what I saw of it, it's not generally "hard", it's just really over leveled, and that being it. I appreciate a challenge, such as reborn, but a game where the only thing you can do is just grind up for a few hours just to be on par? just... no. if you like it, be my guest, but it's not my thing
  6. here's a little something about me:

    how I can look on the outside:


    Calm and collected

    how my thoughts are traveling:


    pure chaos

  7. bibs should be the official reborn chancellor xD. and as he said, if that's what it took for him to block you on everything, I think it was not that strong of a friendship. it will still hurt, and that won't stop anytime soon. but beating yourself up over it is the worst thing you can do (trust me, I know). my advice would be to just try to forget about him and this, now I know that's likely the hardest thing, but it's the best thing you can do. a little tip that helps me in these situations is music, lots and lots of music. and of course I'm always here if you gotta talk to someone
  8. would you rather:

    Be on hell of a butler

    have one hell of a butler serve you

    1. Anime


      I'd rather have the latter serve me xD, what abt you?

    2. Wolfox


      either have a, or be Sebastian, I would choose the former. never said that I would serve someone, did it

    3. Anime


      Ah yes you didnt say, i admit thats a smart move^^

  9. melting my mind? you're about 19 years late with that, sorry. welcome to reborn tho
  10. you know, I once had an idea of a Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype. I was kinda tired and playing nightmare troubadour when I thought: "He, why isn;t there an Archetype based on butler monsters? Like Sebastian and Claude from Black Butler?"


    like this one:


    or maybe


    I would have used other images, but you would be suprised for how little Swordwielding butler images there are on google

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FairFamily


      I don't think there can be an archetype just of butlers in yugioh. You at the very least need a master or a mistress.

    3. Wolfox


      a mistres or master, yeah. yet what I had in mind would be "Estate" spell and traps. while only one each can be on the field, those would be the places the butlers reside. it could even tie into an archetype of light fairy monsters to rival them. the butlers having the Cursed and Demonic Estates where the fairy types would have the blessed and Angelic estates. again this is just something that once jumped into my mind and I would like to see, yet I doubt it would ever happen

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yeah, I know the feeling. I built my own archetype.

  11. From Maximillion Pegasus to Chumley Huffington

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ooh chumley-boy

  12. why is this so good

  13. maybe you wanna hate yourself and do a nuzlocke?
  14. who would have thought that a fake smile burns you out this fast? I've had teachers put one up for much longer on me in the past. guess that's another thing I can;t do

  15. just gonna leave this here. translation error or not?
  16. can someone wake me up when it's finaly my turn to have happiness in live? cuz I don't think I can keep getting myself to care about others being happy around me all the time or caring for others who have shit go wrong.


    Where's my happily ever after? where's my it's all gonna be okay person? where is the people who actually forces me to let my heart out because they care? I'll tel you where! nowhere. it has never come yet when I needed it most and I'm losing hope that it ever will

    1. FairFamily


      It might be a bit late, but I'm open for a pm. You can have a listening ear with me.

  17. why did NO ONE tell me there was a Black Butler film released this year

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Wish I could, but I had no idea

    2. Wolfox


      Bassie bea! I will see to it that I see this new adventure!



      Sebastian is the only one I would cross over for, FYI


  18. started trainign on my abs again today. gonna see if I can train 2 or 3 times aday for a short time for now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      And try to push your limits every time you exercise, even if you just do one more rep than the previous time, it's still one rep more

    3. Wolfox


      I will do it daily, no matter what I will not stray from my path! last time I quit because... vacation. 2 or 3 days without really messes up your rythem

    4. HongaarseBeer


      What's also important is to have variation in your exercises. Have exercises for all the parts of your abs, so not just sit-ups

  19. I think it can either be bought at gearen City or the circus place near Golden Leaf
  20. Wolfox


    go back there after you fight Corey, then the police should all be there
  21. I apologise for my use of the word in the deleted status update. there's no excuse for it however. I was a little too vulgar of the matter, I'll agree completely, yet I do atleast hope you get my point I was trying to get across

  22. so here's a question:

    IF Sebastian Michealis and Alucard(hellsing Alucard) would fight, who would win? the man who's simply One Hell of A Butler, or the Gunman Vampire?

    1. Shamitako


      I've been watching hayate no gotoku recenyly and having seen this example, as well as many other examples, if a butler's expected power level, I can come to only one conclusion


      Ciel would win

    2. Wolfox


      I would say Sebastian tbh. while he has limits, those can hardly be reached. and that's using Demon Weapons. Alucard doesn;t have such weapons, so really hurting bassy would be a nice challenge for him. and the only thing sebastian can;t do is eat ciels soul, soooo :/

  23. a new Paramore album

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